random thoughts
1) For this game, Skille in box, Scott dressing was right move. I said this after the game in Buffalo
2) Patrick Sharp for mayor. Stud on ice, Irish name. Get out the vote.
3) Cuillimore just doesn't suck, he worse than sucks. Allow me to explain. Its bad enough watching a guy try to play defense who can't (e.g. Scott), but for those of us who had to suffer through the Cullimore - Aucoin days and go home nightly contemplating od'ing on whatever was in the bathroom, its much worse. Watching Cullimore brings back my worse memories as a Blackhawks fan. Its torture, it really is. Please send him back to Rockford. Hendry sucks too, but for the love of Mary, please play him instead. Soupy's 20 minutes a game should go a long way in solving this problem.
4) I sat in row 3 of 109 and watched Turco very closely in the 1st and 3d period. Long story short, he really impressed me. Brought back memories of Eddie the Eagle. Now those memories I like. For one, he plays with a lot of confidence. Mental part, check. Positionally sound and sees the puck well. Fundamentals, check. But, as i said after the Jackets game, him playing the puck causes my blood pressure to go up.
5) I ***** about the refs once or twice a year. but that call with Kopey negating the goal was beyond brutal. Question, isn't something like that (negation of a goal) supposed to be reviewed in Toronto? It didnt' seem like it. I was thinking maybe Q should have called a time out so there be time to get that reviewed. Even the video weenies in Toronto for sure would have righted that awful call.
6) I was actually surprised to see Turks in net since Craw had a great game in Buffalo and it was back to back (with travel) plus Marty is no spring chicken. But no complaints, Turks stood very tall.
that's all i got.