Video Game Thread


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May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196920" data-time="1369244227">

But I thought the options I could select was based on my rating for Charm or Intimidate?</p>


But Charm or intimidate maxed by your Paragon or Renegade if I remember correctly</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196907" data-time="1369238031">

I killed Kaidan... WTF.. I KILLED KAIDAN.

That's... that's. actually pretty fucking sweet... although I suspect he's not really dead... but no spoliers. It's taking me forever to get through the game because I like doing all the side quests first. I've just met the Reaper/ beat Saren for the first time kinda and Kaidan is dead cause of course I"m going to save the chick because I know she's in future games and I'm going to hit that all day. They never really confirmed his death so I'm going to assume he'll be back somehow. haha. interesting game so far. Some of the side missions I don't get. Like there is one little side scene for about convincing a woman to get her baby genetically tested. I guess it's just to immerse you in some of the tech that goes on. Games solid so far. Nothing mind breaking but I assume it's all leading up to some big reveals. I'm kinda surprised that I don't have any biotic powers, but I assume that's part of the big reveal as to why I am such a badass and survived Akuze. I feel like I"m maybe halfway through at least? Would really like to get to ME2 but I am going to make sure to do everything.

Also. I hit paragon and am about halfway through renegade but can't figure out what it actually does? Are they just worthless indicators?</p></blockquote>
Yeah he's dead dead. never to be heard from again and as Jeff said, whoever you chose to save here, returns as a crew mate in ME3.

You are getting close to ME2 now. SOme of the best dialogue in all the games is between EDI and Joker in ME2 (in ME2 go talk to joker after every mission).

People may react to you differently as well. depending on your Paragon/renegade (more prominent in later games). I almost always end up with about a 80/20 split paragon/renegade. I mean some times you just need to punch a reporter in the face (I am guessing you didnt choose to do that, lol, I did every playthrough, and its not the last time you see that *****.)

And on the topic of the actors in the game I forgot, Beneziah, Sarens Asari sidekick, is voiced by Marina Sirtis of Star Trek TNG fame.

So who is Shepard gonna bump uglies with in your playthrough?

I went the James T Kirk Intergalactic Space Pimp rout and shagged a different broad in each game (in ME2 I forgot I actually nailed 2 chicks) so 4 different broads. I shoulda really pimped it out and banged that *** dude in ME3.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I nailed Ashley, Miranda, and Miranda again.</p>


Miranda is voiced and based off the blonde from Chuck, Jesus she is sexy as **** with black hair.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="196934" data-time="1369248932">

I nailed Ashley, Miranda, and Miranda again.

Miranda is voiced and based off the blonde from Chuck, Jesus she is sexy as **** with black hair.</p></blockquote>

ME1: Liara

ME2: Jack and Tali (Jack and Kelly Chambers can both be nailed as well as who ever Shepards love interest is)

ME3: Ashley


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="196935" data-time="1369249151">

ME1: Liara</p>

ME2: Jack and Tali</p>

ME3: Ashley</p>


I was sorta faithful, Ashley was all pissy at me in ME2 so I found comfort with a femme fatale </p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="196936" data-time="1369249268">

I was sorta faithful, Ashley was all pissy at me in ME2 so I found comfort with a femme fatale </p>



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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="196937" data-time="1369249500">

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="196936" data-time="1369249268">

I was sorta faithful, Ashley was all pissy at me in ME2 so I found comfort with a femme fatale </p>



Screw that lesbo. Was all on my jock and turns out to like carpet</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="196932" data-time="1369248308">

Yeah he's dead dead. never to be heard from again and as Jeff said, whoever you chose to save here, returns as a crew mate in ME3. <span style="color:#ff0000;">That's pretty sweet. I like that they force you to make hard decisions. I knew which ever one you saved came back, I just didn't know when. And that's only because I looked up some of their voices and saw the characters in the next games. </span>

