Video Game Thread


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May 14, 2010
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The mechanics of taking cover are complete shit. And when you finally do get into cover it's even worse. No you can't shoot around the corner because you are too close, ohhh you are too close to the corner so you are going to get wasted.... to jump up to that step you have to kneel behind it first then pull yourself over it... and don't worry, that little barrier they have in front of them is enough to stop your grenades and biotic powers... It's shit. You have to struggle every time to get in and out of cover and it's a complete necessary for battle. If I use one of my powers to storm a person and knock them down I have to pray that there aren't actually more of them somewhere becuase i'm wide open and can't move fast enough to run away anywhere. On top of all that, what the **** you have to pause the game and bring up the menu just to see the radar? Seriously? why can't it come up when you tape the objective radar at least? The squad commands are shit, if I send someone to a position, if it's not exactly where they need to be they stand there getting destroyed instead of taking cover immediately. The only thing I use the squad features for is to focus them on a single target because by the time I tell them to use their tech or powers on something it's already dead and then they just waste the power.</p>


I could handle the mission layout if the battles weren't so excruciatingly painful to get through, but I could stand it to either be more linear or more open world one way or another. and by open world I don't necessarily mean the maps but the pacing of being able to do what I want when I want. I was barely into getting my team members and they tried to take me through the Omega 4 relay... I don't know if it would have mattered but I feel like they were saying there is no real coming back at that point. I like the landing on the planets and doing those missions better than before where you were in the Mako driving around till you found the building that seems to be the only building every used to colonize. go in sweet the place and boom it's done. At least they fixed that well.</p>


HAhaha I can't help but take Grunt on almost every mission. It's almost unfair. Who do you think pairs best with him. I think I'm a Vanguard... or a sentinel I can't remember which is which, but I got my extra weapon training and chose the sniper rifles and love it. I got shotgun, sniper, smg and heavy pistol... little bit of everything. Flame goes on one, Ice on the other.</p>


I don't mind being guided along if it's part of one over consistent storyline. As long as I can still go back and do whatever I want I don't care. It seems in mass effect there there is a lot of.. talk to this guy then boom you have to do his mission right then and there. Which wouldn't be so bad but usually I'm in the middle of something or another mission and when you finish missions they put you back on the normandy or some main entrance shit. I tend to save up my missions and do multiples in the same place at the same time which you can't really do because when you finish one it basically resets you.</p>


Tell me more about the Shadow Broker. I killed him and after the mission immediately went back in, but haven't been back since, should I? Famring of planets does indeed suck. I don't like that there is no solid mini game too it, no strategy really, it's just hold this button, push this till it says depleted. A lot of times I just leave it at poor because I don't want to bother trying to find what I missed. Plus I end up finding resources in places I swear I scanned before.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="198947" data-time="1370448079">

Yes, but do they all have visors?</p>


Annnywho... I just wanted to report that the more I play ME2 the more I love and hate it. The mechanics of the game suck... scan planets... blow me. You can't heal yourself you have to duck for cover? really.... then make ducking for cover actually work or have the ability to move faster work. And every time I come out of cover to too and get hit with something I just stand there instead of going back into cover when I release the button? And the mission layout... god damn, I see they decided that they should ruin this game right along with Dragon Age II... I pray that ME3 is better than this. And hurry up and pile drive Miranda already. They totally kill the open world concept... Citadel is just a few floors now instead of a vast city? Who knew they could make the universe feel so small.</p>


That is my woman I will kill you mother ******</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="198998" data-time="1370460942">

Bring it...</p>


Going to bring your biotic powers? I'll just bring a gun</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199043" data-time="1370465712">

My gun will always be bigger.</p>


Dont matter, I know how to work the cover system so I will kill you *****!</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Who needs cover when you have the biggest gun.</p>


By the way. I have 5 of the large weapons but only really use the promethean laser thing... What are some of the favorites for you guys? I'm thinking of switching it up.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199057" data-time="1370467299">

Who needs cover when you have the biggest gun.</p>


By the way. I have 5 of the large weapons but only really use the promethean laser thing... What are some of the favorites for you guys? I'm thinking of switching it up.</p>


Uh I dont remember</p>

The Count Dante

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May 16, 2010
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HA! I take Grunt for EVERY mission, I cant help it either. Once you get his health upgrades he will rarely die. Usually the only times he dies is when _I_ put him in a dumb position. Because I play on Insanity and I hate to micro-manage on ME2, Grunt is one who lives. Zaheed as well (but he is DLC).

