My only major criticism of Q since he arrived was how he handled Huet last year. As we all remember, French Fries was softer than a roll of Charmin when the season started. This cost the Hawks several games. But Q stuck with the veteran, even though Niemi had showed he could play, especially getting that shutout in Helsinki. But Niemi was a “rookie goalie.” It was pretty obvious what that meant in Q and Scotty’s world.
At some point since then, Q realized it was a mistake to stick with Frenchie when he wasn’t playing well, especially when there was a backup deserving of a chance who had talent and played well when called upon.
Goalies are streaky. Craw just had a hot game so let him get the net for another game as a reward. Competition is good. I’m confident Turks can handle a little competition from a rookie back up, and I’m sure he’s had it before.
Now, Turks is not Huet by a long shot. But I think Turks needs time to get settled, as many veteran players do when they sign as a UFA with a new team. And this situation is especially unique with the Cup hoopla and expectations. If Craw can win a few games and take a little pressure and spotlight off Turks, all the better. Plus then we learn if we have a second goalie who is ready if called upon.
But we will not have a goalie soap opera like we had last year. One, there is no head-case like Huet involved. Two, I think Q learned a lesson (which is a reason why Craw gets the net tonite).