Article: Whatever happens, the Bears must keep Cutler


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The reason I said (and admitted it was) the obvious is because idiots here like the trolls in question seem to think that Cutler should be run out of town while he was surrounded by a cast that was basically a steaming pile.

Sometimes the obvious needs to be stated for clarity when people are acting football Special person. It gives a nice starting point for seeing who's really in it for the dicussion and who just is in it to troll.

And it served it's purpose.

So you get up in arms when you get called out for stating the obvious?


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Nice flamebait.

Anywho, done feeding the trolls. Yes, that includes you, shit for brains.

So does that mean you are going to actually discuss the original topic or go back to the knox vs bennet topic or that you are going to stop posting :pray:


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
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The reason I said (and admitted it was) the obvious is because idiots here like the trolls in question seem to think that Cutler should be run out of town while he was surrounded by a cast that was basically a steaming pile.

Sometimes the obvious needs to be stated for clarity when people are acting football Special person. It gives a nice starting point for seeing who's really in it for the dicussion and who just is in it to troll.

And it served it's purpose.
What does Cutlers surrounding cast have to do with Sid Luckman?

Teddy KGB

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well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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When was the last time our front office or GM drafted a QB in the 4th round or sooner? It seems like since the Orton/Grossman years that has been the mentality of the Bears.
2011 - Nathan Enderle in the 4th.
2010 - Dan LeFevour in the 4th.

Looks like they attempted to find some guys to develop to me... but guess not every mid round pick turns into Wilson and Kaepernick like some folks would have us believe. So again, I fail to see this "there's nobody better than Cutler so we're not even going to try " mentality you speak of.

When have I ever claimed some grand conspiracy that our front office is actively depriving us of a better QB...and I have been fine with them passing on QB's the first couple of years Cutler was her but these past few drafts there have been opportunities to grab someone too back Cutler up and potentially take over if he doesn't improve or costs more than he is worth

Um that's exactly what you were arguing in the portion I originally quoted. You said they have a mentality that nobody is better so there's no point in even trying to draft one. As I just pointed out they tried in 2010 and 2011. Obviously they felt they had other areas in greater need to address in 2012 and 2013.

The bolded has been what I have been saying from the get go, I know the original topic of this thread got lost with the Bennet vs Knox debate...but I thought the point of this thread was to discuss that the author of the article in question says that no matter what Cutler should be signed after this season. So I provided my opinion, gave some examples of how in recent history you can grab a QB in the first 4 rounds and have them start with success. Not sure where the problem here is? Not sure where I have been "crying or complaining"? Are you just in troll mode and are arguing because my thoughts are in line with Rory and FT?

No problem at all... notice I didn't quote any of the other parts of your original post because the only qualm I had was with the portion I quoted.


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Richmond, VA
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2011 - Nathan Enderle in the 4th. actually drafted in the 5th (pick 160)
2010 - Dan LeFevour in the 4th. actually drafted in the 6th (pick 181

Looks like they attempted to find some guys to develop to me... but guess not every mid round pick turns into Wilson and Kaepernick like some folks would have us believe. So again, I fail to see this "there's nobody better than Cutler so we're not even going to try " mentality you speak of.

Doesn't look like they tried to hard to find that guy. So the fact that they haven't at the very least attempted to draft someone in the 4th or earlier shows they felt there wasn't anyone in the draft better than Grossman/Orton or in recent years better than Cutler. Seems like that describes that mentality pretty accurately.

Um that's exactly what you were arguing in the portion I originally quoted. You said they have a mentality that nobody is better so there's no point in even trying to draft one. As I just pointed out they tried in 2010 and 2011. Obviously they felt they had other areas in greater need to address in 2012 and 2013.

When have I ever said the front office is depriving us of a better QB. I have only said that our front office has done poor planning these past couple years in getting a potential fill in for Cutler if he were to leave. I have never said they needed to draft his replacement but bring in a contingency plan

No problem at all... notice I didn't quote any of the other parts of your original post because the only qualm I had was with the portion I quoted.

