The Rooney Rule


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Mar 20, 2014
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Clearly you already know I was talking about Mexicans...what you're asking for then is for me to substantiate it. I would do that but then this would certainly get moved to the B&I forum and I've already muddied up this thread enough. Apparently you didn't seem to get that from the very post you quoted...

So what you are saying is you don't have a real argument just your personal basement argument. Got it


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The NFL has dumber rules,why is this the one that upsets people?

The 45 man game day roster is a much worse rule but every team follow it.

This rule just happens to be in the news right now.


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Mar 20, 2014
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Let me know when you finish reading the rest of the posts. Because apparently you seem to think I don't know about slavery.

Again everyone is talking about the US but you. When did you address US slavery specifically?


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Mar 23, 2016
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Why does everything these days turn into a competition? Now it's about who is more oppressed?

I know, that's society nowadays, its a shame. Political correctness (which by the way is nothing more than inverted McCarthyism) rules the day. People are constantly taught that their own failures or shortcomings can be simply be explained by pointing somewhere else-anywhere else. And the truly indoctrinated constantly say that every single misfortune can be traced back to skin color. Which is, ironically, a very racist way to view the world. They constantly view the world through the lens of race, and that a whole race can be categorized as some monolithic group where everyone is exactly the same. Because...they must be-they are all the same race.

We're individuals who happen to be white, black, Hispanic, or whatever. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. A black person who lives in a very poor neighborhood with no parents around and no resources is unfortunately at a disadvantage to a white person who comes from a stable and loving home. And the same goes in reverse. A black person who is in a loving home with amazing parents is at a distinct advantage than a white kid living on the streets.

Judge behavior, not race. Hire someone because they are qualified, and not because you are trying to be politically correct.

This rule has zero effect except that teams now have to conduct an interview solely so they can check a box in order to comply with a rule. Which by the way, is pretty damn insulting and racist to the people who are supposedly "benefiting" from the Rooney Rule in the first place.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I am confused why we are discussing a race (blacks) and a nationality (Mexicans).

Mexicans can be white, native, black or any sort of mixture precisely because it is not a race. Hispanic isn't even a race but simply a weird quirk in US culture where white, black, Asian, etc person suddenly becomes a race if thry happen to move from a Spanish or Portuguese speaking country to the US.

The fact is even among Hispanics, black Hispanics still get shit on more than white looking Hispanics in America.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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Again everyone is talking about the US but you. When did you address US slavery specifically?

Are you daft? U.S. slavery was fueled by Spain. You know. That country that conquered Mexico and also used abused and enslaved its people...For some stupid reason idiots like you think only Africans were enslaved. God damn. Do you even know the history of slavery? Or are you that much of an idiot that the only slavery that means anything to you was slavery isolated to the U.S. I mean, fuck all those black people that were enslaved and put to work in Mexico and central and south America...amirite? Am I doing it right? Fuck the Mexicans that were also raped and turned into slaves. Amirite? I deplore people like you that only look for reasons to be offended. Get a life.


CCS Enforcer
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Aug 21, 2012
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Let me know when you finish reading the rest of the posts. Because apparently you seem to think I don't know about slavery.

I'm interested to know what you know about slavery


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Are you daft? U.S. slavery was fueled by Spain. You know. That country that conquered Mexico and also used abused and enslaved its people...For some stupid reason idiots like you think only Africans were enslaved. God damn. Do you even know the history of slavery? Or are you that much of an idiot that the only slavery that means anything to you was slavery isolated to the U.S. I mean, fuck all those black people that were enslaved and put to work in Mexico and central and south America...amirite? Am I doing it right? Fuck the Mexicans that were also raped and turned into slaves. Amirite? I deplore people like you that only look for reasons to be offended. Get a life.

But Mexican is largely a mixed group. You keep saying Mexicans were oppressed as if they are separate from their oppressors when the reality is a ton of Mexicans are mixed and thus are children of the oppressed and the oppressor.

That is part of what made the Spanish different than the English. They slept with their slaves at a much higher rate.

Xuder O'Clam

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Apr 22, 2015
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I know, that's society nowadays, its a shame. Political correctness (which by the way is nothing more than inverted McCarthyism) rules the day. People are constantly taught that their own failures or shortcomings can be simply be explained by pointing somewhere else-anywhere else. And the truly indoctrinated constantly say that every single misfortune can be traced back to skin color. Which is, ironically, a very racist way to view the world. They constantly view the world through the lens of race, and that a whole race can be categorized as some monolithic group where everyone is exactly the same. Because...they must be-they are all the same race.

We're individuals who happen to be white, black, Hispanic, or whatever. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. A black person who lives in a very poor neighborhood with no parents around and no resources is unfortunately at a disadvantage to a white person who comes from a stable and loving home. And the same goes in reverse. A black person who is in a loving home with amazing parents is at a distinct advantage than a white kid living on the streets.

