<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="194743" data-time="1368048028">
If you are into the story, yes. If you aren't into the story, not really. "Side story" can definitely be altered quite a bit, as in there are a plethora of main characters between 1 and 2 that could potentially be dead in ME 3, but it really has not real impact on the game from the high level. The characters will talk about and mention your characters specific exploits, decisions you made etc.</p>
So essentially you may get more less cutscenes, characters are aware of what you did. characters may be alive or dead. You will get some additional side quests in some cases. there are some really minor characters that you can choose to kill or not or treat badly, and depending on what you do you will get some side quests or bonuses in later games.</p>
SO in short, there is no Main quest altering effect from them. But you do most definitely get to experience differences. </p>
So There will be instances of "Hey I remember that Guy!" from one game to another....and he will remember you and how you interacted with him.</p>
But for the record, be a sport and be nice to old Conrad Verner.</p>
That's going to drive me nuts, I'm not going to want to be missing out on stuff because I killed someone. hahaha But I assume there are different side missions for whatever your choose so it's not like you are missing any side missions you just get different side missions based on what you chose to do? I get that the main story stays the same, it has to, but could you bet from 1-3 vastly differently based on how you decide to play your character? Is there a replayablility factor?</p>