I get what it was... I just know I've seen it, in that same setting, a number of times before.
There was nothing to Leo or Tom's performances that wowed me... they are well done, but nothing about this film had me on the edge of my seat... no performance of either guy in any scene had me impressed.... I mean half of Leo's scenes were just him made up to have injuries and acting in pain/struggling.
Because the previews clue you in to Leo's son dying and the Bear attack, you know early on... Leo is gonna be hurt, yep, Tom Hardy will kill his son, yep... Leo will survive it all to go after Tom Hardy, yep.... And in the end Leo's character will triumph and get revenge.
At least in The Martian there was triumph of the human spirit but you were not sure how it would all be pulled off lol.
I knew Leo would go down, I knew he would get back up, I knew he would drag himself back to town, I knew he would kill Tom Hardy.