Video Game Thread

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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I even gave away my copy of NHL13 at this point. I like the skating and physics engine from 13, but agreed with Supra, needs polish. I am sure it will be.</p>


I see they are attempting to make hitting better, but I am skeptical. I do feel they improved the human D side of the house with 13 though.</p>


The new fighting engine, all I can think to myself is "Online games are gonna suck so hard". I dont think spending time working on a fighting engine is a valuable game focus. Some fighting there? Great. They have that. It impact stamina of the team and such, great. But by tossing "Fight Night" out there, all I can think is this part of the game is gonna be Streetfighter.</p>


The AI... The goalie and D Ai are so linked in issues that I dont know how they can get this right. The D AI is so bad that they have to make the goalie play nowhere near accurate. And as mentioned, goals are random. Truly great hockey plays arent rewarded. Another huge issue is they dont seem to balance AI play based on the top-end Legend card stats. So the game is awesome for about 2 weeks. Then people all start getting there cards and the game becomes too fast, passes too good, and shooting too easy. So the goalies become too good to compensate and starts the cycle.</p>


The Be A Pro is horrible and has been for a long time. Once again, it is fun for a bit but when you are breaking Great One single season records as a rookie DMAN with a difficulty at one below the top with some slider teaks for as close to real as you can, well, it takes away. Not to mention with a full game season, who has time to see a second season? But I dont know how to fix that. FIFA is more forgiving with 25-45 game seasons.</p>


I think they also need to handle cards like they do in FIFA. The difference between the entry level stats and legend stats and the impact on the game is too vast. In FIFA, you have more positionally relevant upgrades based on accomplishments in actual play. Without the ability of buying all these boosts. So say with me and Supra, my numbers are better in a CDM role while his numbers are better in a winger role. And even when we started from scratch, we would end up playing teams with guys with much higher stats, yet we were still able to play. FIFA also has a nice balance where you cannot change the game with your stats alone, yet you do still feel the increases to your abilities. That may also be the difference in 6 v 11, but the player card system as is in NHL kills the play.  </p>


It would have to be amazing for me to go 14. The FIFA franchise is much more polished in my opinion, from interface to play. (Not that FIFA doesnt have its own issues...) Not to mention, and on a completely personal level, I love playing goalie and at least for me, it takes quite a bit of on-going play for me to even be competitive in Club play. I think between 10-12 I had probably 4k games played, no shit. But that is my own stupid head.</p>


Rant over, I too will be skipping NHL 14.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I used to love sports games, but they were never good enough, and then all of a sudden they were too complicated. I've gone back to NBA Jam and NFL Blitz...</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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HE'S ON FIRE!!!</p>


I loved NBA Jam back in the day. Price and Dougherty 4 t3h win! It was one of the first games to save stats and records and such so at our local arcade, competition was fierce.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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They did a great job with the new NBA Jam. It's fun and they didn't make it ridiculously difficult.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah, I got the new NBA Jam free through PSN+ (and NFL Blitz) and love it. My buddy and I played it a lot when we got it and only randomly now but it is a lot of fun, lot's of unlockables, and a lot of frustrating fun.</p>


Phranchk you got it on PS3? I'd be down to play sometime...</p>


and Dante, Daughtey and Price were nice, but Kemp and Payton was the bomb.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah, I have it on ps3. I'd be down too, but good luck finding me at the right time.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I never see you on... like.... ever. haha. Do you log in when you're on... or maybe your just always on Netflix, I can't remember.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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The only time I'm usually on is after 8 or 9 at night and it's only for a few hours. Occasionally I'm on during the day, but not often.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="192099" data-time="1366229442">

I even gave away my copy of NHL13 at this point. I like the skating and physics engine from 13, but agreed with Supra, needs polish. I am sure it will be.</p>


I see they are attempting to make hitting better, but I am skeptical. I do feel they improved the human D side of the house with 13 though.</p>


The new fighting engine, all I can think to myself is "Online games are gonna suck so hard". I dont think spending time working on a fighting engine is a valuable game focus. Some fighting there? Great. They have that. It impact stamina of the team and such, great. But by tossing "Fight Night" out there, all I can think is this part of the game is gonna be Streetfighter.</p>


The AI... The goalie and D Ai are so linked in issues that I dont know how they can get this right. The D AI is so bad that they have to make the goalie play nowhere near accurate. And as mentioned, goals are random. Truly great hockey plays arent rewarded. Another huge issue is they dont seem to balance AI play based on the top-end Legend card stats. So the game is awesome for about 2 weeks. Then people all start getting there cards and the game becomes too fast, passes too good, and shooting too easy. So the goalies become too good to compensate and starts the cycle.</p>


The Be A Pro is horrible and has been for a long time. Once again, it is fun for a bit but when you are breaking Great One single season records as a rookie DMAN with a difficulty at one below the top with some slider teaks for as close to real as you can, well, it takes away. Not to mention with a full game season, who has time to see a second season? But I dont know how to fix that. FIFA is more forgiving with 25-45 game seasons.</p>


