Video Game Thread


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Jul 24, 2010
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It's the principle of the matter. That you would not be able to access a game that you supposedly own because of external factors beyond your control, just doesn't sit right with me. That's fine for games built specifically for online play only. But it's been spreading to games that are or have been in the past mostly a single player experience. I'm not arguing it's a bad thing to add in online capabilities to play with other people, but to make it the ONLY way you can ever play those games at all, that's ridiculous.

Piracy will always exist.There will always be ways around DRM and having it in a game only really encourages it even more. So why take these extreme measures whey they only really lessen the experience for the people who are actually buying your game? Ubisoft got that message when people found a way to get around their always on DRM bullshit and pirate their games and play them offline. So they ditched it.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
It's the principle of the matter. That you would not be able to access a game that you supposedly own because of external factors beyond your control, just doesn't sit right with me. That's fine for games built specifically for online play only. But it's been spreading to games that are or have been in the past mostly a single player experience. I'm not arguing it's a bad thing to add in online capabilities to play with other people, but to make it the ONLY way you can ever play those games at all, that's ridiculous.

Piracy will always exist.There will always be ways around DRM and having it in a game only really encourages it even more. So why take these extreme measures whey they only really lessen the experience for the people who are actually buying your game? Ubisoft got that message when people found a way to get around their always on DRM bullshit and pirate their games and play them offline. So they ditched it.

Unless they havent released a game after announcing that, no they didn't AC3 had DRM on it and like normal just block the .exe on the firewall.


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Jul 24, 2010
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Always on DRM meaning always online DRM. Where you always have to have an internet connection to play the game at all. They got rid of that.

Again, having something like that implemented, the absolute best thing it does for people who buy the game is nothing whatsoever. Zero pros to them. And for a lot of people it just gives them headaches and takes away from the game. The people who pirate those games are without any of those problems. All it does is encourages the pirating of the game simply because of how frustrating it can be, not the other way around.


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May 14, 2010
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I just hope they have all the problems, or most of them, fixed by the time of the Mac launch. I'm not holding my breath though.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
a dude hacked it and played offline

EA has a couple glaring problems. First off they rush shit out the door for no reason (Mass Effect 3 and its shitty ending and SimCity which has a lot of issues not just server related). There is no reason for it. Look at Blizzard, they are notorious for pushing back their games, sales aren't hurt from it. 2nd is being full of shit, saying that the game has to be online for calculations. Look be honest and say it is to protect from piracy and so some region play features work.

Look I still dont care I have to use their servers, it isnt a big deal to me. Just be honest about it.


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Jul 24, 2010
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Being honest about would mean just getting rid of it, it provides nothing but problems to people who buy the game.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Overall its a fun game, server issues are gone. But as supra said some game mechanics need fixing, primarily workers and traffic.

theres a trifecta of Worker population, Jobs, and shopper demand.

you can only balance two currently, when you should be able to balance all three. The usual outcome is a shit ton of unfilled jobs and factories/commerical buildings closing.

The solution is there should be more workers for your population. I mean right now, one of my citines has around 50k people in it. I have 3000 workers.....Really? out of a population of 50k 3000 are going out earning a paycheck while I have like 10k unfilled jobs? so 47k people are kids or retirees or housewives/husbands.

Traffic is screwy too. In a city of 50k (around 90k in reality, as im a tourist town, and there are 40k visitors every day) I literally have like 2-3 facilities of every form of public transportation maxed out (I am spending more on public transportation than every other city expense COMBINED) I am barely in the black and im overtaxing my citizens to pay for it. If I would cut that in half I would be rolling in money even after dropping tax rates.

The thing is, I can build up my pop to pay for it, but then Id have to build more mass trans because the tourists would be pissed that the mass trans sucks. I shouldnt need 100 greyhound busses, more than one train station (I currently have 4, and they are bitching about that), a municipal airport. like 80 street cars (trollies), spending beyond my means on mass trans and it still isnt good enough.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Demon's Souls is out free for PSN+ members. I've been wanting to get this game for a while now because everyone talks about how amazing it is, but apparently there is no real pause button so i've been hesitant because if the kid crys you go...


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May 14, 2010
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Is that the game where someone can just jump into your game and challenge you?