I personally loved the combat in ME2 and it is one of the best parts for me. The Insanity level with vanguard is a great challenge and some fights I will just sit and go "I lived?!". If you play a vanguard, you would know... Biotic Charge 4 Evah! As a vanguard, I usually always take Grunt and the other that will fit the mission, like if it is Geth heavy, I will bring an Overload or the like. You can also never go wrong with Thane. He will do the most damage of any of your buddies. I usually bring along Jack (that's MAH girl) or Thane. Jack will die more but in ME2, I dont spend much time controlling the buddies as vanguard. Hell, I would prefer solo most of the time.

Depending on your class you dont need many weapons. For example, with Vanguard, I only take a shotgun, scimitar to start (I believe) then I get the Claymore in the Collector ship. When he gets the Claymore and the "matrix" mode evolution to biotic charge, THAT is when the combat starts to kick in for me.

As far as the missions, you really dont HAVE to do them in any order but a couple of biggies. Horizon for example, will force when you have done a certain number of dossier quests. And when they LET you move to Omega 5? If you go when Jacob the Useless says to go, you will have a TERRIBLE playthrough. There are only 2 that I can think of that are "forced": Horizon and Collector Ship. Then do the IFF only when you have done the rest of what you want to do.

To help with scanning, I dont scan a planet unless it is GOOD or RICH. Even then I only farm it until it turn Moderate. If you have already beaten the Shadow Broker, I wont spoil it, but I am just saying that Liara may be lonely and want a visit. And another visit after every few missions... There is...stuff to help ya out.

And Miranda!? BAH! You both can have her, Cheerleaders... But I always do love the Crazies...


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="199061" data-time="1370467927">

HA! I take Grunt for EVERY mission, I cant help it either. Once you get his health upgrades he will rarely die. Usually the only times he dies is when _I_ put him in a dumb position. Because I play on Insanity and I hate to micro-manage on ME2, Grunt is one who lives. Zaheed as well (but he is DLC). I personally loved the combat in ME2 and it is one of the best parts for me. The Insanity level with vanguard is a great challenge and some fights I will just sit and go "I lived?!". If you play a vanguard, you would know... Biotic Charge 4 Evah! As a vanguard, I usually always take Grunt and the other that will fit the mission, like if it is Geth heavy, I will bring an Overload or the like. You can also never go wrong with Thane. He will do the most damage of any of your buddies. I usually bring along Jack (that's MAH girl) or Thane. Jack will die more but in ME2, I dont spend much time controlling the buddies as vanguard. Hell, I would prefer solo most of the time. Depending on your class you dont need many weapons. For example, with Vanguard, I only take a shotgun, scimitar to start (I believe) then I get the Claymore in the Collector ship. When he gets the Claymore and the "matrix" mode evolution to biotic charge, THAT is when the combat starts to kick in for me. As far as the missions, you really dont HAVE to do them in any order but a couple of biggies. Horizon for example, will force when you have done a certain number of dossier quests. And when they LET you move to Omega 5? If you go when Jacob the Useless says to go, you will have a TERRIBLE playthrough. There are only 2 that I can think of that are "forced": Horizon and Collector Ship. Then do the IFF only when you have done the rest of what you want to do. To help with scanning, I dont scan a planet unless it is GOOD or RICH. Even then I only farm it until it turn Moderate. If you have already beaten the Shadow Broker, I wont spoil it, but I am just saying that Liara may be lonely and want a visit. And another visit after every few missions... There is...stuff to help ya out. And Miranda!? BAH! You both can have her, Cheerleaders... But I always do love the Crazies...</p>


You can take the sinead o'conner knockoff</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Which chicks can you bang again without messing up the banging of others? haha... I do want to clarify that I don't hate the game, it's just very frustrating. Which is a big difference. Thane is my boy too, I usually take him with me as well. I think my main problem is I don't like to do too many things at once and I get it confused with a straight shooter and always forget to use the Strategy wheels and end up just trying to run and gun instead of doing the tactics. Maybe I'll try to focus on pausing the game a lot more to do stuff and see if I can make it more worthwhile then just trying to gun folks down and getting wasted.</p>


What's the deal with the outfits? It keeps saying that they got an additional outfits but I have no idea how to put them on them.</p>


I have Zaheed, I like him, but I prefer Thane now that I have him for some reason. And yes.... I'll take Miranda over Jack any day.</p>


