Video Game Thread


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="phranchk" data-cid="196038" data-time="1368722578">

Love the added defensive strafing. I really, truly hope they've fixed the goalies to make them more realistic. Especially the side-to-side super saves.</p></p>



The problem I have with all of this is.....Paying full game price for bug fixes.  I mean many of these improvements are really bugs.  Particularly the D issue.  It is SO easy to get beat back skating its not even funny.  When Playing online and the play is going to be coming to my zone, I just skate a guy down to the goalie, no point in trying to play the guy, unless you get lucky you will get beat.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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That's true, but it's generally that way for all sports games. It's only every 4 or 5 years that there's a big overhaul.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="196056" data-time="1368727224">

First time I played, it was after. But on later playthroughs, I loved having it there throughout the playthrough and play that portion about 1/2 way through now.</p>


Without giving any spoilers, it has facets that can be revisited throughout the whiole of the game. But nothing that is so game changing that you would miss out if you did at the end.</p>

I concur, it is definitely something that would be very useful through out game play of ME2.  I wouldnt wait on that.  Arrival is more for story than necessity(as I said it links me2 and 3).   I think Mass got shadow broker with his bundle though?</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="196055" data-time="1368727158">

Really? MeThinks I will have to try this leviathan DLC.</p>


In my opinion, it took ME 3 from a place where i would NEVER play through it again back to a top games of all time for me. The importance story-wise made all the difference.</p>


I must have 10 or so ME 2 plays and about 5 ME 3. ME 3 would have stayed at 1 without Leviathan. The DLC for ME 3 are all really very good imo, but Leviathan as far as explaining the ME Universe is crucial. Omega is some incredible combat and Citadel is comically and very squad story driven but not much in the way of combat. Neither Citadel or Omega is NEEDED like Leviathan imo.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="196049" data-time="1368725908">

Here let me make it easy again. One touch dekes means online will be filled with nothing but flippy mcfancys. So in summary **** the NHL series until it decides to focus on less highlights and more actual hockey</p>


Oh I said it made boycott harder... I still have no plans to buy this and give NHL any money.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="196059" data-time="1368727453">

I concur, it is definitely something that would be very useful through out game play of ME2.  I wouldnt wait on that.  Arrival is more for story than necessity(as I said it links me2 and 3).   I think Mass got shadow broker with his bundle though?</p>


The Arrival is one that I loved as well. It does have some great links into ME3. I always play Arrival in my playthroughs. That is one that for sure can be done at the end and it is actually BETTER to play at the end.</p>


I really like Kasumi and Z's DLC's but again, not needed at all.  </p>


Overlord is my least favorite , but has some solid details about some facets of the "universe". But i never play through it in my playthroughs now. I was not stoked with the combats, there were some annoying bugs and glitchs, etc. But I also play ME 2 and 3 specifically for the combat as well.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="196056" data-time="1368727224">

First time I played, it was after. But on later playthroughs, I loved having it there throughout the playthrough and play that portion about 1/2 way through now.</p>


Without giving any spoilers, it has facets that can be revisited throughout the whiole of the game. But nothing that is so game changing that you would miss out if you did at the end.</p>

That was my real reason for asking, as in, does the DLC have the ability to add to the game while playing through, or is it just and end game tact on that doesn't really need the game to play.  I think you've answered it, I think they are like 5 bucks now. I'll have to figure out how to buy it as I believe it wasn't included in the trilogy.</p>


EDIT: reading a post online, it looks like I already have it. The Trilogy include ME 1's "Bring Down the Sky," both on-disc and on PSN. ME 2 will include "Cerberus Network," "Kasumi," "Overlord," and "Lair of the Shadow Broker."</p>


I assume Lair of the Shadow Broker is what you are referring to. Question... I loaded ME1 up and all that but don't know how to play or load the DLC Bring Down the Sky? Is it just in the game automatically? It never prompted me to load the DLC so I'm not sure if it's just automatically there because of this version or if they still treat it like a separately purchased DLC. How would I tell?</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="196061" data-time="1368727556">

Oh I said it made boycott harder... I still have no plans to buy this and give NHL any money.</p>


The NHL series will not interest me until the D AI is massively improved and the goalies are nerfed. No interest in playing against super goalies that make Brodeur look like a chump then let in something so Special person Huet would have saved it.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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After digging around a bit It would seem as far as added content DLC, what the Trilogy is missing is</p>


ass Effect</p>
<ul class="bbc">[*]Pinnacle Station

Mass Effect 2</p>
<ul class="bbc">[*]The Price of Revenge (Requires access to Cerberus Network)
[*]Firewalker Pack (Requires access to Cerberus Network)

