The Rooney Rule

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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How many of them have ever been owned by another human being, having their sole purpose to live as other people’s property? How many of them wake up every morning wondering if today could be their last because they could be shot by the police? How many of them have had their entire families arrested for victimless crimes? How many of them have their ideas stolen by more privileged people? How many of them knownpoverty?
Lets get real here. NO black person alive in the US as a citizen has been owned by another human.

If you go back far enough in history, EVERY lineage has been owned as slaves at some point.

So this whole narrative is bullshit used lazily as an "I win" button by people of color.

Racism exists, no doubt. But I view everything through a single lens: Dr. King's "I have a dream" speech. Its the perfect way to see if what someone says, both from white AND black people, passes the smell test.

Is what is being said furthering Dr Kings wishes and dreams in that speech? Then that person isn't racist.

Does what a person says contradict Dr Kings speech? Then THAT person is an ignorant FLAMING racist regardless of skin color, and if a person of color is not only racist but selfishly using their minority status as a weapon against others in a racist and aggravated way, which only furthers racial divide.

For those who haven't the time nor the desire to read the speech in its entirety, it can be summed up thusly: the overall goal is to judge people not by the color of their skin but the content of their character. Plus anyone who would try to separate others based on the color of their skin no matter what skin color they themselves are, are coming in the way of that goal and therefore are racists. Because the overall goal here is not subjugation of One race to another nor revenge for things that have happened in the past, but to achieve equality where neither side feels attacked, but both sides judge each other on who they are and not what skin color they are.

Some areas have ways to go towards that, and frankly, since dr. King was assassinated, those who were with him under him have carved up their own little fifedoms and only worsened the racial divides and done dishonor to Dr. King's Legacy.

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Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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There is no black racism against whites. You are just proving you don’t understand the issue or how it effects people. Racism is an institution that existed for 500 years to hold down black peoples. Black peoples are not capable of oppressing white people, thus not racist. A black man may voice his displeasure with a white man, but it does not mean that he has oppressed him, thus is not racist.
That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard and it fails that I have a dream test. You are a flaming racist if you truly believe there's no such thing as black racism against whites.

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Xuder O'Clam

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard and it fails that I have a dream test. You are a flaming racist if you truly believe there's no such thing as black racism against whites.

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You both are defining the term racism differently, so this argument is a bit silly.


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Mar 23, 2016
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A lot of generalizations in this thread. To say one group of people is more oppressed than another is pretty broad. Again, people are born into different situations and families with different opportunities/lack of opportunities available to them.

If you cite a law or regulation that is racist, I'll fight against it with you. If you cite a business that is blatantly racist, I'll fight against it with you. The free market solves a lot of those situations, however. But simply saying millions of people are oppressed, just because...well because, then it gets a little tough.

Instead of always going to the de facto argument of, "a large group of people in a community are poor because of racism," maybe we should look at the policies pushed by the politicians from the school board on up in those communities for decades, and think, maybe those policies are actually hurting the very people they were designed to help?

Politicians love the "its all racist" argument, it deflects all attention away from them and helps them to get re-elected.


why does black history always start with slavery in da usa?

Black peoples had huge sophisticated cities dating wayz back in africa.. timbuktu be made into a saying about being in bfe.. but the real timbuktu was a different story..

oh, cause systematic racism..

black wallstreet


Jordan Sigler’s editor
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
why does black history always start with slavery in da usa?

Black peoples had huge and sophisticated cities dating wayz back in africa.. timbuktu be made into a saying about being in bfe.. but the real timbuktu was a different story..

oh, cause systematic racism..

black wallstreet

Anyway you can sit this one out aussie?


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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This thread proves how much the problem still exists and how far we are from getting where we need to be.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2016
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This thread proves how much the problem still exists and how far we are from getting where we need to be.

Yes it does. Racism exists. It is wrong. Totally learned behavior, IMO.

