Rate the last movie you watched

Xuder O'Clam

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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Idk about 10/10, das a high bar.

But very good movie.

Agree with brett... Keaton was gr8.

These days if you like a movie it's 10/10 masterpiece. If you don't care for it, it's 1/10 trash. There is NO in between.


Apr 28, 2009
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Idk about 10/10, das a high bar.

But very good movie.

Agree with brett... Keaton was gr8.

In full disclosure, I am an easy grader. If I find something I truly like, I can overlook a great many things (not that I personally feel I have with this one however)


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Aug 20, 2012
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I was being more facetious than anything. I watched this when it originally came out about a decade ago. Has Netflix updated it in any way?

Any film or show of this length dealing with the war is bound to have some contentious points, or presentation. It of course is told from an allied viewpoint, which is fine, but I felt the narration was weak, particularly in the final episode, and its seeming reasoning, and justification, for the bombings of Japan. A contentious subject apart from this film though.

It's worth a watch for the visuals IMO. The narration, and script IMO was not as strong.

I hear ya. I don't see anywhere that it's ever been revised. It's a British doc series, it's in English, highlights the European, Pacific and African theatres and timelines, and certainly centers on the British and American points of view. As you said, it's difficult to choose starting points and cover everything. Certainly China and India theatre and timelines are not covered much in comparison.

What did you find suspect about the reasoning for the bombing of Japan? You don't have to source this doc in particular, just your impressions are fine.

Wiki page on this series actually starts off with "Research Issues: The narration includes some inaccuracies and facts open to dispute" for each episode. The one I had heard about was, as the wiki writer writes, "It claims that the Polish cavalry was equipped with swords and lances, in fact they were equipped with anti-tank weapons in the Charge at Krojanty and is German propaganda." I rewatched that, and the doc actually says, "Poland only had 880 tanks. It even had 11 brigades of Cavalry. Lances and horses against amour." while it's displaying a cavalry brigade with some soldiers carrying what appears to be lances with their rifle strapped to their back. Not sure why they had them, or in what instances they would be used. A little latter at 6:23 the narration says, "Legend has it that some cavalry units gallantly tried to attack some panser units." The doc doesn't say they were equipped with swords, but some Pols probably had them along with their rifles, and they appeared to have lances. The doc doesn't cite "the Charge of Krojanty", and does say, "legend has it". I read some historical sources that said in the war some cavalry charged and retreated just to draw in the German armor so that hidden Poles could then use anti-tank weapons. So... accuracy-wise, doc not technically incorrect; but perhaps too close to a false impression, especially saying, "Lances and horses against amour.", but having clearly stated or displayed the Poles fought with tanks, planes and rifles, it's not like any reasonable person would think the Poles only fought with lances or swords.

I expect some minor issues such as these... and I don't mind some colorful stories as long as it's presented as such. I'll have to look over the other noted issues on wiki. Should be interesting.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I hear ya. I don't see anywhere that it's ever been revised. It's a British doc series, it's in English, highlights the European, Pacific and African theatres and timelines, and certainly centers on the British and American points of view. As you said, it's difficult to choose starting points and cover everything. Certainly China and India theatre and timelines are not covered much in comparison.

What did you find suspect about the reasoning for the bombing of Japan? You don't have to source this doc in particular, just your impressions are fine.

Wiki page on this series actually starts off with "Research Issues: The narration includes some inaccuracies and facts open to dispute" for each episode. The one I had heard about was, as the wiki writer writes, "It claims that the Polish cavalry was equipped with swords and lances, in fact they were equipped with anti-tank weapons in the Charge at Krojanty and is German propaganda." I rewatched that, and the doc actually says, "Poland only had 880 tanks. It even had 11 brigades of Cavalry. Lances and horses against amour." while it's displaying a cavalry brigade with some soldiers carrying what appears to be lances with their rifle strapped to their back. Not sure why they had them, or in what instances they would be used. A little latter at 6:23 the narration says, "Legend has it that some cavalry units gallantly tried to attack some panser units." The doc doesn't say they were equipped with swords, but some Pols probably had them along with their rifles, and they appeared to have lances. The doc doesn't cite "the Charge of Krojanty", and does say, "legend has it". I read some historical sources that said in the war some cavalry charged and retreated just to draw in the German armor so that hidden Poles could then use anti-tank weapons. So... accuracy-wise, doc not technically incorrect; but perhaps too close to a false impression, especially saying, "Lances and horses against amour.", but having clearly stated or displayed the Poles fought with tanks, planes and rifles, it's not like any reasonable person would think the Poles only fought with lances or swords.