You are getting close to ME2 now. SOme of the best dialogue in all the games is between EDI and Joker in ME2 (in ME2 go talk to joker after every mission). <span style="color:#ff0000;">EDI? I love Joker. I think Seth Green hit's it on the head. Is he the voice throughout?</span>

People may react to you differently as well. depending on your Paragon/renegade (more prominent in later games). I almost always end up with about a 80/20 split paragon/renegade. I mean some times you just need to punch a reporter in the face (I am guessing you didnt choose to do that, lol, I did every playthrough, and its not the last time you see that *****.) <span style="color:#ff0000;">God damn right I punched her in the face... I actually didn't mean to. You know how you choose the option because of what it says but what they really say is completely different... I thought that's how this was going to be, I chose to shut her up I didn't know it meant smack a *****... I laughed so hard when Hackett was like, yeah I probably would have too... haha. that was great. </span>

And on the topic of the actors in the game I forgot, Beneziah, Sarens Asari sidekick, is voiced by Marina Sirtis of Star Trek TNG fame. <span style="color:#ff0000;">Did not know that... but didn't really matter she did sound familiar but wasn't in the game much... </span>

So who is Shepard gonna bump uglies with in your playthrough? <span style="color:#ff0000;">I'm sticking with Williams, The asari snake logs don't roll with me and she's a bit creepy how she instantly wanted on the jock. And Tali is alright, but I cant figure out how that would actually work with all her shit on her. And Kaidan dead, and well I don't swing the male alien way either. </span>

I went the James T Kirk Intergalactic Space Pimp rout and shagged a different broad in each game (in ME2 I forgot I actually nailed 2 chicks) so 4 different broads. I shoulda really pimped it out and banged that *** dude in ME3. <span style="color:#ff0000;">I assume you can only bang one a game without pissing the other off so I'm just sticking to one for now, may switch it up in the future if there are other options. </span></p>

See above</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Yeah the game is all about tough decisions especially in the final battle of ME2 and most of ME3. Which was a lot of the outrage of the ending to the series. A trilogy all about choices came down to picking a color of light. There is a special place in hell for the guy(s) that wrote the ending to ME3.</p>


I was super nice to everyone, I was a knight in shining armor.</p>


I didn't know it either</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196940" data-time="1369249982">

See above</p>

2. EDI is a new character in ME2.  and yes Seth Green voices Joker throughout the series (all the the voice actors stay the same).</p>

3. You will get more opportunity with her in the other games as well.  Also, you had to have met Conrad Verner? "Shepards biggest fan".</p>

5.  In ME1 your only love interest options are Liara, Ashley and Kaiden and only lesbian love is allowed, not *** love, the field really opens up in ME2.</p>

6. In ME1 you can only do one.  Things change after ME1 though.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="196945" data-time="1369251254">

2. EDI is a new character in ME2.  and yes Seth Green voices Joker throughout the series (all the the voice actors stay the same).</p>

3. You will get more opportunity with her in the other games as well.  Also, you had to have met Conrad Verner? "Shepards biggest fan".</p>

5.  In ME1 your only love interest options are Liara, Ashley and Kaiden and only lesbian love is allowed, not *** love, the field really opens up in ME2.</p>

6. In ME1 you can only do one.  Things change after ME1 though.</p>

Ahhh,,, ok, I haven't met EDI yet then, makes sense. I guess I wasn't asking if Seth Green was still Joker, but more is JOker still in the games, cause he's the best of all the characters so far... and Wrex. But you answered that question so good deal.</p>


Great, I'll just keep punching her then, haha. Yeah I finished Conrad, but I think I did it wrong and he's going to go get himself killed, I was nice to him till the third and final and I said somethign wrong and he stormed off like I wasn't a real hear bullshit. I believe he dies now... This is the only spolier I really looked up cause I couldn't figure out why the hell the mission wouldn't go away.</p>


I keep forgetting that I could have been a woman instead of a man, but for me... why. We all know a woman can't save the universe...... ::crickets::</p>


Glad to see after ME1 the whore comes out of me.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="196951" data-time="1369251951">

