You are dead wrong about Jordan and Collins. Jordan tried to get KRAUSE fired...not Collins. You should find out why Collins was fired. It obviously isn't what you think.
And I guess you are having a hard time figuring out who is and who is not a point guard in the league...because you refuse to answer the question.
I know why Collins was fired and it is common knowledge. Collins was burning out Jordan, even playing him at the point in order to force Jordan to PASS THE BALL. Jordan back at that point didn't want to pass the basketball because he didn't have much talent in his teammates and trusted only himself to score. Jordan was also pissed because Collins ran Jordan's buddy and "protector", Charles Oakley, out of town which really pissed Jordan off.
So Jordan was pissed both at Krause and Collins while Collins was also going behind Krause's back directly to Reinny to get Krause fired. In essence, Reinny got rid of Collins to appease both Krause and Jordan. That is what happened.
As for the point guard question. I answered that with the Wiki definition of point guard. There are five players on the floor for one team at a given time. Historically the game evolved and the player who "ran" the offense was named the POINT GUARD. He was like the quarterback of the team and was charged with getting the ball to the right person to score a play at a time. THe other guard was typicall charged mostly with trying to score and less likely to set up someone else. This guy became named the SHOOTING GUARD.
My point is that these names are merely names because the game of basketball has further evolved into one where the definitions are less clear. Guys like Curry, Westbrook, Hardin and Rose do not fit what used to be the classic definition of point guard. They are score first pass second players. That is the truth of it. I am also saying that the Bulls could very much use a guy who has the prime responsibility of setting up the other players. That is my opinion. YOu can call Derrick Rose anykind of name that you want to as far as what position that he plays but mine is that he is a scoring guard. Same thing with Curry, Westbrook, and Hardin.