<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="196948" data-time="1369251682">
Ahhh,,, ok, I haven't met EDI yet then, makes sense. I guess I wasn't asking if Seth Green was still Joker, but more is JOker still in the games, cause he's the best of all the characters so far... and Wrex. But you answered that question so good deal.</p>
Great, I'll just keep punching her then, haha. Yeah I finished Conrad, but I think I did it wrong and he's going to go get himself killed, I was nice to him till the third and final and I said somethign wrong and he stormed off like I wasn't a real hear bullshit. I believe he dies now... This is the only spolier I really looked up cause I couldn't figure out why the hell the mission wouldn't go away.</p>
I keep forgetting that I could have been a woman instead of a man, but for me... why. We all know a woman can't save the universe...... ::crickets::</p>
Glad to see after ME1 the whore comes out of me.</p>
Not only do the decisions you make influence all 3 games, they do such a good job of it, you can tell a lot about people's personality based on the way they played and such. As I play through, I geek out and really react by "what would I do here?" My games always end up the same, about 70% renegade, 30% paragon.</p>
This game is so good at its storytelling there are a few decisions in the game that I had to save and quit to think about before I actually made my choice. There were some I completely regretted, but had to live with. And yes, dead is dead in this universe. And at least the first time you play through especially ME2, dont reload. Let it unfold. You can always go back and do another playthrough. And another. And another. It adds so much to the series.</p>