Looks like PS4 outspecs the XBOX one.</p>

Yeah but the fan boys will just tell you that it is because they are going to use the cloud to make up for the missing power and it will actually end up being much stronger performing because the cloud will process the background stuff and the core will do the shader... that is till your internet sucks.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
For me it boils down to I've never really liked the PS consoles, I had a PSX and PS2 but never really had any games for them, the PS2 was a great system but I dunno outside of hockey games and gran turismo 3 I never ended up with any good games for it (not saying there weren't just either they didnt interest me or I missed them). The PS3, Heavy Rain was the only redeeming quality of that console for me. I hated the GUI, I hated the updates every fucking time I turned it on. I think over the course of the shortened NHL season there were 3 or 4 updates. Then the problems I had with the NHL gamecenter app on that thing drove me mad.</p>


Xbox, I bought a ton of games for the 360, The GUI is decent (the latest GUI is weak but has some nice features, though I won't lie the Xbox One's GUI doesn't thrill me) I like a lot of the fluff features if they work right. And frankly I haven't paid any attention to the PS4 outside of the spec sheet.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="196967" data-time="1369267100">

For me it boils down to I've never really liked the PS consoles, I had a PSX and PS2 but never really had any games for them, the PS2 was a great system but I dunno outside of hockey games and gran turismo 3 I never ended up with any good games for it (not saying there weren't just either they didnt interest me or I missed them). The PS3, Heavy Rain was the only redeeming quality of that console for me. I hated the GUI, I hated the updates every fucking time I turned it on. I think over the course of the shortened NHL season there were 3 or 4 updates. Then the problems I had with the NHL gamecenter app on that thing drove me mad.</p>


Xbox, I bought a ton of games for the 360, The GUI is decent (the latest GUI is weak but has some nice features, though I won't lie the Xbox One's GUI doesn't thrill me) I like a lot of the fluff features if they work right. And frankly I haven't paid any attention to the PS4 outside of the spec sheet.</p>


I just dont play enough console games period.   Ive had my PS3 since 09, Ive bought more NHL games than ALL other games I bought for it combined.   I bought the PS3 for Blu ray.  That was my driving purchasing decision.  Seriously, if it wasnt for the NHL franchise, I probably wouldnt get a next gen console.</p>


Fan Captain
May 15, 2010
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Chicago, Illinois
My thought on XBOX ONE...




And since I'm a Nintendo Fanboy at heart who might consider a PS4... 



Yeah, we won today.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196948" data-time="1369251682">

Ahhh,,, ok, I haven't met EDI yet then, makes sense. I guess I wasn't asking if Seth Green was still Joker, but more is JOker still in the games, cause he's the best of all the characters so far... and Wrex. But you answered that question so good deal.</p>


Great, I'll just keep punching her then, haha. Yeah I finished Conrad, but I think I did it wrong and he's going to go get himself killed, I was nice to him till the third and final and I said somethign wrong and he stormed off like I wasn't a real hear bullshit. I believe he dies now... This is the only spolier I really looked up cause I couldn't figure out why the hell the mission wouldn't go away.</p>


I keep forgetting that I could have been a woman instead of a man, but for me... why. We all know a woman can't save the universe...... ::crickets::</p>


Glad to see after ME1 the whore comes out of me.</p>


Not only do the decisions you make influence all 3 games, they do such a good job of it, you can tell a lot about people's personality based on the way they played and such. As I play through, I geek out and really react by "what would I do here?" My games always end up the same, about 70% renegade, 30% paragon.</p>


This game is so good at its storytelling there are a few decisions in the game that I had to save and quit to think about before I actually made my choice. There were some I completely regretted, but had to live with. And yes, dead is dead in this universe. And at least the first time you play through especially ME2, dont reload. Let it unfold. You can always go back and do another playthrough. And another. And another. It adds so much to the series.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
that last one is the greatest animated gif of all time.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
oh yeah and Mass, this guy will piss you off all series long.</p>


"Ah yes....."Reapers".....we have dismissed those claims."</p>