So your problem has been because I feel that in today's NFL with the talent that comes in that we can draft a QB who can give us 3000+ yards with a TD/Int ratio of 1.36 who would cost us a whole lot less than $15M?


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Good comparison by Broc.

Drafting Nathan Enderle in the 5th round and Dan LeFevour in the 6th round is equal to taking Wilson in the 3rd round and Kaepernick in the 2nd round.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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Doesn't look like they tried to hard to find that guy. So the fact that they haven't at the very least attempted to draft someone in the 4th or earlier shows they felt there wasn't anyone in the draft better than Grossman/Orton or in recent years better than Cutler. Seems like that describes that mentality pretty accurately.

Crap my mistake, was looking at the wrong column (4th players selected in that year instead of the round). Good catch.

That said I still don't agree that the front office has the "mentality" you claim. I'm of the opinion that if they were sitting on a top pick and had the opportunity to draft a sure fire talent like Luck or RG3 they would regardless of their feelings about Cutler. I'm also of the opinion that they simply felt other positions were bigger priorities to address in the mid rounds or perhaps the QB they wanted was already taken so they went in another direction and had to settle for a guy like Enderle later.

Unless you were sitting in the war rooms with JA and Emery I'm not sure how anyone can make any sort of definitive statements either way. It's all speculation.

I have only said that our front office has done poor planning these past couple years in getting a potential fill in for Cutler if he were to leave. I have never said they needed to draft his replacement but bring in a contingency plan

No argument there, but it's easy to sit here in hindsight and say they should of drafted every player that has happened to pan out so far. My beef with you guys is that there's never any talk of actual solutions moving forward... just endless bitching about what we should of done (again everyone is a genius with the benefit of hindsight). We can't go back in time and redo those drafts so I just don't see the point in continuing to whine about what could of been like it matters at this point. At this point all we can do is wait to see how it plays out and hope they draft someone next April. I'm more interested in who you guys think could be possible solutions next year than endless bitching about how they Bears have some supposed "mentality" against improving the QB position.

So your problem has been because I feel that in today's NFL with the talent that comes in that we can draft a QB who can give us 3000+ yards with a TD/Int ratio of 1.36 who would cost us a whole lot less than $15M?

Not sure where you got this from, I've never said anything of this sort.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Dude... Cutler could shatter Rodgers 2011 season td/int ratio while leading the Bears to a SB win and the haters would still whine and want to replace him next year.

Lol no I wouldn't. If he did that I would want him signed up for lots of money.

You do say some silly things.

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Crap my mistake, was looking at the wrong column (4th players selected in that year instead of the round). Good catch.

That said I still don't agree that the front office has the "mentality" you claim. I'm of the opinion that if they were sitting on a top pick and had the opportunity to draft a sure fire talent like Luck or RG3 they would regardless of their feelings about Cutler. I'm also of the opinion that they simply felt other positions were bigger priorities to address in the mid rounds or perhaps the QB they wanted was already taken so they went in another direction and had to settle for a guy like Enderle later.

Unless you were sitting in the war rooms with JA and Emery I'm not sure how anyone can make any sort of definitive statements either way. It's all speculation.

It may be the way I am making my argument but I can't make a definitive argument at all with what either of our GM's these past 10 years have been thinking. But based off what they have drafted and moves they have made its hard not to feel they think the same way some of the posters here do. There may have been other priorities and I have given them credit for trying to give Cutler a decent backup last year with Campbell. I just have felt they have had opportunities to grab a player within the first 4 rounds to develop as Cutlers backup for many years or as his replacement if he were to falter

No argument there, but it's easy to sit here in hindsight and say they should of drafted every player that has happened to pan out so far. My beef with you guys is that there's never any talk of actual solutions moving forward... just endless bitching about what we should of done (again everyone is a genius with the benefit of hindsight). We can't go back in time and redo those drafts so I just don't see the point in continuing to whine about what could of been like it matters at this point. At this point all we can do is wait to see how it plays out and hope they draft someone next April. I'm more interested in who you guys think could be possible solutions next year than endless bitching about how they Bears have some supposed "mentality" against improving the QB position.

