I'm not trying to personally attack you here but I see the optics argument a lot and I find it to be an incredible cop out. If he did nothing wrong, then saying he should be punished because of the "optics" is nonsensical. He did nothing wrong. If our modern society has a problem that causes it to wish punishment upon those that did nothing wrong, then the solution is not to punish the innocent, it is to simply change that flaw in society. You can go back the past 100 years and find a whole bunch of stuff that at the time would have caused "bad optics" that we now would laugh at. You don't indulge people engaged in nonsensical arguments or demand that an innocent person be punished to satiate some lynch mob joe 6 pack.
If he is innocent, he did absolutely nothing wrong. Going to a bar is not wrong in the slightest for an athlete. Bringing a girl home is not wrong in the slightest for an athlete. People try to shield their opinions behind cliches and catch phrases like "but he embarrassed the blackhawks!". If he did not rape this girl, he did nothing to embarrass the blackhawks, and indeed nothing that practically every other blackhawk has not done as well. Captain serious himself has gone to bars. I'm pretty sure he is not a virgin. So talking about optics or "put himself in that situation" seems to me to be a weasel way for people to argue that he should be punished despite having no facts or evidence to warrant it by then trying to pass it off on some non described mob of people who would be watching the "optics".
Basically Kane is either the victim of a crime (filing a false police report, extortion), or a rapist. If he is the victim, arguing that he should not have been drunk or taken a girl home to somehow shift the blame back onto him is wrong, and doubly ironic given how many of the people making those arguments would rush condemn those arguments if they were made against a woman that was the victim of the crime. If he is a rapist, then he deserves everything that he has coming to him and can rot in prison forever for all I care. But there is no middle ground here, no "well he's not a rapist but I want to find something to condemn him for anyway so I can seem wise and reasonable".
Again I'm not addressing all that to just you, but rather similar arguments that I have seen floating around a good many places.