[quote name="E Runs"]
Fucking internet. At least we got a nice view of her pink bra.[/quote]
For real, what parent in their right mind would throw a tirade like that, then continue letting their FUCKING 11 YEAR OLD daughter continue exposing herself on the internet and even telling her what to say. Add on top of that she was fucking dressed like a chick from fucking jersey shore.
fucking 11?! When i was 11 i still played with goddamn action figures what is that 5th grade? This chicks talking about dicks cocks pussies glocks. Seriously i am surprised child services didnt pay them a visit.
This seriously made me sick, what adult lets their fucking 11 year old get a lip piercing. **** it, i already see this shit happening with my niece and shes only 9. My brother is a shit box that cant stay out of jail, his ex wife is a 500lb whale on welfare, she listens to music that talks about dicks pussies and fucking left right and center at age fucking 9. throws a goddamn tantrum every time I babysit her because i impose to many rules, no internet, no music, you can watch any of the various disney movies i own and play with your fucking barbies (she has a bunch of toys over here, I made the "bratz" toys disappear). the little shit even stole money from me. Why do you have 13 dollars on you when I have 13 dollars missing from my wallet, and wtf are you going to use it for, your 9 where the **** are you going?
why is it at 28 years old and childless, I can point point out some severe parenting difficiencies, but these tools who were obviously over 35 missed the fucking bus.
The fucking parents here got what they deserved. your daughters going to be pregnant by the time shes physically mature and the father will be a mystery, shes going to be nothing but some lowlife skank, good job.
All thats going to come of these types of episodes is the final free frontier, the internet, being ruined for us all with regulation, because some parents dont know how to raise their fucking kids.
On another note theres a lot of good parodies of those videos out there, this one is funny: