I hear ya. I don't see anywhere that it's ever been revised. It's a British doc series, it's in English, highlights the European, Pacific and African theatres and timelines, and certainly centers on the British and American points of view. As you said, it's difficult to choose starting points and cover everything. Certainly China and India theatre and timelines are not covered much in comparison.
What did you find suspect about the reasoning for the bombing of Japan? You don't have to source this doc in particular, just your impressions are fine.
Wiki page on this series actually starts off with "Research Issues: The narration includes some inaccuracies and facts open to dispute" for each episode. The one I had heard about was, as the wiki writer writes, "It claims that the Polish cavalry was equipped with swords and lances, in fact they were equipped with anti-tank weapons in the Charge at Krojanty and is German propaganda." I rewatched that, and the doc actually says, "Poland only had 880 tanks. It even had 11 brigades of Cavalry. Lances and horses against amour." while it's displaying a cavalry brigade with some soldiers carrying what appears to be lances with their rifle strapped to their back. Not sure why they had them, or in what instances they would be used. A little latter at 6:23 the narration says, "Legend has it that some cavalry units gallantly tried to attack some panser units." The doc doesn't say they were equipped with swords, but some Pols probably had them along with their rifles, and they appeared to have lances. The doc doesn't cite "the Charge of Krojanty", and does say, "legend has it". I read some historical sources that said in the war some cavalry charged and retreated just to draw in the German armor so that hidden Poles could then use anti-tank weapons. So... accuracy-wise, doc not technically incorrect; but perhaps too close to a false impression, especially saying, "Lances and horses against amour.", but having clearly stated or displayed the Poles fought with tanks, planes and rifles, it's not like any reasonable person would think the Poles only fought with lances or swords.
I expect some minor issues such as these... and I don't mind some colorful stories as long as it's presented as such. I'll have to look over the other noted issues on wiki. Should be interesting.