Yes...Babcock is a god.</p>
His wings winning percentage - .666% to Q's .656% as a Hawks</p>
Was given the keys to the ferrari in 2005/6. A team that had - Datsyuk, Zetteberg, Lidstrom, Shannahan, Yzerman, Chelios, Schnieder, Holmstrom, Lang...etc Wins the President's trophy...bows out in the first round to Edmonton (the 8 seed)</p>
06/07 - Much the same core...loses Yzerman/Shanahan....add a younger Kronwell, Franzen, Fillpula (who saw time the year before), Hasek...loses to ANA in conf finals</p>
07/08 - Wins his only cup (same amount as Q)</p>
08/09 - Lose no one - but add a 40g scorer in Hossa - lose in cup finals</p>
09/10 - Lose Hossa...Lost in 2nd round</p>
10/11 - Lose no one...Lost in 2nd round</p>
11/12 - Lose Rafalski...Lost in 1st round</p>
Has just as many cups as Q. Will juggle lines as much as anyone - feel free to see how many combos of Datsyuk/Zetteberg/Franzen - all at Center and Wings on different lines.....but he's a "good coach" when he does it...Q "messes with things" when he does it.</p>
This guy took over one of the teams with the best leadership group (Scotty to Yzerman, Lidstrom, Shanny)...who led the core of Zetteberg/Datsyuk/Kronwell...etc. Has had teams with 2-4 of the best 2-way forwards in the history of the games, in their prime ages....the greatest defenceman to ever play the game</p>
Their special teams in both their tenures have been very similar.</p>
I don't think Babcock is as glorious of a coach as he's portrayed. He's had loaded/stacked the cap era even...when I'd love to see teams during his tenure in DET as loaded as his have been. He's one of the top ones in the league...but to the dismay of many, so is Q</p>