<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Deadliest Man Alive" data-cid="222254" data-time="1393446683">
Do I Need to Buy My Next Gen Yet (PS4 version):</p>
No. I bought mine because I thought I might get canned so wanted to get my toys taken care of. But I have been disappointed.,,</p>
Not because of the PS4, it is just fine and sleek and sexy and I LOVE the controllers now, but the lack of games causes woe.</p>
This wouldnt be a big deal but I also cant get any PS3 games for PS4 either. I figured: "ok, I dont have any games of interest but FIFA 14 (Which is simply amazing on PS4), but if I wanted, i will just go download Mass Effect 2 and 3 and do fresh runs since I can play those games at anytime." But no, this is not the case. PS3 DLs != PS4 DLs. </p>
And all this discovered after I donated my PS3 and Xbox to the cancer and cripple kids. I tried to get them back, but they ganged up on me and dont underestimate the crippy kids...they can scrap man!</p>
So as today's service announcement, I would have waited for probably another 6 months before games will catch up to "I want new toys!" factor.</p>
And as aforementioned, FIFA 14 is nothing short of amazing and is easily the best FIFA and sports game out there. </p>
My cousin has a Ps4 and hes been bringing it over my place. Played fifa, bf4 and NBA2k14. All fun games but yeah he has "every game" which amounts to like 4. Why they launch consoles with such a limited library amazes me.unless there is one game you know can consume your time for like months, its just not worth it.</p>