But your comment that black people cannot be racist is also a belief that unfortunately exists. It is also wrong. Also learned behavior that can hopefully be unlearned.

As to where we need to about we start with the Golden Rule? How about we begin to analyze people's successes/failures based on their actions, and not based on skin color?

Would be a better place, IMO.


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Aug 28, 2017
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One side is fighting stereotypes and for diversity while the other is making false equivalences, so you’re wrong.

And that is the attitude that will ensure it never happens. Racism can never be beaten having an "us vs. them" mentality...


Anyway you can sit this one out aussie?

whys be that..

you had askedith if slavery was the only thang about black history.. i bee saying da same..

but also be mentioned the systematic failure of the system to teach such things or lack thereof growing da football.. cause racism.. well i didnt put it like dat.. but its there in form.. if branes..

n black wall street be one serious fucked up thang about said system.. that peeps just dont know about.. cause blacks need to be perceived as savages as a whole.. to be treated more poorly wiff out second thought.. etc etc.. buts ____ aint getting into how blacks fail themselves, how opps exists now that didnt etc....

but goes on wiff yo badself.. i know nuffin bout black history and will kneel during this time..

much like kaep.. i b taking a knee while da jimihendrix blasts the anthem..

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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You both are defining the term racism differently, so this argument is a bit silly.
That is the point. Racism is strictly treating someone different due to the color of their skin. That's it. It doesn't Define the skin colors involved - anyone can be racist to anyone else if they judge them or treat them differently due to skin color. White on black, black on white, doesn't matter.

Anyone arguing anything different is trying to change the definition of racism to suit their own agendas.

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Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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Bearhomer doesn’t even know the definition of racism so it’s a waste of time arguing
Exactly. But he is also right. Anyone who has a "us vs them" mentality where the US is one skin color and the them is another skin color is a flaming racist.

Any other rationalizations are simply those racists trying to convince themselves they aren't the bigoted racists they really are.

That is dr. King's Speech in a nutshell. Racism will never be conquered by people who have an us-versus-them mentality, but a "we are all in this together" mentality is what will win the day.

Sadly, those who live in poverty and cling 2 false narratives of evil rich white people taking away black opportunities in falling for bulshit narratives by people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, who push these narrative so they can remain in political power, are simply part of the problem.

Interesting nugget by the way: black home ownership is the highest it has ever been in the history of this country and black unemployment is at record low levels.

The only way we ever truly cure racism is if we get away from all the politicians who are feeding us narratives to serve their purposes, and actually start reaching out on our own and learning things for ourselves.

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Aug 20, 2012
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In the words of the late great Al Davis: "Just win, baby!"

In life and in sports, winning is the bottom line. The great thing about the free market is that you can be a racist if you want, but by only hiring certain skin colors or only selling your product to certain skin colors, the market is eventually going to weed you out, and you're going to lose. It goes for running a Mom & Pop pizza parlor, as well as a billion dollar sports franchise.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Jeez shut the hell up about this are people who never faced any of this shit, acting like they have the answers lol.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Jeez shut the hell up about this are people who never faced any of this shit, acting like they have the answers lol.

I'm white so I can't have an opinion on the matter? The Rooney Rule was implemented by a white guy.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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So should PoC be thanking white people for the Rooney Rule? Is that what you’re saying?


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Aug 21, 2012
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I question that you graduated high school let alone college. Your reading comprehension is awful.

First you never answered the originally question. What races has it worse than African Americans today in the US. Everyone knows that Mexicans were also slaves for a period but that has nothing to do with laws passed about African Americans being slaves (IN THE US) after the fact and also segregation. The Mexican race never had to use separate bathroom or eat at seperate restaurant back in the day.

I didn’t even bring out my big guns and talk about today yet.

Not trying to get in this but my grandma is Hispanic and she had to sit in the back of the bus. She had to drink from the colored water fountains too. She just told that story on Christmas.

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