The Ultimate Insult


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Except for Lebron James...:tiptoe:

Lebron James was never asked to replace Jordan in the driver seat without much warning to prepare for it......And Pip did it with success almost leading a team to a ring the very same season Jordan left............That's a franchise player mentality if I've ever seen one......What courage Pip had taking on Jordans burden.......Lebron certainly didn't sign with the Bulls to take on the Jordan legend, but Pippen actually challenged the Jordan legend........


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Lebron James was never asked to replace Jordan in the driver seat without much warning to prepare for it......And Pip did it with success almost leading a team to a ring the very same season Jordan left............That's a franchise player mentality if I've ever seen one......What courage Pip had taking on Jordans burden.......Lebron certainly didn't sign with the Bulls to take on the Jordan legend, but Pippen actually challenged the Jordan legend........


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Yeah, I know I kind of LoL'd at my last comment too.
Dam you didn't give me enough time to edit it :troll:


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Wait a minute, actually I was right.
Pippen did Take on the Jordan challenge and with almost full sucess.

Just imagine, one day you have Jordan(the greatest player in history) to have your back and your the number 2 guy with the pressure of just following suit.

And just out the clear blue right before the beggining of the season fresh off of a 3rd championship, BAM!!!!!!!!!
You get a shocking phone call telling you,"hey man, Jordans jumping ship"..........
How would your mentality handle that situation?
Would you be mentally exhausted from 3 championship runs already as it is, just given the bad news about Jordan and just say, "**** this shit"????

Pippen sure the Hell didn't.....Pip was like, "hey guys, we can still do this y'all"....."just follow me"......

I Mean come awn fellas, Pip had the MENTAL aspect of the game down pack....And not only that but Pippen with the guidence of Phil Jackson got everyone on that team to buy into it.....

What would Lebron Do?

People bash Pippen for a 1 second mistake, which he more than made up for after wards..
But what about Lebron quitting on the city and team that catered him like God, right in the middle of an important playoff series against Boston, which they could of won...........And then just flew away for help from 2 superstars from other teams like a spoiled brat, because he didn't get his way, and got tired of "the jordan challenge" by running away...........Pippen on the other hand could of left the Bulls on multiple occasions as the demand for him was high also........He didn't leave his ship to sink....he may have jumped off the boat for like 1 second, but climbed right back up the ladder to make sure his shipmates didn't drown.....and they made it to land to repair the boat, just to laugh about it 3 championship sails across the sea after........"LAND HO"!!!!!! :smug:

Guess what, 18 years later, he's still on the Good Ship Bulls Deck today, Right where the Hall of Fame legend began... :smug:
And so am I, still here today after all these years, backing Captain Pippen up, only now on the Interweb Ocean.
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Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Lol close. But I dont remember Spo asking James to lead a full court press. Or cover as much ground on defense. Wade takes the latter responsibility, while Chalmers is the press guy.

I don't remember Pippen guarding anybody like Derrick Rose either. Pippen could take on more of those tasks defensively, because other players could be relied on to carry the scoring load...namely Jordan and Kukoc. By the way...Pippen couldn't guard all 5 positions on the floor....Lebron James can. Lebron being a better basketball player than Pippen shouldered more of the load than Pippen did.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Right...Pippen took on the Bulls legend Jordan's legacy...and Krause tried to trade him. Way to back up a dumb ass statement with an even dumber explanation...good grief.


Retired Bandwagon Mod
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Right...Pippen took on the Bulls legend Jordan's legacy...and Krause tried to trade him. Way to back up a dumb ass statement with an even dumber explanation...good grief.
lol you know SP is never serious. :smug:



Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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You didnt post this heff? Jordan wasnt 35 and Pippen wasnt hurt in 94. Something wrong.

Anyway, this is just anothe double standard. I can post series where loses can be blamed on Jordan, Magic, Bird, whoever. Even games where Pip bailed out Jordan. Pippens resume speaks for itself

And I can give you playoff games that Barkley that are of a historic proportion. If Pippen impacted games on that level, this wouldn't be a debate. Barkley's resume speaks volumes.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
lol you know SP is never serious. :smug:


Yes I am, especially today.....on this thread........serious as a heart attack, youngman...


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Go chug some more coke, sodahead......I mean Clone :troll:
This is your old YouTube video if I'm not mistaken, correct?
I hacked into your account and pulled this out of your personal files, :troll:
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Apr 25, 2011
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One of those players would have to be an alpha dog...Pippen wasn't one of those.

This is beginning to be redundant. Just admit theres nothing Pippen couldve done to satisfy you.

Hes not an alpha dog,, but he was the leading scorer of a 55 team.

He didnt take over games, but he was the player that led the Bulls back from being down 15 pts to portland in 92.
Got that triple double vs the knicks in game seven. Hell I listed Pippen numbers in every deciding game hes been in.

He wasnt clutch, but he was the player that blocked Charles Smith, got the game winning steal vs utah in 97, hit the go ahead shot during th final minute of the 992 finals game 6.

He was soft, but has played with back injuries, and foot injuries.

Theres nothing youve posted in our conversation that i havent refuted with facts. Sometimes your own. I remember how big you were on "clutch stats" and centered your argument around that one website. Until I flipped the script on you and showed you from the website you posted that Pippen was clutch.

Youre so far out of touch with the truth that you wouldnt know it if it smcked you in the face.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
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One of those players would have to be an alpha dog...Pippen wasn't one of those.

This is beginning to be redundant. Just admit theres nothing Pippen couldve done to satisfy you.

Hes not an alpha dog,, but he was the leading scorer of a 55 team.

He didnt take over games, but he was the player that led the Bulls back from being down 15 pts to portland in 92.
Got that triple double vs the knicks in game seven. Hell I listed Pippen numbers in every deciding game hes been in.

He wasnt clutch, but he was the player that blocked Charles Smith, got the game winning steal vs utah in 97, hit the go ahead shot during th final minute of the 992 finals game 6.

He was soft, but has played with back injuries, and foot injuries.

Theres nothing youve posted in our conversation that i havent refuted with facts. Sometimes your own. I remember how big you were on "clutch stats" and centered your argument around that one website. Until I flipped the script on you and showed you from the website you posted that Pippen was clutch.

Youre so far out of touch with the truth that you wouldnt know it if it smcked you in the face.
