Vic Fangio News


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Jan 5, 2014
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The way I see it, the Bears' offer to Fangio will be pretty telling. For the sake of continuity and peace of mind at defense, and allowing Nagy to concentrate on his offense, they should offer a boatload of money to Fangio to make him the highest paid DC to get him to stay. This money does not count against the cap and will simply be coming out of ownership's pockets. Let's see how serious they are about ending the fans' embarrassment, because if they don't offer him enough money to stay and he defects to GB, it would be a huge slap in the face by ownership to the fans after all that talk by George McCaskey about feeling our pain and all that crap. Money talks louder than anything.


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While there is no guarantee we get an equally good coordinator I think Pettine could be just as good if not better.

While Fangio produced a solid defense last year it was his only good year here. I think there are a couple other candidates out there that could be just as good.

I will not lose sleep over losing Fangio.

I don't think bringing in any of the other DC's being mentioned will be better then bringing Fangio back. Not only because of how good he is but the players already love having him as their DC and of course it's always good when the players love playing for their coaches. I also don't think you can put too much of the other two years on Fangio just because his first year was the year Pace came in and made big changes and last year with the crazy amount of injuries and we had rookies and UDFA's starting at 3 of the 4 spots in our secondary. Why was Pettine out of the league last year anyway? Was it by his choice or that he just didn't have any teams calling for him?

I'm not saying we'd all the sudden be bad with any other DC and know we could be just fine or even better with some additions and good health but just think the best choice would be to keep Fangio is all. What defense does Del Rio run, 3-4 or 4-3?


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It's the oldest and used to be relevant, but as much as Jon Gruden feigns excitement over it while broadcasting, Packers fans generally don't give a shit about the Bears like we obsess over them. We're nothing to them. The Vikings have been their biggest rivals for a long time.

Have you done some kind of poll or something? I'm guessing you have since you're talking in facts?


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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It's the oldest and used to be relevant, but as much as Jon Gruden feigns excitement over it while broadcasting, Packers fans generally don't give a shit about the Bears like we obsess over them. We're nothing to them. The Vikings have been their biggest rivals for a long time.

Actually its not. The longest standing rivalry is Bears and Cardinals. Not many people seem to know that. Although some people interpret the word rivalry differently. Bears and Packers are the longest standing divisional rivalry but if we are talking about all-time NFL history-wise its Bears Cardinals. Cards just moved so it stopped being a "rivalry" in the traditional sense.


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No, I'm not talking about flash in the pan hating based on who's good in a given year. I'm talking big picture. If you polled every Packer fan in the country and asked who they consider to be the Packers' biggest rival, it will be the Vikings.

I don't believe that at all. No way. It is still Bears/Packers - even though the Bears have stunk of late. Will always be Bears / Packers.


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Mar 22, 2016
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While Fangio produced a solid defense last year it was his only good year here. I think there are a couple other candidates out there that could be just as good. .

I personally feel that Fangio's 1st year here was his best. He was coming off the Tucker debacle and really lacked talent and got them to 6 wins. He made chicken salad out of chicken shit.


Aug 21, 2012
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I personally feel that Fangio's 1st year here was his best. He was coming off the Tucker debacle and really lacked talent and got them to 6 wins. He made chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Our offense was better that year.

Turnovers have always been the important factor on defense

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Mar 22, 2016
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I don't believe that at all. No way. It is still Bears/Packers - even though the Bears have stunk of late. Will always be Bears / Packers.

I live in WI with homes near Milw and in northern WI so I talk to folks all over. We've been so bad for so long that MN has become the bigger rival. The whole Favre to MN thing really pushed those changes too. Now, if we ever get good again, I think it changes once more. But, right now, MN is hated more by Packers fans than we are.


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Aug 20, 2012
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I live in WI with homes near Milw and in northern WI so I talk to folks all over. We've been so bad for so long that MN has become the bigger rival. The whole Favre to MN thing really pushed those changes too. Now, if we ever get good again, I think it changes once more. But, right now, MN is hated more by Packers fans than we are.
At this point, they more Pity the Bears than have a rivalry with them. Minny is def a bigger rival in recent years.


