All of which have been supported by facts.
You have weakly attempted to spin and nitpick things that tied for 10th isn't the same as 11th.
1. You've never addressed the issues I raised with point 1.
2. I've shown how according to the metrics themselves it says his ratings were average.
3. And again you've given me your opinion and not a fact for point 3. Taking the past three years of data, which includes 2011 where all of the criticisms of Castro are certainly warranted, Castro only ranks dead last in one statistic (fielding percentage by a single point over Ian Desmond). However, by DRS and UZR/150 Castro ranks well ahead of Ian Desmond (-2.6 to -3.4 and -11 to -16). I think there is a perfectly legitimate argument that Castro is better than Desmond, but that is not a fact even though I have facts to support it. That is the issue that I've raised with statement 3.