The Rooney Rule


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2016
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Lets get real here. NO black person alive in the US as a citizen has been owned by another human.

If you go back far enough in history, EVERY lineage has been owned as slaves at some point.

So this whole narrative is bullshit used lazily as an "I win" button by people of color.

Racism exists, no doubt. But I view everything through a single lens: Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech. Its the perfect way to see if what someone says, both from white AND black people, passes the smell test.

Is what is being said furthering Dr Kings wishes and dreams in that speech? Then that person isn't racist.

Does what a person says contradict Dr Kings speech? Then THAT person is an ignorant FLAMING racist regardless of skin color, and if a person of color is not only racist but selfishly using their minority status as a weapon against others in a racist and aggravated way, which only furthers racial divide.

For those who haven't the time nor the desire to read the speech in its entirety, it can be summed up thusly: the overall goal is to judge people not by the color of their skin but the content of their character. Plus anyone who would try to separate others based on the color of their skin no matter what skin color they themselves are, are coming in the way of that goal and therefore are racists. Because the overall goal here is not subjugation of One race to another nor revenge for things that have happened in the past, but to achieve equality where neither side feels attacked, but both sides judge each other on who they are and not what skin color they are.

Some areas have ways to go towards that, and frankly, since dr. King was assassinated, those who were with him under him have carved up their own little fifedoms and only worsened the racial divides and done dishonor to Dr. King's Legacy.

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Good timing seeing tomorrow is MLK Day. God Bless MLK. One of the true greats.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2016
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Wow, blatant racism against a white race.

I have served in the trenches (real trenches, not a fucking analogy) with MEN of all colors, and because I’m white, you automatically assume that I have a bias against MEN of color. Screw you!

Its ok-don't waste your time. Just read what he wrote. "...we now need the government to guide us to behave properly, like unruly children who need their hands held crossing the road. Don't blame progress, blame white people for being so consistently shit forever."

What's shit is neighborhoods where people (mostly kids) get shot for wearing a certain color. Whats shit is more and more kids dropping out of high school, and those who do graduate are still mostly illiterate. Never been taught to have a moral compass, broken homes, etc.

The scary thing is that a lot of people listen to racists like Al Sharpton (and others) who tell them that no matter what they do, their shortcomings can all be blamed on skin color. The result is people in communities all across the country are constantly being treated like children, with absolutely no expectations placed on them. Victimhood has become very profitable, and looking at yourself as a victim is even more convenient.

Again-read his post. This guy actually WANTS the government to treat him like a child. That-to him-is "progress." And is why the situation in black communities is so unacceptable-high dropout rate, high rate of violent crime, etc.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2014
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Harford County, MD
Its ok-don't waste your time. Just read what he wrote. "...we now need the government to guide us to behave properly, like unruly children who need their hands held crossing the road. Don't blame progress, blame white people for being so consistently shit forever."

What's shit is neighborhoods where people (mostly kids) get shot for wearing a certain color. Whats shit is more and more kids dropping out of high school, and those who do graduate are still mostly illiterate. Never been taught to have a moral compass, broken homes, etc.

The scary thing is that a lot of people listen to racists like Al Sharpton (and others) who tell them that no matter what they do, their shortcomings can all be blamed on skin color. The result is people in communities all across the country are constantly being treated like children, with absolutely no expectations placed on them. Victimhood has become very profitable, and looking at yourself as a victim is even more convenient.

Again-read his post. This guy actually WANTS the government to treat him like a child. That-to him-is "progress." And is why the situation in black communities is so unacceptable-high dropout rate, high rate of violent crime, etc.


Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
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Look, I am a white male but for what it's worth, I am a Paraplegic. I've been paralyzed waist-down since I was 12 yrs old from a Motocross accident during a race. I'm 29 now and in Real Estate but along the way I've had many job interviews. If I ever knew that I was only being interviewed because I'm in a wheelchair, it would anger me. I would feel like it's a waste of my time and they aren't taking me seriously. I have the most open and chill sense of humor about the chair (just look at my username) but when it comes to my profession I want to know I'm getting a job simply because I'm the best person for the job and nothing else. If there was something like a "Christopher Reeves Rule" I would be totally opposed to it. That's just my personal opinion.

I understand the point of the Rooney rule, but I can't help but feel like it's now hurting Minorities.

Did you see Steve Gleason's tweet after the Vikings-Saints game?


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2015
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Te Anau, NZ
Shouldn't teams be forced to interview Native Americans? After all, we did steal their country. What about the Japanese? We placed them in camps after Pearl Harbor?

A token interview is insulting. I'd be insulted by it.

The global company I work for has more Patels and Chins than it is has Smiths. We are forced to interview more Patels and Chins than Smiths and when all things are equal, the Smiths lose. The most qualified people should get the jobs. I don't understand why companies and the NFL are not forced to interview people, say over 50 or 55. Seems like age discrimination to me. Why doesn't the NFL have to interview at least one woman for the job? My company does.