Mass Effect 3</p>
<ul class="bbc">[*]Extended Cut DLC
[*]From Ashes

And from what I'm hearing, most of them are worth picking up eventually separately?</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I think that's your problem. You've been trying to play ass Effect instead of Mass Effect. Wrong DLC.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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ME 1: DLC unneeded and really, just get through it. The story is AMAZING but the actual play is not.</p>


ME 2: If cost is not a large concern? Get them all. The new characters they introduce are well fleshed out through 2 and 3 and are much more than just afterthoughts. Shadow Broker is great throughout the game and a very cool twist on the mystery and strength of the Shadow Broker, Arrival is best at the end and solid story and play. Overlord has some interesting developments that helps flesh out some other universe themes.  Firewalker pack, forgot that... cool if you want to play with some other wepaons, HORRIBLE GAMEPLAY. HORRIBLE.</p>

Required? None really, but Shadow Broker and Arrival are REALLY close to required.</p>


ME 3: Levithan Required. Omega Very Cool optional. Citadel awesome for squad stories and entertainment, low on actually fighting (but doesnt need it). From Ashes, I forgot that was even a DLC. I would also say near required.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="phranchk" data-cid="196072" data-time="1368730368">

I think that's your problem. You've been trying to play ass Effect instead of Mass Effect. Wrong DLC.</p>

Yeah yeah yeah... copy and paste error *******. haha</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="196073" data-time="1368730465">

ME 1: DLC unneeded and really, just get through it. The story is AMAZING but the actual play is not.</p>


ME 2: If cost is not a large concern? Get them all. The new characters they introduce are well fleshed out through 2 and 3 and are much more than just afterthoughts. Shadow Broker is great throughout the game and a very cool twist on the mystery and strength of the Shadow Broker, Arrival is best at the end and solid story and play. Overlord has some interesting developments that helps flesh out some other universe themes.  Firewalker pack, forgot that... cool if you want to play with some other wepaons, HORRIBLE GAMEPLAY. HORRIBLE.</p>

Required? None really, but Shadow Broker and Arrival are REALLY close to required.</p>


ME 3: Levithan Required. Omega Very Cool optional. Citadel awesome for squad stories and entertainment, low on actually fighting (but doesnt need it). From Ashes, I forgot that was even a DLC. I would also say near required.</p>

I'm a completionist damn it! I know you say just get through it but I'm going to bet my 13.33 out of this damn game! hahaha I've already got like 20+ hours in haha. And I haven't even really gotten into the main story, Every time I land on a planet i have to survey the whole thing for minerals and random shit.</p>


I see DLC bundles all the time, what happens if I find a sale on them and buy it and install it and it has DLC that I already have? Anyone know?</p>


Also, I've heard really mixed results on the Multiplayer, they critically review it as ground breakign but I've heard people say it's horrible. I'm not really a big multiplayer person as I like to play with people i know and not many people have the games I do on PS3, but is it worth trying out?</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196076" data-time="1368731332">

I'm a completionist damn it! I know you say just get through it but I'm going to bet my 13.33 out of this damn game! hahaha I've already got like 20+ hours in haha. And I haven't even really gotten into the main story, Every time I land on a planet i have to survey the whole thing for minerals and random shit.</p>


I see DLC bundles all the time, what happens if I find a sale on them and buy it and install it and it has DLC that I already have? Anyone know?</p>


Also, I've heard really mixed results on the Multiplayer, they critically review it as ground breakign but I've heard people say it's horrible. I'm not really a big multiplayer person as I like to play with people i know and not many people have the games I do on PS3, but is it worth trying out?</p>


Believe you me, NO ONE understands ME completionist more than me. :) Since you havent played ME2, you dont know what you are "missing" yet. I enjoyed ME 1 as well until I had went back for a ME 1 - 3 run. ME 1 became SO tedious that I set the difficulty as low as it could go as more as a playable movie and move on.</p>


I cant say on the DLC bundle buys. I never have bought as a bundle. But I believe you can check DLCs you have on the opening menu in 2 and 3 and fill in the blanks.</p>


I still play ME MP to this day with a buddy and Supra.</p>


For me, the best part of the Multi is that you get to play as all the races and various skills in the ME universe that were not playable in the Single. For example, you can play as a Krogan and it feels and plays like a Korgan would (fast runner, slow walker, tough, tons of health and shield) or an Asari would (nimble, biotic goddesses) and Turians (average health and shield but excel with weapon use as their culture dicated) and other races you would not have encountered yet so I wont spoil. Parts of it are groundbreaking and I hope they incorporate aspects of the multi in future games. There is also some annoying "grind" aspects to it as well. Do you need to play? Nope. But I still do and have fun with it.</p>


