Correct, PSN store updates on their side by itself, if you watch it enough you can see they make changes to it all the time, you don't need a system update for most of them. I did try to do a system update just in case I needed that too an d there wasn't one. So you should be set when you get home. I think that the most exciting part of the announcement is not the great free games, but the fact that they have mentioned that going forward they anticipate having equal the quality free games available every month. Probably not in the abundance but I bet you get at least one InFamous2 type game a month now instead of all the small unknown games and refurbs of the old playstation games, which are of course still fun. They have made getting people onto PSN a real focus going forward. I like it right now of course, but I can see what it could lead to down the road. I bet at this point they are still trying to recoup money from the security breach, but I think in the future you could see the price go up, and a lot more marketing the shit out of it. Like demo's that are downloaded to your machine automatically and such.
Which brings me to my next point, changing gears a bit, it drives me nuts when their was talk about the next gen consoles being digital only. I bought the 250 gig console which I thought would be more than enough, but after almost 2 years I looked and only had 88 gigs left, and that's with managing saves and game data and such. The operating system and such takes up a huge chunck of the 250 and then you have game data that these games like to download now taking up 3-10 gigs each game, and the fucking saves are ballooning to 10-20 megs now so you have to control those... And I will say I have NO MEDIA whatsoever on it, don't want to lose the space. I went through last night and deleted a whole bunch of saved game shit and game data and still only had 120 gigs left on my HD. Infamous2 is 15gig download, LBP2 was 8, War Hammer 8, Ratchet and Clank 15... ect... overall I bet I'm download 50-60 gigs worth of games and it's only like 7 games. Not only does it take for fucking ever (I could drive to the store and be back and playing before it finishes download... Hell I could probably order it next day from amazon in about the same time) but the space these games take up are not viable for anyone but the casual gamer. You've got a 2 or 3 TB drive on a PC for $150 bucks and we are being nickeled and dimes on a 250 gig... It's just not a viable option, that they are pushing this digital content so hard even now on the PS3, I'd rather have cloud with unlimited space than digital. Even if you had a 360gig version, I'd say probably only 320 of that is usuable max... so you are looking at about 20 full 15 gig type games max that you can download. WTF kind of business model is that?
Now I know that any new version will have to have huge hard drives, and that's great, but you are going to eventually run into the same problem there because as the systems get bigger and more powerful so do the games, then you are looking at 30 gig game downloads? Who the **** wants to do that, ATT, Comcast, ect will throw a fucking fit at the game companies who are pushing all this digital content to be downloaded on their networks, they are going to start throttling access to the stores (if they don't already) and it won't just be PSN it will be Xbox, Steam, whatever. You'll see the internet companies start negotiating with game companies for premium access to download speed for their games and everything else. All costs that will get passed to the consumer, so we'll not only be paying for the internet access, but the game and the developers fee to have a premium download access and speed. Sure that's waaay forward thinking but I wouldn't put it past them, look at this always on bullshit they are doing now.
So I'll go ahead and end my rant now with I'm really getting tired of all this push for digital content bullshit. I'm fine with add-on's like extra charecters and things like that but you can't sell them back, they take up too much space, they take forever to download, if your HD fucks up you have to do it all over again... ect.. so many reasons. I know they backed off their statements and are going to progress with some sort of blue-ray going forward but that doesn't mean that the digital push isn't going to go full force in the future.
the end. and thank you for not reading.