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May 14, 2010
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yeah. they tried to curb it some but at free I bet it brings everyone out. you can play offline though I believe. and yes, hard as **** but one of the most loved games


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May 16, 2010
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Anyone hear that Lucas Arts was just closed by Disney? Article is here


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Anyone hear that Lucas Arts was just closed by Disney? Article is here

"After evaluating our position in the games market, we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company's risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games,"[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] the statement reads.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Depends, if they are willing to whore SW out to any tom dick and harry developer, I assure you they wont all be "quality", you'll have gems and steaming turds.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]On the same token, I really don't care. Lucas Arts themselves haven't developed a good star wars game since the Jedi Knight series ended a decade ago(and they didnt even develop all of those). (force unleashed blows ass) and arguably the best (single player) star wars experiences were developed by Bioware and Obsidian.[/font]

LucasArts best efforts were on the PC in the 90's, end of story.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Fucking sucks actually, I don't play any star wars games really, but Star Wars 1313 looked pretty interesting. Other than that they didn't really make shit.


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May 14, 2010
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I thought they used fight night technology already?


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
I said it on Facebook, but I like some of the new features/improved features.</p>


The skating engine is great as it is in 13, so hopefully the "improved" skating engine in 14 is actually improved and not a re-haul. They really needed to improve the collision physics in 13, so hopefully it is a major improvement in 14 like they claim. I can care less about the fighting engine. Online season mode sounds cool.</p>


Other than that, I couldn't give a shit about new features. Just fix the Player AI/Goalie AI. I know you can set up your own systems but even if you put your team on an aggressive forecheck they don't really implement any system. Defensive AI is retardedly brilliant at times, and retardedly Special person at other times. I'm sick of skating into the offensive zone and having one of the opposing defenseman take the puck off my stick if I get within 1 foot of them without any defensive motion, it's like they have a magnet in their stick at times, yet when I control the defenseman that never happens and I have to execute a pokecheck, body check, or stick lift to try and gain possession of the puck (and it never ends up directly on my stick with any of that anyway). Also, it's a bunch of bullshit when I lay my stick on the ice, or sprawl out, and the opponent is able to get the puck through me without a saucer pass (sometimes even stick handling through me, stick and puck glitching through and all), it just glitches through my player. </p>


Goaltenders, another huge problem. I feel like many games I have an upwards of 30-40 shots, many high quality, pressure in the offensive zone all game, and their goaltender has the game of their lives, while mine lets in 5 goals on 15 shots outside the slot. Mind you, I play with team Austria so our goaltender naturally sucks... but still, I've picked better teams and it's really not that much of a factor. My goaltender routinely has a save percentage under .800 and I'm not kidding, every once and a while I'm lucky enough to get a decent-good game from my goaltender. I still win a majority of games but it's almost ridiculous how much more work I have to put in than the opponent some games. </p>


So yeah, goaltenders need to improve on the soft shit, as well as toning down the ridiculous saves — I don't know how the game decides which goaltender is going to stonewall the opponent, but it has to improve. One key factor in this goaltending problem is their side-to-side movement, which is ridiculously unrealistic. At times, the goaltender doesn't even lift their leg to give that "push" and they still glide across the ice, it makes them look like robots/puppets. No matter what, they should have to give that push in real-time, no fast forward animations... which is another problem with the goaltenders, they tend to speed up the animation of a save just so the goaltender can make an amazing save, which makes it look entirely unrealistic and laughable at times. Just cut the crap, it's not humanly possible to move that fast, so don't allow the animation to speed up!</p>


There's just small tweaks they need to make, but right now those are the ones that bother me the most. It doesn't sound like they want to improve on things like that, they just want to add gimmicks. I'll still end up playing 14, but please, one day EA I hope you pull your head out of your ass and work on the actual game play rather than adding new features. It's frustrating because the game has so much potential, but every year it is released the game mechanics feel like a beta release.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
The NHL series this generation in my opinion peaked at NHL 10, personally I loved NHL 09 but for balance of realism and fun NHL10 was the one that hit it.</p>


Here's the problem with the NHL series all their new features feel like they are in beta. The skating engine is horribly unfinished, board play is too basic, fighting (as of NHL 13) was too basic. Every year they like to tout how they made the goalies harder to score on and in NHL 13 they finally got to the point where it is too hard and too random to score on them. The AI hasn't even learned hockey 101 yet. Just basic shit it doesn't do right. I wish I could enjoy the NHL series but truthfully I haven't had fun with it in NHL13, I think I will be sitting NHL14 out.</p>