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Jul 24, 2010
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Bought State of Decay. The controls are weird and kinda clunky, so is combat, the graphics certainly aren't the best, lots of pop in and clipping,  the framerate seems to have trouble, animation isn't terribly good, lots of little bugs there. Very glitchy at times But it is easily the best zombie game I've played, on the consoles anyway. It's come closest to what I want in a zombie game, much  more RPG like, more of the day to day survival experience, collecting supplies, micromanaging, building up shelter and creating a makeshift community, fighting off a horde attacking your base, etc. That feeling of being just about helpless. You can have multiple people to control (and can "level up" their abilities the more you play as them), but death is permanent, the decisions you make are incredibly important as to what you want to risk when you go out on a supply run or a mission. It doesn't just solely focus on killing zombies. Only a few hours in but for 20 bucks on Xbox Arcarde, can't really go wrong if you are at all a fan of those games.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199065" data-time="1370470159">

Which chicks can you bang again without messing up the banging of others? haha... I do want to clarify that I don't hate the game, it's just very frustrating. Which is a big difference. Thane is my boy too, I usually take him with me as well. I think my main problem is I don't like to do too many things at once and I get it confused with a straight shooter and always forget to use the Strategy wheels and end up just trying to run and gun instead of doing the tactics. Maybe I'll try to focus on pausing the game a lot more to do stuff and see if I can make it more worthwhile then just trying to gun folks down and getting wasted.</p>


What's the deal with the outfits? It keeps saying that they got an additional outfits but I have no idea how to put them on them.</p>


I have Zaheed, I like him, but I prefer Thane now that I have him for some reason. And yes.... I'll take Miranda over Jack any day.</p>


I think you might be able to do the one night stand bang with Jack and still get another. Not really sure... I didnt bang in ME1 because they both annoyed the piss outta me so I recommended the threesome and they both hated me (but Liara was down). ME2 was all Jack since I dont trust a three-toed predator-face, dont dig the blue chicks and Liara is like a doormat, and Miranda is a whiny test-tube baby with no stories.  At least mah girl, what she lacks in a good hair choice is covered with some great stories.</p>


What class and general build are you playing, Mass? I personally hate the "wheel" and my own personal set-ups are done so that I have l/r-dpad to control one power of each of my teammates and just the Y/RB/LB for me, short of using ammo powers at the start. ME3 is a bit better on micro-manage so I used it more there but the same basic layout of one power per teammate and y/rb/lb for me.</p>


You can change the outfits when you are picking your teammates or I *think* on your cabin puter. I cant remember because I rarely went up there. More novelty than anything of course. I know Jack got like 3 people people complained she was too damn hot in her nipple-straps, which I happen to love. "Doooont go try and please meeeeee..."</p>


I mention Zaheed because along with Grunt, they are really the tanks. Garrus too, but I found Zaheed + assult rifle was better for me than Garrus + sniper, if you wanted to run with a 2 tank and you set up, which I did a lot of in ME2. Thane can usually not be dumb on his own. Jack, she gets WAY to aggressive and dies all the time Hardcore and above. Tali and Samara take too much micro-manage to make them cook.  Kasumi is fun to have around for some missions, I almost NEVER took Mordin, just cause, not because he aint good but also has some micro to make him cook. Vanguard makes you selfish...</p>


And I have already discussed why you are wrong with Miranda, so that has been covered...</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Variable" data-cid="199250" data-time="1370537444">

Bought State of Decay. The controls are weird and kinda clunky, so is combat, the graphics certainly aren't the best, lots of pop in and clipping,  the framerate seems to have trouble, animation isn't terribly good, lots of little bugs there. Very glitchy at times But it is easily the best zombie game I've played, on the consoles anyway. It's come closest to what I want in a zombie game, much  more RPG like, more of the day to day survival experience, collecting supplies, micromanaging, building up shelter and creating a makeshift community, fighting off a horde attacking your base, etc. That feeling of being just about helpless. You can have multiple people to control (and can "level up" their abilities the more you play as them), but death is permanent, the decisions you make are incredibly important as to what you want to risk when you go out on a supply run or a mission. It doesn't just solely focus on killing zombies. Only a few hours in but for 20 bucks on Xbox Arcarde, can't really go wrong if you are at all a fan of those games.</p>


I heard/read good things too. And basically the same thing: a 20$ game with 60$ ambitions. I am a bit played out on the zombie bit still, but this one can be added to the radar.</p>


