My buddy Andy is a huge Rachet and Clank guy for some reason, just always liked it, and I got into it a bit as well. If that is the one I'm thinking of, one day just after it came out he decided to buy it and come over and just play the shit out of it for like a day and a half straight. He was on the road and staying with us for a couple of days so we had a shit load of fun with it.
One this I will say about it was that it was very hard for me to learn to be coordinated enough for it. you are running forward and back, stiffing, jumping shooting, changing weapons, and picking up these nuts and bolts that are bouncing all over the place constantly and distracting you. So it may be frustrating at first but it can be very fun. A good mix of puzzles, shooting, story, with a nice balance of kid and adult dialog. i don't know what to compare it to for you as I don't know too much about the games you currently play. Definitely check it out, I'm going to download it even though I think we have it almost platinum'd on my machine already. If it's the newer one then I haven't played it yet. They all kind of run together for me.