Video Game Thread


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah, they are the worst....</p>




Mass Effect one is pretty good so far, the controls are pretty clunky. upgrading and fighting and stuff like that. I hope that gets better refined. Story is pretty standard so far but I can see where it will get good. Lot's of pieces. It looks like I have room for one more in my party, or I missed her? Anyway, I can never figure out what's best to have combat tech or biotics... I'm trying different things but right now Im balancing with Wrex and Aiden or whatever the other human guys name is. So much depth of information, it can almost bog down.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="195378" data-time="1368472722">

Yeah, they are the worst....</p>




Mass Effect one is pretty good so far, the controls are pretty clunky. upgrading and fighting and stuff like that. I hope that gets better refined. Story is pretty standard so far but I can see where it will get good. Lot's of pieces. It looks like I have room for one more in my party, or I missed her? Anyway, I can never figure out what's best to have combat tech or biotics... I'm trying different things but right now Im balancing with Wrex and Aiden or whatever the other human guys name is. So much depth of information, it can almost bog down.</p>


The combat/upgrading/equipment gets totally overhauled in Mass Effect 2.  Aside from DLC stuff you essentially get armor "pieces" in ME2 (shoulders, body, boots, helmets) that you can mix and match that are unique (and not nearly as many).  I believe in ME1 theres like 10 versions of each armor and weapon, your inventory can get quit daunting.  For sake of ease in ME1 I would have just played a soldier (even if you import into ME2, you can still change your class)</p>


Basically just bear with ME1's combat system for the story, I mean you will get used to it, and it wont be so bad by the end.</p>



As far as companions its probably Liara you don't have yet, I think shes the last companion you get and you cant avoid getting her you should have everyone else once you wrap up the initial citadel stuff.</p>


To get max story, literally after every major mission go talk to your teammates (hell sometimes even after side missions).</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="195392" data-time="1368473987">

The combat/upgrading/equipment gets totally overhauled in Mass Effect 2.  Aside from DLC stuff you essentially get armor "pieces" in ME2 (shoulders, body, boots, helmets) that you can mix and match that are unique (and not nearly as many).  I believe in ME1 theres like 10 versions of each armor and weapon, your inventory can get quit daunting.  For sake of ease in ME1 I would have just played a soldier (even if you import into ME2, you can still change your class)</p>


Basically just bear with ME1's combat system for the story, I mean you will get used to it, and it wont be so bad by the end.</p>



As far as companions its probably Liara you don't have yet, I think shes the last companion you get and you cant avoid getting her you should have everyone else once you wrap up the initial citadel stuff.</p>


To get max story, literally after every major mission go talk to your teammates (hell sometimes even after side missions).</p>

I am an infiltrator, I usually like being a sniper which is why I went with it but this game not so good with snipers... just bad mechanics so far. You have to get close enough for them to target but if you target they basically see you. Anyway, no big deal. The inventory is very daunting, I'm still trying to figure out what a lot of the armor upgrades actually do... I mean I know what they say they do but the effect. I like that there are a lot of variety of bullets but I hate how the game almost wants you to go in and match the bullets to the enemy every damn time. My companions such, I set them to active so they will use their tech automatically but I may just change that to defensive only. most of the time they are just in my way. I'm glad I can't shoot them, but it's fucking stupid that I can't shoot through their shield. so if they are too close it doesn't go anywhere. And the autosave is horrible... or lack of. I hate how much I have to remember to save. And it takes forever, which could entirely by my shit PS3.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="195398" data-time="1368474479">

I am an infiltrator, I usually like being a sniper which is why I went with it but this game not so good with snipers... just bad mechanics so far. You have to get close enough for them to target but if you target they basically see you. Anyway, no big deal. The inventory is very daunting, I'm still trying to figure out what a lot of the armor upgrades actually do... I mean I know what they say they do but the effect. I like that there are a lot of variety of bullets but I hate how the game almost wants you to go in and match the bullets to the enemy every damn time. My companions such, I set them to active so they will use their tech automatically but I may just change that to defensive only. most of the time they are just in my way. I'm glad I can't shoot them, but it's fucking stupid that I can't shoot through their shield. so if they are too close it doesn't go anywhere. And the autosave is horrible... or lack of. I hate how much I have to remember to save. And it takes forever, which could entirely by my shit PS3.</p>



Yeah in ME2/3, the Ammo types are an ability instead of an item, that you can easily switch on the fly (and really only the soldier gets them).   I would seriously just stick with disruptor rounds? whichever ones are good against shields and robots, since mostly what you are going to fight is Geth.  They really re-define the classes in ME2.  in me2 not all classes can use all weapons etc.</p>



Just believe me, the combat is actually really fun in the subsequent games because it is alot more tactical.  Everything is just better is about all I can say.  But you really dont wanna skip ME1 for story purposes, and like I said you will get used to the combat and it will get easier.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I thought for geth I wanted to do the Synthetic weapons?</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="195402" data-time="1368475445">