Before this years draft me and a handful of other posters were saying that Emery should draft a QB who can serve as Cutlers backup and potential heir if Cutler isn't signed after the season. In this whole thread my solution I have been advocating is if Cutler can't improve his TD/Int ratio and limit his mistakes than let him go and draft another QB. Yes I have made some hindsight suggestions to backup my current solution, but the point still stands. The Bears had opportunities to draft a QB that could have potential to be a solid starter.

The Redskins had the #2 pick in last years draft took RG3 and still drafted another QB as his backup. They used 2 of their limited picks that year on the QB position and it paid off for them when RG3 went down during the season.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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Broc said:
My beef with you guys is that there's never any talk of actual solutions moving forward... just endless bitching about what we should of done (again everyone is a genius with the benefit of hindsight).
Absolute bullshit. I personally discussed numerous QB's in the 2013 draft in relation to the subject, not only that there was a thread last week or the week before about Cutler next year about "Emery's nightmare" and we have a thread right now discussing Cutler next season and the franchise tag.

As usual Broc, your postings suck and run counter to reality.
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The Redskins had the #2 pick in last years draft took RG3 and still drafted another QB as his backup. They used 2 of their limited picks that year on the QB position and it paid off for them when RG3 went down during the season.


The Redskins not only appeared to getting their franchise QB, they managed to grab a future star in Cousins....who was not a top 5 pick.


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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The Redskins not only appeared to getting their franchise QB, they managed to grab a future star in Cousins....who was not a top 5 pick.

And before last year, you could argue they were one of the worst run franchises who only banked on free agency.


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And before last year, you could argue they were one of the worst run franchises who only banked on free agency.

And even their marquee FA signing last year was injured most of the season. And Orakpo on IR, I though they were DOA.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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I just have felt they have had opportunities to grab a player within the first 4 rounds to develop as Cutlers backup for many years or as his replacement if he were to falter.

No doubt they had opportunities but for whatever reason choose to address other areas. If the Bears had a completely stacked roster and QB was the lone missing piece keeping us from being a legit SB contender I'd probably feel similar to you guys but at this point I don't really fault Emery for placing other positions at a higher priority while he plays out his hand with Cutler. If Cutler succeeds under Trestman this entire argument becomes a moot point. If he fails they will surely make drafting a new QB their top priority again making this argument moot. I just don't understand all the angst over this. This franchise has dealt with QB uncertainty for decades, why this situation with Cutler is causing you guys so much grief IDK. After watching guys like Burris, Quinn, Krenzel, etc it doesn't seem like that big of a deal to wait and see how this season plays out under Cutler but that's just me.

Yes I have made some hindsight suggestions to backup my current solution, but the point still stands. The Bears had opportunities to draft a QB that could have potential to be a solid starter.

The Bears had opportunities to draft potential solid starters at every position. Perhaps we should maybe wait and see how the players we did draft actually pan out before jumping off the ledge no? Maybe Mills develops into a stud tackle or Green a solid DE? Maybe AJ develops into another Marshall, maybe Hardin develops into a solid DB. Maybe Cutler actually improves under Trestman and renders the entire dilemma irrelevant... I just don't understand this whole rush to judgement. I know this generation of kids is all about instant gratification but jesus...

The Redskins had the #2 pick in last years draft took RG3 and still drafted another QB as his backup. They used 2 of their limited picks that year on the QB position and it paid off for them when RG3 went down during the season.

The Redskins also have Shanny who places a premium on his QB's. We were saddled with Lovie "I only care about defense" Smith convincing the GM to waste picks on pool jumpers and shit. But thankfully we have Trestman now who apparently told Emery he wanted to see what Cutler could do before making a commitment. I see no problems with that. Maybe the draft didn't fall his way to draft a developmental guy. Regardless, I have confidence that he'll be able to identify a QB in next years draft to fit what he needs should Cutler fail so I see no point in getting my panties in a bunch over it in July.


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The Redskins not only appeared to getting their franchise QB, they managed to grab a future star in Cousins....who was not a top 5 pick.

Cousins is a star now? Based on what?
