What Are You Playing Right Now? (Gaming Thread)


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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Started stellarblade yesterday. Seems like it needs two playthroughs for platinum


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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sounds like its worth moving up the list. will give it a go once i feel like playing something for chunks of hours.

hopefully one doenst ruin the game when they figure out how to exploit n break it.

I am just talking the Survival mode, you won't find major challenge in the campaign FYI.

The maps are unlocked if you win one, but I kept the difficulty at a medium and the first two took me a while.

I am on the third map type and it seems easier, but that might be 30 tries of experience now.

I am going to try the THEY ARE BILLIONS final horde on this try today, it'd be my first map type I beat on first try.

I haven't even attempted cranking up the difficulty lol.

IMO Peaceful Lowlands is meant to trip you up a while so you explore all the gameplay mechanisms.


4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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Been playing Code Vein. It's an anime souls game. I mean really anime.

I play Code vein for the plot... the plot

You play as a vampire soldier that has been made a vampire by an alien parasite to fight the aliens... I guess or something.. cause anime. Then they made a queen from the alien parasites to fight the aliens but then she went crazy and you have to kill the queen cause anime. So you live in a distopian future were the queen is dead but the monsters are still around but also some of the vampires like you have turned bad so you have to fight them also and you have to drink blood but not really blood but blood that comes from these special plants... cause anime. A vampire can only be killed when their heart is destroyed and they turn to ash. If they get killed otherwise they just come back to life but lose some of their memories cause anime. You are the chosen one.. cause anime. You can recover the memories of the other vampires.

For a souls game it has way too many cut scenes and story. I love the mystery of the souls game were nothing is really explained.. Here a lot is explained but it still doesn't make sense.. cause anime.
Spoilers in clip ahead

The gameplay is classic souls : dodge block weak attack strong attack baskstabs which all go straight up the butt cause anime.

It does have one unique gameplay element, leveling and classes. Leveling only increases you basic stats like health and base attack. You class is deteremined by a thing called a blood code that you can switch out on the fly. As the chosen one (cause anime) you can inherit other peoples classes and switch them on the fly. You can switch from a strength build to a magic user with a few quick changes: switch the blood code and change your weapons. If you are a maining as a magic user and run into a boss who is very resistant you can quickly switch to a strength build. It does help to focus on a few builds because you have a limited number of upgrade mats to use on your weapons and armor which play a big role. The armor increase you stats. So you need to have a leveled up armor for say strength and then another for magic stuff.

For a souls game it's easy. So for a normal game medium. A few of the bosses can be a little hard. All in all I am having a really fun time.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Once Human.

Free2play but me time aint free. Racked off 70 hours this week. Def a grind fest, so if you aint in to a grind, pass. One more boss to go and then i think im done. Game comes in seasons so i doubt i want to relive this grind again.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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North Pier Mall was where it was at.

Yep. I used to make my parents take me there for my birthday when I was wee. A few rounds of Battletech and usually a round or two of laser tag that was right down the hall and dinner at On The Border[?} (pretty sure that was the Mexican place that was there back in the day).

****, now I want to order or make steak fajitas.


Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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I actually beat Civ VI. Can't recall the last time I played a Civ campaign long enough to actually attain victory. Given, it was a cultural victory, but I was militarily pretty close anyway.

Something kind of baffling about Civ VI: even if you pump most of your resources into science you still don't get close to reality as far as development is concerned. Like, you won't make it to space until the 2000s regardless of what you do.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
at 130 hours of once human for this season. week 3 of 6? just started the bosses i need to beat dont open until later. maybe week 5 or 6 idk.

So much to learn about. for a F2P game def got great value. 130 ish hours @ 0.00 cent per/hr so far.

Def a massive grind though. Satisfies me tisms. Reflected me irl sales hustle and be selling tons of shit to peeps between the pve boss etc grinds. grinds everywhere.

Doubt i grind another season like this but one season has been guud enough and will be enough to scratch the grind itch

only posting this on here cause our server is down for routine maintenance for a few hours. shit needs to hurry i gots shit to gather to refine to sell.

game isnt perfect but for F2P its decent enough for a season. Def better than caleb last week .


Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Funk & Wagnalls' porch
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish
I actually beat Civ VI. Can't recall the last time I played a Civ campaign long enough to actually attain victory. Given, it was a cultural victory, but I was militarily pretty close anyway.

Something kind of baffling about Civ VI: even if you pump most of your resources into science you still don't get close to reality as far as development is concerned. Like, you won't make it to space until the 2000s regardless of what you do.
I love the Civilization series except for Civ VI. I bought it on release like all of them since Civ III, played it for a few months, didn't like it and went back to Civ V. Civ VII will be out in 5 months and I will have it on the release date and I hope it is MUCH BETTER than 6.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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Got my platinum in stellar blade

Started lies of p yesterday pretty hard game gonna have to get good


4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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I am about 3/4 of the way through a game called Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights (Yes quietus is a real word I looked it up.)

It's a side scrolling metroid like game. Combat is difficult but nice and responsive. You are dodging and countering while switching powers. You gain more power and attacks as the game goes on.

It has a very souls plot. A evil called the blight turns people into undead monsters and you seem to be the last person alive. You have the power to purify people after killing there zombie form. You absorb the powers of defeated bosses after you purify them.

It looks really beautiful and has great music.

Highly recommended.



Señor Member
Aug 25, 2012
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Funk & Wagnalls' porch
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Notre Dame Fighting Irish

In High Hrothgar with a homie.



4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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Finished (platinumed) Ender Lillies. Great game 5/5 10/10 You should play it hard but really good.

Now onto God of War 2018. I haven't played a God of War game since the ps3 days, but I remember them being very fast and fluid. This seems clunkier, slower. It's not bad. I am enjoying it. Very good voice acting etc.. .


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
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Finished (platinumed) Ender Lillies. Great game 5/5 10/10 You should play it hard but really good.

Now onto God of War 2018. I haven't played a God of War game since the ps3 days, but I remember them being very fast and fluid. This seems clunkier, slower. It's not bad. I am enjoying it. Very good voice acting etc.. .
Gow 2018 is goat


4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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Just platinumed God of War 2018

I was a little worried when I first started the game. Did they ruin it? You spend the first five minutes walking around slowly. Had me worried. In the original games you got right into fast paced action. I remember God fo War3 has you storming mount olympus in this amazing set piece. I inititally found the combat system clunky and not as good as the old one.

Happy to confirm that I was wrong. The game is excellent. It took me a long time to properly get the combat system but once I did it really fun and you can pull of some epic brutal takedowns. The game is a wonderful mix of exploration, puzzle solving, collectiong, and combat.

And Oh the story. Stories in older God of War games were servicable but this one is amazing. It's wonderful and not going to spoil anything if you haven't played it.

Now I know why it won game of the year. Play this game, BOY!.

Now on to the Dead Space remake.. loved the original
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4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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Dead Space remake is done. Excelent just like the original. If you played the original I am not sure you need to play this one, not a whole lot of new stuff. I remembered specific moments/ rooms etc from 15 years ago. One change they made did fix something that bothered me in the old version.

Not gonna platinum it. I would have to plat it through two more times, once on impossible and another on ng+