I thought for geth I wanted to do the Synthetic weapons?</p>


There might be more ammo types in ME1 from what I remember.  In ME2/3 1 type of ammo (disruptor) gives you bonus on shields and synthetic enemies.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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They just announced Gran Turismo 6 today. Said it would be released holidays this year. I laughed. My guess is it will be ready by 2015. I liked GT5 but I quickly lost interest. They just haven't been able to keep up with the competition and the game has become boring.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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It became really boring at first it was all like, sweet check out all these cars, then it was just about details, and enough is enough when all you do is just drive.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I'm sure I would love it if I could afford the $500 steering wheel setup that makes the game pretty realistic, but even the presentation of the game is terrible. The music, the menus, the load times. They need to have a story line or more advanced career modes.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Load times are the number one killer of all games for me, I really really really hope that next gen systems can do something about them or at least get creative with them. The new architecture where they talk about being able to suspend games and do more things at once including downloading the game while playing it has me super hopeful they can figure out how to do away with constant massive load screens.</p>


That and the STUPID FUCKING DUMBASS PRACTICE OF ALWAYS HAVING TO DOWNLOAD MASSIVE UPDATES TO GAMES YOU JUTS DOWNLOADED!!! I download a game which already takes overnight then I go to play it the next day and there is a 1gig update... or special editions of games that just get released like the ME Trilogy which as soon as I insert the first fucking game that is 6 years old there is a massive update... Or and this is the greatest of them all... The games you pre-order get the day of and insert in to your system for a huge fucking update. Why the **** was the game released if you know it's full of shit already... ohh publishers, that's right. It really makes me want to dick punch people.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Agree 100%. GT5 was the worst for this. Took an hour of downloads to play the fucking game the first time. The biggest disappointment for the new PS4 is that they aren't using SSDs, but if it truly can start up any game with almost zero load times or from a suspended point that will be huge.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="phranchk" data-cid="195849" data-time="1368634964">

Agree 100%. GT5 was the worst for this. Took an hour of downloads to play the fucking game the first time. The biggest disappointment for the new PS4 is that they aren't using SSDs, but if it truly can start up any game with almost zero load times or from a suspended point that will be huge.</p>

Yeah, but i'm not totally disappointed in the no-ssd. They can always do a version download road when it's more cost effective. The problem is the thing is going to be so expensive as it is that they are already running a loss leader and need to cut back somewhere... As long as we don't notice the performance difference then it shouldn't be a problem.</p>


New member
May 14, 2010
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Love the added defensive strafing. I really, truly hope they've fixed the goalies to make them more realistic. Especially the side-to-side super saves.</p></p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Oh and Mass Effect stuff. Since I can truly call myself an expert of the series since Supra skiped my vein so long ago...</p>




ME 1: Set to casual and play only for the story. The gameplay and mechanics are not refined.</p>


ME 2: Might be the best video game I have ever played. Shadow Broker is needed DLC in my opinion.</p>


ME 3: If ME 2 is #1, ME 3 is right behind or vice versa. Gameplay is refined at the expense of some of the "choose your own adventure" type play, although your choices are there. If you are a story junkie, the Leviathan DLC is CRUCIAL! Read again, the cost of playing ME 3 MUST include the cost of this DLC. Without it, the story remains poor at the end.</p>


P.S. REAL men play Vanguards on Insanity with ME 2/3. Changed the way I look at all these games of this type. Best. Gaming. Combat. Experience. Ever.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Do I need Shadow Broker before I finish ME2 or can I wait till after?</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="196044" data-time="1368724844">

I just watched this too and they are making it harder to boycott.</p>


Here let me make it easy again. One touch dekes means online will be filled with nothing but flippy mcfancys. So in summary **** the NHL series until it decides to focus on less highlights and more actual hockey</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="196045" data-time="1368725372">

Oh and Mass Effect stuff. Since I can truly call myself an expert of the series since Supra skiped my vein so long ago...</p>




ME 1: Set to casual and play only for the story. The gameplay and mechanics are not refined.</p>


ME 2: Might be the best video game I have ever played. Shadow Broker is needed DLC in my opinion.</p>


ME 3: If ME 2 is #1, ME 3 is right behind or vice versa. Gameplay is refined at the expense of some of the "choose your own adventure" type play, although your choices are there. If you are a story junkie, the Leviathan DLC is CRUCIAL! Read again, the cost of playing ME 3 MUST include the cost of this DLC. Without it, the story remains poor at the end.</p>


P.S. REAL men play Vanguards on Insanity with ME 2/3. Changed the way I look at all these games of this type. Best. Gaming. Combat. Experience. Ever.</p>

Really? MeThinks I will have to try this leviathan DLC.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196048" data-time="1368725897">

Do I need Shadow Broker before I finish ME2 or can I wait till after?</p>


First time I played, it was after. But on later playthroughs, I loved having it there throughout the playthrough and play that portion about 1/2 way through now.</p>


Without giving any spoilers, it has facets that can be revisited throughout the whiole of the game. But nothing that is so game changing that you would miss out if you did at the end.</p>