I am thinking about giving Dark Souls a go too now that it is in the cheapie land too.</p>


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Jul 24, 2010
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I tried but could never really get into the FPS zombie games. That one zombie game Capcom made (that I can't remember the name of) was just too goofy for me.  Heard good things about The Last of Us, but I don't have the technology necessary to play that game.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="199254" data-time="1370539137">

I think you might be able to do the one night stand bang with Jack and still get another. Not really sure... I didnt bang in ME1 because they both annoyed the piss outta me so I recommended the threesome and they both hated me (but Liara was down). ME2 was all Jack since I dont trust a three-toed predator-face, dont dig the blue chicks and Liara is like a doormat, and Miranda is a whiny test-tube baby with no stories.  At least mah girl, what she lacks in a good hair choice is covered with some great stories.</p>


What class and general build are you playing, Mass? I personally hate the "wheel" and my own personal set-ups are done so that I have l/r-dpad to control one power of each of my teammates and just the Y/RB/LB for me, short of using ammo powers at the start. ME3 is a bit better on micro-manage so I used it more there but the same basic layout of one power per teammate and y/rb/lb for me.</p>


You can change the outfits when you are picking your teammates or I *think* on your cabin puter. I cant remember because I rarely went up there. More novelty than anything of course. I know Jack got like 3 people people complained she was too damn hot in her nipple-straps, which I happen to love. "Doooont go try and please meeeeee..."</p>


I mention Zaheed because along with Grunt, they are really the tanks. Garrus too, but I found Zaheed + assult rifle was better for me than Garrus + sniper, if you wanted to run with a 2 tank and you set up, which I did a lot of in ME2. Thane can usually not be dumb on his own. Jack, she gets WAY to aggressive and dies all the time Hardcore and above. Tali and Samara take too much micro-manage to make them cook.  Kasumi is fun to have around for some missions, I almost NEVER took Mordin, just cause, not because he aint good but also has some micro to make him cook. Vanguard makes you selfish...</p>


And I have already discussed why you are wrong with Miranda, so that has been covered...</p>

I don't remember what class I am, Vanguard I think or Sentinel? I can't remember the names. I can do Pull, shockwave, storm I think it's called... Thank you for this post though, I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOT that not only can you use the direction pad to place your team members but you can set up the hotkeys to use their powers. hahah. I have it just set to active so they are supposed to use them as much as possible as they see fit, but this doesn't seem to work the best.</p>


I hadn't checked my cabin computer, but it occurred to me after I posted that the loadout screen probably had it. I'll have to check. I don't plan on changing Jack anytime soon....</p>


I use Thane and Zaheed as well for just the reasons you suggested. I don't like having to micromanage them. I'm on Normal and they seem to be able to not even need me. haha. It's a rarity that I ever have teammember die. I die more than them. I am always completely full on medigel. Get lots of credits 100 at a time. hah. And we don't have to discuss Miranda any further, you'll never realize the true of the hotness... I think for me it's because I liked her a shit ton in Chuck before I even knew she was in this game.</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199065" data-time="1370470159">

Which chicks can you bang again without messing up the banging of others? haha... I do want to clarify that I don't hate the game, it's just very frustrating. Which is a big difference. Thane is my boy too, I usually take him with me as well. I think my main problem is I don't like to do too many things at once and I get it confused with a straight shooter and always forget to use the Strategy wheels and end up just trying to run and gun instead of doing the tactics. Maybe I'll try to focus on pausing the game a lot more to do stuff and see if I can make it more worthwhile then just trying to gun folks down and getting wasted.</p>


What's the deal with the outfits? It keeps saying that they got an additional outfits but I have no idea how to put them on them.</p>


I have Zaheed, I like him, but I prefer Thane now that I have him for some reason. And yes.... I'll take Miranda over Jack any day.</p>

Jack and Kelly Chambers.</p>


and as far as your gripes:</p>


1. I love the combat system in ME2 over ME3 big time, requires more tactics.</p>

2. While I understand your complaints on the more "stream lined" layout of the missions in ME 2.  In ME1 many of the environments you did different secondary missions, were EXACTLY the same, even the buidlings dungeons were they exact same layout.  and the planets were for all intents and purposes auto generated color swatches (again where you would go into a building that was the exact same building as the last 20 planets).  The main quests in ME1 are similar in format to all the quests in ME2, where you are kind of guided along in a mission level, but all of the environments are unique.  In ME2 all the side missions are unique and take place in unique environments.</p>