I think they also need to handle cards like they do in FIFA. The difference between the entry level stats and legend stats and the impact on the game is too vast. In FIFA, you have more positionally relevant upgrades based on accomplishments in actual play. Without the ability of buying all these boosts. So say with me and Supra, my numbers are better in a CDM role while his numbers are better in a winger role. And even when we started from scratch, we would end up playing teams with guys with much higher stats, yet we were still able to play. FIFA also has a nice balance where you cannot change the game with your stats alone, yet you do still feel the increases to your abilities. That may also be the difference in 6 v 11, but the player card system as is in NHL kills the play.  </p>


It would have to be amazing for me to go 14. The FIFA franchise is much more polished in my opinion, from interface to play. (Not that FIFA doesnt have its own issues...) Not to mention, and on a completely personal level, I love playing goalie and at least for me, it takes quite a bit of on-going play for me to even be competitive in Club play. I think between 10-12 I had probably 4k games played, no shit. But that is my own stupid head.</p>


Rant over, I too will be skipping NHL 14.</p>



What they need to do is not penalize you for simming in BAP.  That and fucking stream line the code or something, reason I havent touched be a gm since 09 was how fuckin long it takes to sim games.  NHL 09 on the PC, I could sim a season in the time it takes to sim one game.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="190847" data-time="1365024355">

Fucking sucks actually, I don't play any star wars games really, but Star Wars 1313 looked pretty interesting. Other than that they didn't really make shit.</p>


It may lead to some good developers making games, then again some shitty ones might too.  1313 did look cool, but I hope it stays scrapped and they dont sell it to someone.    Games that have been scrapped and resurrected by other teams do not historically do well.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Oh I don't disagree with you at all... Especailly when I read how much they had already resurrected it and rebuilt it. Just a shame though. We'll see. Since it won't be Disney's name and all they want is the profit back from the 3 billion, I fear they will just license it to everyone and there will be so much bad made by the time the good came come out that people will be skeptical when something good does finally come out and it will still fail and the river will eventually dry up.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="192198" data-time="1366316323">

Oh I don't disagree with you at all... Especailly when I read how much they had already resurrected it and rebuilt it. Just a shame though. We'll see. Since it won't be Disney's name and all they want is the profit back from the 3 billion, I fear they will just license it to everyone and there will be so much bad made by the time the good came come out that people will be skeptical when something good does finally come out and it will still fail and the river will eventually dry up.</p>



Well yeah you gotta look at the developer at this point not so much the game.   If its a quality developer go for it, if you havent heard of the developer before, be skeptical.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="192258" data-time="1366360016">

Well yeah you gotta look at the developer at this point not so much the game.   If its a quality developer go for it, if you havent heard of the developer before, be skeptical.</p>

What is going to happen is you are going to have a bunch of shitty studios try to make their name on a star wars game and waste the money needed to properly develop it on the licensing of the name and then put out a shitty product and ruin their company.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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Anyone try out Injustice yet?  I downloaded the demo and it seemed kind of fun.  Might pick it up, but more because of the fanboy I am than because I love fighting games.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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There is really nothing about that game that excited me... I'm not big on fighting games, and they charecters just didn't do it for me. Especially the story of how they went bad and such... just doesn't look like my type of game. BUUUTTT the levels you fight on are supposed to be amazingly interactive. Unlike typical fighter games. As in you use the environment in the fight as much as your actual fighting powers.</p>


I guess it all comes down to the fact that I can't really get into a game where Aquaman could be the strongest of all the superheros/villans.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="192781" data-time="1366920321">

There is really nothing about that game that excited me... I'm not big on fighting games, and they charecters just didn't do it for me. Especially the story of how they went bad and such... just doesn't look like my type of game. BUUUTTT the levels you fight on are supposed to be amazingly interactive. Unlike typical fighter games. As in you use the environment in the fight as much as your actual fighting powers.</p>


I guess it all comes down to the fact that I can't really get into a game where Aquaman could be the strongest of all the superheros/villans.</p>

It does seem like the one of the developers had a huge hard-on for Aquaman as his "special" attack is ridiculously badass.  I just like the idea of being able to run people over with the batmobile.</p>


And anytime there's a chance for me play as GL is a win in my book.  From the demo, it feels like they combined some of the fighting style of Arkham with that of Mortal Combat.  Although I am curious about the $59.99 price tag... seems a good $10 more than other PS3 games... why?  Or maybe I'm just clueless about the prices as I haven't bought a game in a very long time.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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59.99 is the standard release day price for PS3 games these days.... I would wait a few weeks or maybe about a month and it will be 39.99 or less. Easily.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ymono37" data-cid="192787" data-time="1366920851">

It does seem like the one of the developers had a huge hard-on for Aquaman as his "special" attack is ridiculously badass.  I just like the idea of being able to run people over with the batmobile.</p>


And anytime there's a chance for me play as GL is a win in my book.  From the demo, it feels like they combined some of the fighting style of Arkham with that of Mortal Combat.  Although I am curious about the $59.99 price tag... seems a good $10 more than other PS3 games... why?  Or maybe I'm just clueless about the prices as I haven't bought a game in a very long time.</p>


Well Aquaman is a huge ***** so they had to do something</p>


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Ugh that game sucked as much as we tried to like it deep down that game was terrible it was too focused on player driven content</p>