I expect some minor issues such as these... and I don't mind some colorful stories as long as it's presented as such. I'll have to look over the other noted issues on wiki. Should be interesting.

Always makes me think of Age of Empires when you could get to where tech levels got so out of whack you could actually have cavalry with swords banging away at a tank lol


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Founder - 10/10
This time around I watched it mostly for Keaton's performance which I felt was worth of a nomination.
Founder was the first movie in a long time to fascinate me, especially in business.

Always makes me think of Age of Empires when you could get to where tech levels got so out of whack you could actually have cavalry with swords banging away at a tank lol
LOL! I know what you mean. I didn't play AoE but I played Civilization 3-5, and I never had that happen except rare cases when I made strategic resources blitzes on countries where they had to produce a swordsman being without saltpeter and oil.

Spunky Porkstacker

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Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
Always makes me think of Age of Empires when you could get to where tech levels got so out of whack you could actually have cavalry with swords banging away at a tank lol

Perhaps the swords were made from Valyrian Steel which we all should know holds magical power.


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Jul 25, 2012
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This Geena Davis is a real gem. I remember she had an article at the beginning of 2018 stating how Wonder Woman was proof that a female lead does better than a movie with a male lead. I don't remember all the movies she pointed to in order to make her point, but I remember one was Transformers: The Last Knight....a terrible film in general, not just because Mark Wahlberg was the lead. Of course there was no mention of Jumanji, Thor Ragnarok, etc.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
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Put a female as the lead of a male oriented genre (like action or heist) and both parties will be interested.


Monday Morning QB
Aug 21, 2012
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United Club
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  1. Chicago White Sox
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  2. TCU Horned Frogs
Wow! Looks stunning. When I watched the "World War II in HD Colour" series on Netflix, it definitely had an impact on my perception of the footage I was watching... that being it was real. But this purposely takes that concept all the way, to hopefully engage the quote, “Anyone, who truly wants to go to war, has truly never been there before!”. Looking forward to seeing it.

By the way, have you seen the "World War II in HD Colour" series? For me, the best WW2 war overview doc I've yet seen. Even as a long time buff, I learned many things I had never known before.



I have not seen it but I appreciate the recommendation.


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Jul 25, 2012
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I will say I did like Happy Death Day 2u more than the first one. There are certain parts of the story that don’t make much sense, but this isn’t a very serious franchise so I give it a pass. I was expecting this to flat out suck so I was pleasantly surprised. Just so everyone’s aware, if you are going to see it, there is a post credits scene.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
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I liked the set up at the beginning of the movie, with the Asian guy stuck in the loop this time. But once they switched it back to Tree it became too much like the first to me.

Plus the hospital scenes were a real drag, and there were way too many of them.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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The Girl With All The Gifts - 7/10

Interesting twist on the traditional zombie-plague type drama

Well worth a watch if you enjoy the genre.


CCS Donator
Aug 16, 2011
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wife and I watched Instant Family last night. We enjoyed it. idk why it got bad reviews. I'd give it a 3.5/5
Oct 9, 2012
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Alita was great. The character is so full of wonder and awe and innocence...reminded me of when Wonder Woman first encountered the outside world. She's also ferocious. Such a fun film, 3D is a must.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2011
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As a guy who grew up watching anime and playing certain video games, the universe and world-building of Alita was right up my alley.

That was enough for me, even with some of the questionable narrative/plot decisions.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Alita was great. The character is so full of wonder and awe and innocence...reminded me of when Wonder Woman first encountered the outside world. She's also ferocious. Such a fun film, 3D is a must.

As a guy who grew up watching anime and playing certain video games, the universe and world-building of Alita was right up my alley.

That was enough for me, even with some of the questionable narrative/plot decisions.

Looked cool to me, but I will likely watch it in my home theater when it is released to the Web.