The other general ME advice I would give is spend your time reading the Codex information. The amount of detail and work that has gone into the universe created would make George Lucas cry in envy. I would usually spend a few minutes at the end of my gaming session and read about it. It truly is my favorite sci-fi universe to date.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="196085" data-time="1368735205">

Believe you me, NO ONE understands ME completionist more than me. :icon-smile: Since you havent played ME2, you dont know what you are "missing" yet. I enjoyed ME 1 as well until I had went back for a ME 1 - 3 run. ME 1 became SO tedious that I set the difficulty as low as it could go as more as a playable movie and move on.</p>


I cant say on the DLC bundle buys. I never have bought as a bundle. But I believe you can check DLCs you have on the opening menu in 2 and 3 and fill in the blanks.</p>


I still play ME MP to this day with a buddy and Supra.</p>


For me, the best part of the Multi is that you get to play as all the races and various skills in the ME universe that were not playable in the Single. For example, you can play as a Krogan and it feels and plays like a Korgan would (fast runner, slow walker, tough, tons of health and shield) or an Asari would (nimble, biotic goddesses) and Turians (average health and shield but excel with weapon use as their culture dicated) and other races you would not have encountered yet so I wont spoil. Parts of it are groundbreaking and I hope they incorporate aspects of the multi in future games. There is also some annoying "grind" aspects to it as well. Do you need to play? Nope. But I still do and have fun with it.</p>


The other general ME advice I would give is spend your time reading the Codex information. The amount of detail and work that has gone into the universe created would make George Lucas cry in envy. I would usually spend a few minutes at the end of my gaming session and read about it. It truly is my favorite sci-fi universe to date.</p>



I have to agree.  When I Got ME1, it was to satisfy my craving for a KOTOR 3 and I ended up liking the universe more than star wars.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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What is the multiplayer like? Is it co-op vs. comp or battle arena, or what? do you just run through missions as a three man team? I saw there was a bunch of MP DLC for 3 I think, but I assumed it was strictly for MP play and if I don't do that I don't need them.</p>


I definitely listen to all the codex that is in the primary. The secondary stuff I always check and run through some but a lot of it I pick up on because I'm one of those nut jobs that has to click every menu option when talking to a person before I move one. A lot of what is in the codex is revealed through that. I do like that at least in ME one different codex stuff will pop up if you select the right menu stuff so it's an incentive not to blow through it and to get more of the story.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196090" data-time="1368737426">

What is the multiplayer like? Is it co-op vs. comp or battle arena, or what? do you just run through missions as a three man team? I saw there was a bunch of MP DLC for 3 I think, but I assumed it was strictly for MP play and if I don't do that I don't need them.</p>


I definitely listen to all the codex that is in the primary. The secondary stuff I always check and run through some but a lot of it I pick up on because I'm one of those nut jobs that has to click every menu option when talking to a person before I move one. A lot of what is in the codex is revealed through that. I do like that at least in ME one different codex stuff will pop up if you select the right menu stuff so it's an incentive not to blow through it and to get more of the story.</p>

Multiplayer is strictly co-op at this point.  (4 players vs AI).  I think its because this was their first foray into MP, with a single player game.  I am sure a PvP Mass effect isnt out of the cards.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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I hate PvP honestly. No one ever does it right. By the time I play it it's always professionals just running around killing people like me trying to figure out how to play. There are never skill level balancing constraints that work well.</p>


I'm all for co-op multiplayer, but I don't think I know anyone with the game, and I'm not good at gaming with strangers. hah.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Ye'up, as mentioned, the multi is all co-op with a max of 4 people a team, against 1 of 4 bad guys (not revealing). It is like a more fun "horde" mode. Numerous maps, most of which are in the ME 3 Single. A slew of weapons and a slew of kits/classes.</p>


I agree, it feels like it was done as an experiment but turned into something they supported with fixes and new content for over a year (they have recently announced they have stopped). The "World of Warcraft" element is each round of 11 waves, you get credits for. With credits you can buy various equipment packs that include weapons, gear, new kits, ammo types, and the like for a "grind" feel. It also has 4 levels from Bronze to Platinum in difficulty. It also has a minor "leveling" componant, similar to the Single player.</p>


I would link to my multiplayer "manifest" but I dont want to give you spoilers.</p>


I played without buddies for a bit of time and still do. There is a danger though... Play it enough and you will HATE your Single Shep because he is weaker then what you can get away with in Multi!</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Hahah good to know I can still play multiplayer alone, I'm weird like that... I guess my main problem with most multiplayers is that it's only good if you talk to the other people in the group and I always get stuck with the 12 year olds are the dumb fucks who don't have a mic. Can you get away with just adding random people who you don't have to talk to or care if they are 12?</p>