Judge behavior, not race. Hire someone because they are qualified, and not because you are trying to be politically correct.

This rule has zero effect except that teams now have to conduct an interview solely so they can check a box in order to comply with a rule. Which by the way, is pretty damn insulting and racist to the people who are supposedly "benefiting" from the Rooney Rule in the first place.

That's a nice ideal, but whenever someone tries to reduce things to a truism like this, human nature is not in the equation.

My point is more so how ridiculous I find it that people who feel oppressed would be arguing with others who feel the same about who is more oppressed. But, I guess that's human nature.


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Are you daft? U.S. slavery was fueled by Spain. You know. That country that conquered Mexico and also used abused and enslaved its people...For some stupid reason idiots like you think only Africans were enslaved. God damn. Do you even know the history of slavery? Or are you that much of an idiot that the only slavery that means anything to you was slavery isolated to the U.S. I mean, fuck all those black people that were enslaved and put to work in Mexico and central and south America...amirite? Am I doing it right? Fuck the Mexicans that were also raped and turned into slaves. Amirite? I deplore people like you that only look for reasons to be offended. Get a life.

Do you think Spain collaborated with other powers at the time like say Portugal


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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But Mexican is largely a mixed group. You keep saying Mexicans were oppressed as if they are separate from their oppressors when the reality is a ton of Mexicans are mixed and thus are children of the oppressed and the oppressor.

That is part of what made the Spanish different than the English. They slept with their slaves at a much higher rate.

LOL, slept. That is what they're calling rape nowadays? Either way what you're saying didn't happen over night. It took many generations of them raping, pillaging and plundering with of course a shitload of slaving. Doesn't make the aforementioned any less true.


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Mar 20, 2014
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Are you daft? U.S. slavery was fueled by Spain. You know. That country that conquered Mexico and also used abused and enslaved its people...For some stupid reason idiots like you think only Africans were enslaved. God damn. Do you even know the history of slavery? Or are you that much of an idiot that the only slavery that means anything to you was slavery isolated to the U.S. I mean, fuck all those black people that were enslaved and put to work in Mexico and central and south America...amirite? Am I doing it right? Fuck the Mexicans that were also raped and turned into slaves. Amirite? I deplore people like you that only look for reasons to be offended. Get a life.

I question that you graduated high school let alone college. Your reading comprehension is awful.

First you never answered the originally question. What races has it worse than African Americans today in the US. Everyone knows that Mexicans were also slaves for a period but that has nothing to do with laws passed about African Americans being slaves (IN THE US) after the fact and also segregation. The Mexican race never had to use separate bathroom or eat at seperate restaurant back in the day.

I didn’t even bring out my big guns and talk about today yet.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Anyone who think Mexicans or anyone else for that matter are as oppressed as African-Americans is wrong.


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Mar 20, 2014
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You should focus on reading the definition of the word racism. It has nothing to do with oppression yet you think black people cant be racist


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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LOL, slept. That is what they're calling rape nowadays? Either way what you're saying didn't happen over night. It took many generations of them raping, pillaging and plundering with of course a shitload of slaving. Doesn't make the aforementioned any less true.

But my point is you are referencing Mexicans today as if the Mexicans today don't have the blood of the oppressed and oppressor in them.

So why are we pretending Mexicans were solely oppressed when in fact they are both oppressor and oppressed since they largely identify as mestizo ie mixed European and indigenuous?

How do you determine which Mexican is from a slave family and which is from a slave owning family when it is all mixed up?


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Mar 20, 2014
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You sure about that. I live in an area were there are a lot of illegal Mexicans and legal Mexicans,and they are treated like complete trash by the majority of the community. They try to keep there kids out of certain sports, so they don't show up white kids, or they aren't allowed to play travel league because the prices are jacked up so they can't play travel ball, so the white kids can. That is just examples of what happens to the kids.

Key word is illegal


Better at poke her than you
Nov 2, 2016
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The white people on this thread have no idea the difficulty black people go through everyday.



CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I question that you graduated high school let alone college. Your reading comprehension is awful.

First you never answered the originally question. What races has it worse than African Americans today in the US. Everyone knows that Mexicans were also slaves for a period but that has nothing to do with laws passed about African Americans being slaves (IN THE US) after the fact and also segregation. The Mexican race never had to use separate bathroom or eat at seperate restaurant back in the day.

I didn’t even bring out my big guns and talk about today yet.

Well if the question is what race then Meixcans can't be an answer since Mexican is not a race. It is a nationality.


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Let me know when you finish reading the rest of the posts. Because apparently you seem to think I don't know about slavery.

Slavery is the only thing about black history?
