<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="212862" data-time="1383249812">
Hmm... guess I didn't really realize that people cared about streaming to the PS3 that much. So many of my devices do what I would stream to the PC that I don't bother. Do you guys really think Sony will change their mind on this? This is my main question. XBOX heard their fans and cried out and then got backlash for changing to fit their fans. Will Sony do the same knowing the are damned if they do damned if they don't? This is different to me though because I don't think anyone will mind if they change this, while what MS changed some people actually wanted to see.</p>
You don't like the Sony unlimited service? What don't you like? I'm not sure I would like it if I had to pay more than what I did for it, but overall I like it. I do not however like that the apps vary so largely in functionality across devices. I can do things on the computer I can't do on my phone and on my phone I can't do on the PS3. One of my main problems with the service is that you can't select a playlist you've put together and put it on shuffle. Only your entire library, unless you are on the web based app.</p>
Honestly, I didn't give Microsoft any backlash for reversing their decision...I chose to not go Xbox because they initially thought of turning the Xbone into a surveillance sysyem and even reversing the decision left a bad taste in my mouth...That and since they've started calling it the "Xbone" i refuse to be an "Xboner". Bonerfart maybe, but not an Xboner.

Seriously it depends on what you're going to use it for. I have the Wii and the Xbox 360 for a single reason each--to play a franchise I love that appears either (a) only on their system (Zelda) or (b) because NHL is not on my chosen system (pc) and it was an arbitrary decision based on what most of my friends have since XBL and PSN are not interoperable. </p>
Essentially, the next gen consoles I get will invariably be a WiiU when the next Zelda comes out and is affordable, and whichever everyone else gets when the NHL series drops onto the next gen consoles. Everything else I play and want to play is on the PC and on my HTPC it runs better, smoother, and faster than the console versions.</p>