Video Game Thread


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May 14, 2010
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Could be... I saw a decent trailer video for it, but those types of games aren't really my jam unless I'm misunderstanding it. Of course I haven't really played many horror suspense types.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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They are reporting 6 million PS4's sold in the first 4 months now that Japan is out. That's incredible. Means big things to come with that many consoles because it's great incentive for developers. And there are still a lot of people like me waiting for certain types of games to come out to buy one.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="222752" data-time="1393964331">

They are reporting 6 million PS4's sold in the first 4 months now that Japan is out. That's incredible. Means big things to come with that many consoles because it's great incentive for developers. And there are still a lot of people like me waiting for certain types of games to come out to buy one.</p>


Wow. I would assume XB1 is similar numbers?</p>


Yeah, at this point, in my opinion, the only reason to get a PS4 is if you are a diehard Lara Croft fan or just want the newest toy. The PS$ games made for PS4 seem to be super models at the moment... Look AMAZING but not much substance. </p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Deadliest Man Alive" data-cid="222756" data-time="1393964616">

Wow. I would assume XB1 is similar numbers?</p>


Yeah, at this point, in my opinion, the only reason to get a PS4 is if you are a diehard Lara Croft fan or just want the newest toy. The PS$ games made for PS4 seem to be super models at the moment... Look AMAZING but not much substance. </p>

New Tomb Raider is free for PS3 on plus today.. hahah</p>


It's being reported that PS4 is outselling Xbox nearly 2 to 1... sooo there's that. 3.5 mil to 6 mil. I didn't think it would be that big of a margin. I don't know how accurate those numbers are or where they come from but with sony constantly updating their number and you don't hear microsoft talking about their number much, you can imagine they aren't far off.</p>


Interestingly though there is a story on about how in Jan they lead US games sales. But that doesn't mean much in context probably if you look into it. They aren't backing away at all about the sucess, saying it is the most successful XBox yet.</p>

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">


<span style="font-size:16px;">The release of January NPD Group data today provides a chance to reflect on the success of Xbox One. We are incredibly humbled and proud to see Xbox One continue to be the best launch of an Xbox in our history. Comparatively, Xbox One consoles have sold at a rate of 2.29 times faster than Xbox 360 in the U.S. in the same timeframe for the first three months on the market. From our blazing start out of the gate, we have continued to see Xbox One delight fans in 13 markets around the world, with many more markets to come this year.

<span>More importantly, it is gratifying for our team to see Xbox continue to prove it’s the best place to play games. January NPD Group figures released today revealed Xbox* sold the most games across all console platforms in January with </span>2.27 million units sold<span>, making up </span>47 percent<span> of software market share. Fans continue to show their excitement for new generation Xbox One games, with U.S. consumers purchasing an average of </span>2.7 games<span> per console since launch. This amazing success is due in large part to our unrivaled games lineup, first class Xbox Live multiplayer games service and a platform for game developers that offers unique capabilities such as Kinect and Xbox SmartGlass.</span></span></p>


To me though, I don't think Kinect or Smartglass has anything to do with selling anything this system has to offer, it's a nice to have, but neither one of those features are physically pushing sales of any sort.</p>



EDIT... whoa whoa whao I keep seeing that the XBOX One has dropped in price? When what? that happened?</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="222765" data-time="1393968900">

New Tomb Raider is free for PS3 on plus today.. hahah</p>


It's being reported that PS4 is outselling Xbox nearly 2 to 1... sooo there's that. 3.5 mil to 6 mil. I didn't think it would be that big of a margin. I don't know how accurate those numbers are or where they come from but with sony constantly updating their number and you don't hear microsoft talking about their number much, you can imagine they aren't far off.</p>


Interestingly though there is a story on about how in Jan they lead US games sales. But that doesn't mean much in context probably if you look into it. They aren't backing away at all about the sucess, saying it is the most successful XBox yet.</p>



To me though, I don't think Kinect or Smartglass has anything to do with selling anything this system has to offer, it's a nice to have, but neither one of those features are physically pushing sales of any sort.</p>



EDIT... whoa whoa whao I keep seeing that the XBOX One has dropped in price? When what? that happened?</p>


Naw, the only thing that has fueled sales is XB1 v PS4 in which neither side has any real leg over the other. It is all a religious war. Why XB1? Reasons. Why PS4? Reasons. I will say that of the games now? I like the XB1 better. But that has been true with every PS release.</p>


I am still seeing XB1 at $500...</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Yeah... they dumped price in the EU from 429 to 399 (can't do the euro/pound symbol thing) and I guess the titanfall bundle that is coming out is essentially a bundle with free titan fall so they are considering that $60 off and I guess their is discussion of dropping it to $399 to match the PS4 price which would kill them.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
The problem with the Xbox One features is they ran the ball to the goal line and punted. The watch TV on xbox doesnt do anything more than the basic TV functions and 20 years ago that would have been great but with DVRs being so popular it isnt enough.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="222829" data-time="1393977700">