That’s definitely what the NFL needs. More old white guys.

No Rooney rule, no Tomlin. If 100 relatively rich people have to sit through a token interview so 1 guy can be a role model for millions, I’m OK with it.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Its ok-don't waste your time. Just read what he wrote. "...we now need the government to guide us to behave properly, like unruly children who need their hands held crossing the road. Don't blame progress, blame white people for being so consistently shit forever."

What's shit is neighborhoods where people (mostly kids) get shot for wearing a certain color. Whats shit is more and more kids dropping out of high school, and those who do graduate are still mostly illiterate. Never been taught to have a moral compass, broken homes, etc.

The scary thing is that a lot of people listen to racists like Al Sharpton (and others) who tell them that no matter what they do, their shortcomings can all be blamed on skin color. The result is people in communities all across the country are constantly being treated like children, with absolutely no expectations placed on them. Victimhood has become very profitable, and looking at yourself as a victim is even more convenient.

Again-read his post. This guy actually WANTS the government to treat him like a child. That-to him-is "progress." And is why the situation in black communities is so unacceptable-high dropout rate, high rate of violent crime, etc.

Do you know how offensive you sound?


Jordan Sigler’s editor
Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
Good timing seeing tomorrow is MLK Day. God Bless MLK. One of the true greats.

Yep. He also got vilified for daring to want equality.


Active member
Dec 3, 2012
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What they really need to put in place is a rule where every team must have one white starting cornerback.

More racial diversity on the field AND more exciting offense and scoring which most people seem to want.


New member
Dec 18, 2017
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First of all, we need to clear one thing, slavery wasn't solely focused on just one race, for example it also existed in Europe from middle ages till mid 19 century in a shape of serfdom, where more wealthy white people basically enslaved the poor, similar things were happening in Middle East, eastern Asia, etc. even in 20th century.

Now considering Africa, it just unfortunately happened that in those harsh days of the past (when basically no human rights existed) Europeans were much more technologically advanced than African (and native American) people, so they were able to impose their will on them, ones were basically ethnically cleansed from their territories (native Americans) and the others were enslaved (African people).
It's also kinda interesting to see how in latin part of Americas indigenous people weren't treated so harshly and haven't been ethnically cleansed to the extent that happened in Anglo-American part of the continent, in fact Spanish and Portuguese colonists basically just simply mixed with them.

Now, the key issue in strictly capitalist driven USA is that if you're down in food chain (for example like most of minority people, but recently many white people also suffer the same fate with disappearance of the middle class), it's extremely hard to bring yourself up other than through sport scholarships, and therefore it's extremely hard to expect the equality when you have most people living in ghettos, hoods, poor people areas, where there's little hope for success.
For example, many current race issues would vanquish if USA would be willing to implement some sort of Canadian/Scandinavian social, educational and health systems, which would then help the underprivileged (no matter the race) to achieve some sort of equality.
But I guess in USA it's more important to spend trillions of dollars for army and weapons (so you can accomplish some sort of world wide dominance), rather than focus on well being of your citiens.

Should have just hit 'post reply' after you finished the first two paragraphs, because everything after that is pure nonsense.

How would socialized education (presumably you mean free college) benefit kids who can't finish high school? There is an undeniable cultural problem that people on the left refuse to admit exists. The 72% out of wedlock birthrate for instance.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Wow, blatant racism against a white race.

There's no such thing.

I have served in the trenches (real trenches, not a fucking analogy) with MEN of all colors, and because I’m white, you automatically assume that I have a bias against MEN of color. Screw you!

You might want to read the post you quoted again. Nobody mentioned you. I said that white dominated societies have consistently shown that they're incapable of treating black people fairly, so the result is that we now need to be guided by government and have rules put in place to regulate our behavior. If white dominated societies had not been consistently racist, this wouldn't need to happen. But they have, so it does.


YUUUGE member
Aug 20, 2012
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Stupid rule
If youre a good enough coach
You will get a job
Its as simple as that
And lmao at “trickle down prejudice”
Somebody has been going to the liberal school of victimhood


New member
Dec 18, 2017
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There's no such thing.

You might want to read the post you quoted again. Nobody mentioned you. I said that white dominated societies have consistently shown that they're incapable of treating black people fairly, so the result is that we now need to be guided by government and have rules put in place to regulate our behavior. If white dominated societies had not been consistently racist, this wouldn't need to happen. But they have, so it does.

Can't tell if this is a serious post.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2016
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I think its stupid. If you are qualified, you are qualified. There were many black candidates that did not bother to even take interviews this time around. I think the billionaire owners feel they will hire whoever they want to, and the ones that had a black head coach dont think they need to follow this rule.

Is this a real rule or an unwritten rule, like a strong suggestion?
