Wait a minute, actually I was right.
Pippen did Take on the Jordan challenge and with almost full sucess.
Just imagine, one day you have Jordan(the greatest player in history) to have your back and your the number 2 guy with the pressure of just following suit.
And just out the clear blue right before the beggining of the season fresh off of a 3rd championship, BAM!!!!!!!!!
You get a shocking phone call telling you,"hey man, Jordans jumping ship"..........
How would your mentality handle that situation?
Would you be mentally exhausted from 3 championship runs already as it is, just given the bad news about Jordan and just say, "**** this shit"????
Pippen sure the Hell didn't.....Pip was like, "hey guys, we can still do this y'all"....."just follow me"......
I Mean come awn fellas, Pip had the MENTAL aspect of the game down pack....And not only that but Pippen with the guidence of Phil Jackson got everyone on that team to buy into it.....
What would Lebron Do?
People bash Pippen for a 1 second mistake, which he more than made up for after wards..
But what about Lebron quitting on the city and team that catered him like God, right in the middle of an important playoff series against Boston, which they could of won...........And then just flew away for help from 2 superstars from other teams like a spoiled brat, because he didn't get his way, and got tired of "the jordan challenge" by running away...........Pippen on the other hand could of left the Bulls on multiple occasions as the demand for him was high also........He didn't leave his ship to sink....he may have jumped off the boat for like 1 second, but climbed right back up the ladder to make sure his shipmates didn't drown.....and they made it to land to repair the boat, just to laugh about it 3 championship sails across the sea after........"LAND HO"!!!!!!
Guess what, 18 years later, he's still on the Good Ship Bulls Deck today, Right where the Hall of Fame legend began...

And so am I, still here today after all these years, backing Captain Pippen up, only now on the Interweb Ocean.