The problem with the Xbox One features is they ran the ball to the goal line and punted. The watch TV on xbox doesnt do anything more than the basic TV functions and 20 years ago that would have been great but with DVRs being so popular it isnt enough.</p></blockquote>because they were too worried about being left behind in this Gen that they rushed it to market to match the PS4 launch when everyone was saying development was at least 6 months behind. This created worse problems by releasing partially finished product to millions to tear into. Not saying PS4 doesn't have problems but the product was more polished because it had less pieces of flare.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
And honestly, hardware wise they are about the same, the PS4 with the slight edge but close enough that isn't a big deal. So the selling point for me was the "flair" since I would use it but when I seen that they didnt go all the way that flair became pretty useless to me. Honestly, at this point I'll end up getting which ever console all my family and friends go to.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Yeah, it was a bit odd the way they were rolling out the flare. No real specifics and minimal proprietary pieces that made a lot of the cool features moot. I really liked the idea of the fantasy football feature of real time updates while watching but if people didn't pay attention it was a deal with the NFL that requires them to use for the league which I nor anyone I know has ever do. All yahoo or ESPN. So right there worthless feature. I am not going to the inconvenience of changing the way I do things just to be forced to use it a certain way. Other stuff like that I noticed. Can't remember them all but I think too that your cable provider had to be apart of something to allow you to use a lot of the TV functions so if you were in the sticks with a small provider you are out of luck. Stuff like that. And to me there were so many little things like that but you were still paying the premium price it felt a bit of a ripoff especially because they weren't going to have a lot ready at launch. I would bet even power users only use about up percent of the capable stuff because it's so specific to what you have to use that people just resist certain things because they are use to doing it a different way. And I am also particular in that it's off putting to me to buy a product that I am told can replace all these other products but only if you use only the platforms and functions we give you and you can't you a lot of your existing services.

Chief Walking Stick

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May 12, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="222886" data-time="1393994714">

Yeah, it was a bit odd the way they were rolling out the flare. No real specifics and minimal proprietary pieces that made a lot of the cool features moot. I really liked the idea of the fantasy football feature of real time updates while watching but if people didn't pay attention it was a deal with the NFL that requires them to use for the league which I nor anyone I know has ever do. All yahoo or ESPN. So right there worthless feature. I am not going to the inconvenience of changing the way I do things just to be forced to use it a certain way. Other stuff like that I noticed. Can't remember them all but I think too that your cable provider had to be apart of something to allow you to use a lot of the TV functions so if you were in the sticks with a small provider you are out of luck. Stuff like that. And to me there were so many little things like that but you were still paying the premium price it felt a bit of a ripoff especially because they weren't going to have a lot ready at launch. I would bet even power users only use about up percent of the capable stuff because it's so specific to what you have to use that people just resist certain things because they are use to doing it a different way. And I am also particular in that it's off putting to me to buy a product that I am told can replace all these other products but only if you use only the platforms and functions we give you and you can't you a lot of your existing services.</p>


holy wall of text dude... have you ever heard of paragraphs?</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Grimsäläinen" data-cid="222893" data-time="1393995920">

holy wall of text dude... have you ever heard of paragraphs?</p>

Eat a dick I was on my phone.</p>


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="222862" data-time="1393985860">

And honestly, hardware wise they are about the same, the PS4 with the slight edge but close enough that isn't a big deal. So the selling point for me was the "flair" since I would use it but when I seen that they didnt go all the way that flair became pretty useless to me. Honestly, at this point I'll end up getting which ever console all my family and friends go to.</p>


That's basically this gen of consoles; virtually identical hardware.  The winner will be whomever attracts the non-loyal gamers to a specific console because we all know those who milm their kex over Xbox or Playstation, respectively, will stay loyal no matter what.</p>


It's kinda like a political election in that regard.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="phranchk" data-cid="222931" data-time="1394040620">

While on paper they seem nearly identical in specs, according to game developers it sounds like PS4 has quite a bit more potential. Especially since most games run at 1080P at 60fps. Xbox can't match that on most games.</p></p>

True, but I think that they are at least close enough that to the vast majority of games they won't be able to tell the difference unless they are playing side by side, which the vast majority of gamers aren't. And while 1080p 30fps isn't as good, it's still pretty damn nice looking. People won't care. I don't know many people who have gone next gen yet honestly, but I haven't heard of one person that I phyiscally know that has gone from PS3 to Xbox, or plans to when they go to next gen. I know only a couple of people that went from Xbox to PS4. and the rest of the people stayed on platform or will stay. of those who switched they all said the main reason was it was $100 cheaper. There is the entire next gen war in a nutshell. The machines are basically the same and at the end of the day we just want to play games. And $100 bucks is $100 bucks.</p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
The one thing I've seen about both consoles is the thumbsticks are cheap and the rubber tears off quickly</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="223028" data-time="1394053994">

The one thing I've seen about both consoles is the thumbsticks are cheap and the rubber tears off quickly</p>


The PS4 controller I really like. Still just a little light imo, but MUCH improved over PS3 and 360. </p>


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Deadliest Man Alive" data-cid="223033" data-time="1394055153">

The PS4 controller I really like. Still just a little light imo, but MUCH improved over PS3 and 360. </p>


I hate the touch pad on it. I hate touch pads.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="223040" data-time="1394057988">

I hate the touch pad on it. I hate touch pads.</p>


Naw, you wouldnt even notice, at least on the PS4 side. </p>
