With all of this said I dont give a shit what platform anyone prefers, I just have to comment when people act like you need to spend 2 grand a year to game on the PC, If someone does that, they are doing it wrong. It is a niche market, and in my opinion if you cant build your own pcs to cut costs you probably shouldnt be gaming on the pc.</p>
But the fact of the matter is, you can spend a little more than the cost of a console and game at the same graphics as the console on a pc, for the same life of said console without upgrading. Most PC gamers don't do that, because PC gamers are to their computers what car enthusiasts are to their cars.</p>
off topic Which reminds me, when looking for a birthday card for my dad in the late 90's I came across a card that said the garage of the future, and it was two guys in a garage drinking beer with their pc cases open talking about the parts they are running.</p>