Video Game Thread


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="199282" data-time="1370544024">

HA! Ok, the reason this is funny is the difference is HUGE. It sounds like a Vanguard and if I may be bold, if you are not using Biotic Charge, you are truly gimping yourself in a very fundamental way. Vanguard (Charge, Pull, Shockwave, Ammo abilities) is a close combat in your face A.D.D. playstyle and Sentinel is like a swiss army knife with Overload, Warp, Tech Shield etc.</p>


Next time you play, take a look. A vanguard without Biotic Charge is more useless than Jacob the Pointless. It could be some frustration for you trying to play a Vanguard like a solider since Charge is truly his bread and butter and what sets the class apart. That would even explain your cover issues as well since a vanguard is pretty soft and charge is there to make up for this weakness. Once I have biotic charge maxed out (usually pretty early, like after Mordin/Omega), I never use "hard" cover again. "Soft" cover to refer to just moving and using collision detection, walls, stuff like that.</p>

Yeah charge, that is what it's call, sorry I was thinking storm for soem reason. I do use it, but I find that I have to be more selective with it then I would like. I tend to die a lot when using it if i'm not one on one with someone. I have shockwave on L2, charge on Triangle, and the stun granades from the theif on R2 right now.</p>


I don't think I have it maxed out yet because I had such trouble with it, maybe I'll respec him to be all charge then do cryo amo or something. I do like freezing someone then charging them. haha.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="199275" data-time="1370542548">

Jack (fixed)</p>



and as to your characters...No Garrus love?  Come on gotta bring Garrus along.</p>


Garrus is mah boy, but his skill set NEVER helps me out. I like having Grunt since he cant die and others that either are tanks or have abilities to stagger to buy me more Vanguard rush time. Garrus has Concussive shot for this, but so does Grunt so by Garrus. The reason I take Jack, even when she dies is for her Shockwave to help stagger folks. Give her a shottie and she will do some wreckage, at least until she dies, which is usually enough time for me to finish up the fight.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199285" data-time="1370544294">

Yeah charge, that is what it's call, sorry I was thinking storm for soem reason. I do use it, but I find that I have to be more selective with it then I would like. I tend to die a lot when using it if i'm not one on one with someone. I have shockwave on L2, charge on Triangle, and the stun granades from the theif on R2 right now.</p>


I don't think I have it maxed out yet because I had such trouble with it, maybe I'll respec him to be all charge then do cryo amo or something. I do like freezing someone then charging them. haha.</p>



Ooo, yes, and I say this with nuthin but love, but that explains why you are having issues with fights. Your FIRST priority should be max Charge, level 4 into Heavy Charge. Next is to max Assault Mastery, level 4 into either but I prefer Champion for short recharge time and more Charging. If you are playing on any level under Hardcore, Shockwave is also a monster. Ammo powers I use squadmates for the most part.</p>


Here is an idea of what your fights should look like with Vanguard:</p>



It is in your face, red around ya all the time, close quarters, high paced. You also picked (imo) the hardest class to learn, but the single most fun once you do. Once you go Vanguard it is very hard to go back.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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Oh, since you mentioned Cryo Ammo, my Insanity ME2 build/play involves using Cryo Ammo to freeze guys (best with a shottie) and then using the frozen guys as my cover. Tell me THAT doesnt sound fun as hell...</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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So basically a lot of charge, upon impact hold down the wheel to freeze time. line up victim. finish them off, rinse repeat. I always forget the freeze time part and end up wildly firing all over the place. hah. I'll have to give it a shot. And no, I dind't realize you could use the frozen victims as shields! hah. For your armor loadout do you just give you whatever has the most shields or health?</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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You got it... Each fight is basically a judge of where should I charge, where is some cover I can use if I need, shoot them in the face with a shottie. That freeze time (that does not exist in ME3 :( ) is the best part of it. I take the Claymore (a 1 shot mag shottie of HUGE dmg) from the Collector Ship but you may be past that and not an option for ya, but basically charge, use the "matrix time" to line up a Claymore head shot, rinse repeat.</p>


Ye'up! Using the frozen guys, at least for me, is a pivotal part on the higher levels since you are really buying as much time as you can to charge again and blast em since Charge automatically gives you your shields back. Takes a little practice but WAY fun when it works. Go squad cryo ammo and give it to all your squad members and they will freeze guys too while you shatter them all over the place.</p>


You will die... even when you do get the hang of it, but as Supra has heard in ME MP, we call those "vanguard deaths" meaning you bit off more than you can chew. But to this day, I cant play ME SP without being a vanguard. The other classes become incredibly slow and boring to me.</p>


As for armor, I have always used the "set" ones over the piecemail, but piecemail is just fine. In ME 2, Terminus, Inferno, Collector, Blood Dragon, are good. Some you can buy for 50k, some are DLC, but I dont remember which is which. Piecemail I would look to +shields, +power dmg, +health. But really, the armor stats are not a gamechanger one way or the other, so not a huge deal.</p>


