Here's a short of my review on
Lollipop Chainsaw, Ymono37.
God of War meets
Buffy the Vampire Slayer works as the best definition.
Pros -
- IF you expect it to be as cheesy and original as you think, you will love the game.
- I know some didn't like Juliet's voice, but the person who voices her...
what a history! I love the fact her Valley Girl voice works. It reminds me a lot of where I lived in LA. Girls there remind me of Juliet... not a good thing, I assure you, but the memories remain.
- Nick's one-liners are good.
- Gameplay is decent. Controls are easy over time.
- XBox Live option of "Beat scores of others".
- For the RPG fan in me, exploration is moderate at best.
- You can destroy things and kill zombies with a chainsaw! How cool is that?
- Plot is cheesy, but its expected.
- The shop is cool!
- Sexual innuendo and lots of swearing in the game. I swear like a sailor, so hearing this and seeing this made me happy.
- Songs like
"Mickey" and "Lollipop" are actually used in the game! Yes, they got the rights to both songs. As much as I hate "Mickey" (Its most famous for its appearance in
Beavis and Butthead.), the song is appropriate for the game.
- Original concepts and ideas utilized with the chainsaw. The game takes risks when it comes to its creativity. Big plus! The originality alone gives me hope in video gaming as a whole.
- Boss fights are epic, and the game really makes you work to beat the big baddies.
- The achievement "I swear, I did it by mistake!" You can look up Juliet's skirt for an achievement.
Cons -
- No save points until after your done with the stage.
- Stages are long. But then I throw the question at those who think this.... Don't you also complain if the levels are "too short"? If so, then throw this one out.
- Can be a bit much in terms of killing zombies. It does get boring over time.
- The camera angles can get a bit annoying. I'm used to moving it around with the right joystick, but still, it gets annoying at times.
Overall -
I am pleasantly surprised with the game. It gave me what I expected and more. I love this game.
As I said before, it overexceeded my expectations and challenged the negatives in most games similar to this genre, with long levels that were enjoyable, and fun challenging options. It could come out as a surprise candidate for game of the year. I get new franchise games because of the risks they do as individual creative minds, and Lollipop Chainsaw, though cheesy as I expected, took risks that I know no other game would do.
Grade - A -
Another colleague of mine at the podcast my friends do gave it the same grade.