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No, I'm not talking about flash in the pan hating based on who's good in a given year. I'm talking big picture. If you polled every Packer fan in the country and asked who they consider to be the Packers' biggest rival, it will be the Vikings.

I have to disagree. Despite the current state of the rivalry, the average Packer fan, or at least marginally serious Packer fan, still sees our rivalry as the biggest. I've lived in Wisconsin my entire life as a Bears fan. I've also lived in multiple parts of the state. I've had many, many friends that are Packer fans and I guarantee most of them would agree that the Bears are still their biggest rival.

There is simply a larger sense of animosity between our fan bases in general. But I wouldn't expect that feeling to necessarily hold up among some of the Packer bandwagoners of the past decade.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Mom's Basement
Who really cares what packer fans view as the bigger rivalry? The thing that can’t be denied is everything centers around the Packers, be it Vikings, Bears, or even lions fans. That has to change.


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I have to disagree. Despite the current state of the rivalry, the average Packer fan, or at least marginally serious Packer fan, still sees our rivalry as the biggest. I've lived in Wisconsin my entire life as a Bears fan. I've also lived in multiple parts of the state. I've had many, many friends that are Packer fans and I guarantee most of them would agree that the Bears are still their biggest rival.

There is simply a larger sense of animosity between our fan bases in general. But I wouldn't expect that feeling to necessarily hold up among some of the Packer bandwagoners of the past decade.

I think you pretty much hit it with your last line there. Maybe the new younger Packers fans that don't know of the rivalry with the Bears look at Minn as their top NFC North team to hate but the older generation knows who they will always hate the most which is the Bears.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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In the last 7 years (14 games)

Minnesota has won 5 games against GB and tied one
Detroit has won 5 games
Chicago has won twice.

In the last 5 years (10 games)

Minnesota has won 4 games and tied once
Detroit has won 5 games
Chicago 2

This year the Packers were swept by both Detroit and Minnesota, and swept the Bears.

I am not sure there is any clear cut rivalry within the division to be honest, except for the older generation.


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I think you pretty much hit it with your last line there. Maybe the new younger Packers fans that don't know of the rivalry with the Bears look at Minn as their top NFC North team to hate but the older generation knows who they will always hate the most which is the Bears.

Exactly. I've talked with plenty of older fans who honestly hate the bullshit entitlement of many younger Packer fans who never suffered through the 80s. Hell, my grandparents have had Packer season tickets for decades and they could never even find people to go to many of the winter games during the 80s because it wasn't worth it.

I guarantee that if/when the Packers fall off the map again eventually, much of their younger fanbase will quit watching almost completely.


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Apr 20, 2013
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Fangio will be 60 this summer. His window for becoming a HC is closing rapidly. The one thing the Bears DC job offers him is an improving D that already knows his system. Anywhere else he goes will involve the disruptiveness of rebuilding/retooling, as well as the time required for the players there to adapt to his system. That's probably not going to help him in landing a HC job. His best bet for that elusive HC job would seem to be taking the Bears defense from marginal top 10 up to top 3 or 4. He also pretty much has the Bears by the gonads. Even though there are other quality DC candidates out there, I suspect the Bears really want to keep continuity on the defensive side while the offense gets restructured. Fangio can probably nail down a very lucrative contract, not only in terms of $$$, but length as well. He might even be able to extract a promise from Pace to draft edge rusher(s) high in the coming draft.

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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like i said in another thread...

unless fangio really doesnt like the bears, gets offered a shit ton more money, or simply really holds it against pace for not getting the hc gig, i dont see why hed leave. why start over with a new d and personnel when he can continue building the d hes spent the past 3 years building?


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Is the general consensus the longer this drags out, the less likely he is to be returning?


Gazpacho Police
Aug 21, 2012
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Albuquerque, NM
Maybe he doesn't want to take orders from a guy 20 years younger.

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HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Is the general consensus the longer this drags out, the less likely he is to be returning?

I've already said this before but I honestly am not going to flip my shit if Fangio walks as long as we get a competent DC to replace him. If we have to go bargain basement DC shopping then I will have cause for concern. At this point Fangio isn't exactly hot shit in my book. He's good but nowhere near irreplaceable.
