My buddy routinely calls the cops on folks in the 'burbs who park like idiots. Occasionally around soccer season, we'll sit on his porch drinking some beers and watch the soccer mom's park on a curve in the road that clearly has a "No Parking" sign... and call the cops and watch them swing around and just leave ticket after ticket.
Definitely agree on treating any kind of waitstaff like an asshole. It's says a lot about a person when you see how they interact with people they feel are "lower" or subserviant to them.
The thing is, I wonder where this attitude came from. Because it isn't just "rich" people that acted this way. From my experience wealthy males were in general the most respectful, their trophy wives on the otherhand....
People that roll up in some rusted out jalopy were by far the worst, just because your the overnight renta cop somewhere doesnt make you better than me, it probably pays the same, that and im a teenager so **** you.
And fuckin soccer moms, this one came in and could not get over "how I could work there" "am I going to work here for the rest of my life" "its pathetic" etc. etc. etc. Im fuckin 16 *****! Am I supposed to be the fucking CEO of a fortune 500 company or something right now!? Who the **** is going to work at these places if teenagers dont, jesus fucking christ, and you probably dont even have a job other than raising your uppity rugrats that have names such as Hunter, Gallahger, and fuckface (the two previous names, are names of little cousins of mine)
That brings me to my next pet peeve:
GIVE YOUR FUCKING KIDS NORMAL FUCKING NAMES, quit trying to be some uppity original prick.
I didnt know one fucking kid with some dumbass name like that when I was growing up. Why does everybody want to give their kids a last name for a first name.
If some of you have done that shame on you. Those names are really stupid.
Those fucking names sound gross coming out of the mouth, no man wants to be married to a broad named gallahger.