Shockwave is also a great tool for lower than Hardcore runs and WAY fun. (Shockwave doesnt work on mobs with shields, barriers, or armor which higher levels have a ton of). It is THE husk killer though.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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WOW... what a different. I can now charge a group and live to tell about it. hahah. I don't even need teammates anymore except to draw fire. I barely use the other powers now too. haha. I wish I would have known I would have picked up the shotgun but I don't have it so I use the other one, I think it's the scimitar? eviscerator? I can't remember the names I just shoot shit. I wish I could use the Krogan one I got Grunt.</p>


I have the blood dragon and the Cerebus and the stardard armor... again don't know the names. I can't believe I have the blood dragon though haha. I haven't played dragon age in years and I must have input the code when I got the game and boom... it showed up. I don't know what possessed me to do it though... but if they give me a code I"m going to put it in whether I plan to use it or not, I guess it's good in this case. I don't really like that one for some reason, it looks cool enough, just seems out of place.</p>


Yeah I like shockwave because it does damage and knocks them down so it delayed them till I could get around to killing them, but like you said, more effective on some than others.</p>



Figured out how to change their outfits... how disappointing. I put Miranda in the all black, but I thought it was going to be actual outfits, not just changing a couple of colors or covering up Jack.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199547" data-time="1370631315">

WOW... what a different. I can now charge a group and live to tell about it. hahah. I don't even need teammates anymore except to draw fire. I barely use the other powers now too. haha. I wish I would have known I would have picked up the shotgun but I don't have it so I use the other one, I think it's the scimitar? eviscerator? I can't remember the names I just shoot shit. I wish I could use the Krogan one I got Grunt.</p>


I have the blood dragon and the Cerebus and the stardard armor... again don't know the names. I can't believe I have the blood dragon though haha. I haven't played dragon age in years and I must have input the code when I got the game and boom... it showed up. I don't know what possessed me to do it though... but if they give me a code I"m going to put it in whether I plan to use it or not, I guess it's good in this case. I don't really like that one for some reason, it looks cool enough, just seems out of place.</p>


Yeah I like shockwave because it does damage and knocks them down so it delayed them till I could get around to killing them, but like you said, more effective on some than others.</p>



Figured out how to change their outfits... how disappointing. I put Miranda in the all black, but I thought it was going to be actual outfits, not just changing a couple of colors or covering up Jack.</p>



Welcome to Vanguard. It only gets better. When I played on Insanity, I would not be able to play too close to sleepy time because Vanguard gets the blood pumping. You will constantly push the boundries too... 2 Geth Primes, 2 Pyros, and a Hunter? Yeah... I got this...</p>


Any of those armor sets will do. I ran in the Blood Dragon as well (but it is funny that you never take off the helmet. Oh what the universe must think) and it is perfect synergy with vanguard.</p>


Since it is too late for you to get the Claymore, any of the shotties will be fine. Scimitar will let you spray more for Cyro ammo, Eviserator will do more damage. But any will be fine. I would stay away from the Geth Plasma Shottie. It is a fine weapon and very accurate but it requires a charge up to make it cook and you dont have that luxury as a vanguard (although you can charge it and move/charge keeping it charged, but it can be a pain. Way powerful though).</p>


Shockwave is for the "red meat", meaning the mooks that have no shields/barriers/armor.</p>


Some of the costume changes I liked. I liked Grunts blue-sci-fi one.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I really really really hate some of the armor with helmet that they make you walk around in even in cities where there is no fighting so when you walk up to the bar and take a drink you drink it through your helmet... haha. Maybe I"ll try the blood dragon again. Ithink it's the Eviserator that I use now, I went with the one that did the most damage at short range to the most amount of things. I only use shockwave on husks and those dog creature things. I think I changed grunt as well... and maybe thane, but I didn't really care because it didn't really do anything.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="199585" data-time="1370636371">

I really really really hate some of the armor with helmet that they make you walk around in even in cities where there is no fighting so when you walk up to the bar and take a drink you drink it through your helmet... haha. Maybe I"ll try the blood dragon again. Ithink it's the Eviserator that I use now, I went with the one that did the most damage at short range to the most amount of things. I only use shockwave on husks and those dog creature things. I think I changed grunt as well... and maybe thane, but I didn't really care because it didn't really do anything.</p>


HA! A common "complaint" of the fanbois. I can just imagine... You stroll up to Aria, trying to be all swagger n shit, and you sit there the whole time with your frickin Battlestar Gallactica wannabe helmet on. Be like inviting a guy wearing this to your party... Yeah, super-cool there, Shep.</p>




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May 14, 2010
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hahah I can't believe anyone would ever actually wear that, oooohhh 70s.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Half hour and I'm still waiting for something exciting. They just showed about 10 minutes of Ryse which was a what 2010 game that was to be connect only and not is revamped?</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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After an hour and a half it finally happened... they brought out the black guy and the woman.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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HAHAH they just ran a whole trailer without sound and the crowd was making pew pew noises over for them. When they showed the title screen it got the biggest ovation of the day.</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="200013" data-time="1370887496">

Ouch, this is for the Xbox One presentation?</p>

Yeah, it's a microsoft presentation... It was for Dragon something or other... a panzer dragoon game. No video for the whole thing and just before it started you heard the guy who was walking off stage go Wheeww that was good... haha.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Witcher3... people like that so I'm sure that's a big deal. I never got into that series though. Only I believe it has lots of sex?</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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hahah they fucked up the sound on Battlefield4 too and had to start over after a bit.</p>