So I get your argument there, but so many of the side quests in ME1 were the same exact quest, just on a planet with the same terrain just a different color, and the same building to find the boss in.</p>




and as to your characters...No Garrus love?  Come on gotta bring Garrus along.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="199256" data-time="1370539436">

I heard/read good things too. And basically the same thing: a 20$ game with 60$ ambitions. I am a bit played out on the zombie bit still, but this one can be added to the radar.</p>


I am thinking about giving Dark Souls a go too now that it is in the cheapie land too.</p>

• Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition [Steam] ($12) | Green Man Gaming via TechBargains | Use code GMG20-JLKSA-7A8HA</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199272" data-time="1370542038">

I don't remember what class I am, Vanguard I think or Sentinel? I can't remember the names. I can do Pull, shockwave, storm I think it's called... Thank you for this post though, I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOT that not only can you use the direction pad to place your team members but you can set up the hotkeys to use their powers. hahah. I have it just set to active so they are supposed to use them as much as possible as they see fit, but this doesn't seem to work the best.</p>


I hadn't checked my cabin computer, but it occurred to me after I posted that the loadout screen probably had it. I'll have to check. I don't plan on changing Jack anytime soon....</p>


I use Thane and Zaheed as well for just the reasons you suggested. I don't like having to micromanage them. I'm on Normal and they seem to be able to not even need me. haha. It's a rarity that I ever have teammember die. I die more than them. I am always completely full on medigel. Get lots of credits 100 at a time. hah. And we don't have to discuss Miranda any further, you'll never realize the true of the hotness... I think for me it's because I liked her a shit ton in Chuck before I even knew she was in this game.</p>


HA! Ok, the reason this is funny is the difference is HUGE. It sounds like a Vanguard and if I may be bold, if you are not using Biotic Charge, you are truly gimping yourself in a very fundamental way. Vanguard (Charge, Pull, Shockwave, Ammo abilities) is a close combat in your face A.D.D. playstyle and Sentinel is like a swiss army knife with Overload, Warp, Tech Shield etc.</p>


Next time you play, take a look. A vanguard without Biotic Charge is more useless than Jacob the Pointless. It could be some frustration for you trying to play a Vanguard like a solider since Charge is truly his bread and butter and what sets the class apart. That would even explain your cover issues as well since a vanguard is pretty soft and charge is there to make up for this weakness. Once I have biotic charge maxed out (usually pretty early, like after Mordin/Omega), I never use "hard" cover again. "Soft" cover to refer to just moving and using collision detection, walls, stuff like that.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="199275" data-time="1370542548">

Jack and Kelly Chambers.</p>


and as far as your gripes:</p>


1. I love the combat system in ME2 over ME3 big time, requires more tactics.</p>

2. While I understand your complaints on the more "stream lined" layout of the missions in ME 2.  In ME1 many of the environments you did different secondary missions, were EXACTLY the same, even the buidlings dungeons were they exact same layout.  and the planets were for all intents and purposes auto generated color swatches (again where you would go into a building that was the exact same building as the last 20 planets).  The main quests in ME1 are similar in format to all the quests in ME2, where you are kind of guided along in a mission level, but all of the environments are unique.  In ME2 all the side missions are unique and take place in unique environments.</p>


So I get your argument there, but so many of the side quests in ME1 were the same exact quest, just on a planet with the same terrain just a different color, and the same building to find the boss in.</p>




and as to your characters...No Garrus love?  Come on gotta bring Garrus along.</p>

I think I may have already got with Kelly then, we had dinner, but they left it pretty ambiguous...Jack then... oh man I'm in on that... free pass who could resist, haha.</p>


Yeah, as I said earlier, one of my main gripes with ME1 was the planet side missions. They were all exactly the same. Then ened up being as bad as the mineral scanning in ME2 haha. At least they got ride of the sequence mini game. The circuit one in ME2 isn't bad, but code matching one is kind of a pain in the ass but not hard. Side mission are 100% upgrade, I guess at the end of the day my gripe is that you can't do multiple missions at once. If I have 4 things that I have to do on Omega, I should be able to weave in and out of them at the same time. Instead of going linear thorugh one. Being put back on the normandy and having to land again and going linear through the other. Like on Tuchunka, I want to be able to take the truck out to find the salarian and while i'm out there kill the shit for Grunts right of passage.</p>


Garrus is alright, I definitely let him kill the dude. But I find I'm usually too similar to him to need him.</p>
