Article: Whatever happens, the Bears must keep Cutler


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Newport Beach, CA
Which is why I place "future" in front of star.

If you don't understand the circumstances in which he was placed in his rookie year...not sure what to tell you.

With an amazing OL and awesome running game not too hard of circumstances for decent play


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With an amazing OL and awesome running game not too hard of circumstances for decent play

Yeah...the Ravens sucked last year


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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But it goes to show that Cutler is the exception moreso than the rule. Guys like Cassel and Fitzpatrick get released when they don't perform well...thats why when desperado asks his usual lame question of "what QB has had 4 OCs in 5 years?", its almost superfluous because nearly every QB in NFL history who has performed as poorly as Cutler hasn't lasted 5 years. People say that Cutler is treated unfairly when the opposite is true. On almost every other team Cutler would have been shipped out by now...but the Bears keep going with Cutler because they proactively have no other option.

Don't remember Flynn falling apart. Cassell's season with KC was 10X better than any of Cutler's seasons with Chicago. I wouldn't classify 27 TDs, 7 INTs, and a playoff berth as "falling apart".

2 solid posts. Cutler is getting the Grossman treatment... Being held on to long after it should be clear he isn't going to live up to what was expected of him. (to cutlers credit, he is functional most of the time unlike Grossman.)
Cutler is actually getting fantastic treatment by the media and fans given the situation.
The poster saying he didn't want to judge cousins due to Cassel and Kolb is friggin hilarious- Cassel and Kolb performed at or above* what Cutler has done in his 4 years in chicago- and they got their asses raked over the coals by the media and fans and ultimately shipped out.
Cutler has struggled just as much as Cassel and Kolb with his new team after crying his way out of Denver (ironicly because they had interest in Cassel who has since been to a probowl), Yet Cutler is still getting a pretty fair shake by the media.

*Cassel had a very good year with NE in a bad situation. He earned a chance with KC, and had a damn fine year in year 2- FAR above anything Cutler has ever done in his career, but didn't keep it up. they gave him a couple years and injuries and poor play cost him his job. They moved on like a professional org.

Kolb actually had very Cutler-like numbers in AZ... 17 tds, 11 ints, 7.3 YPA, and an 83 passer rating.... In all actuality, Kolb has performed better in Arizona than Cutler has in Chicago- Kolb has a +1.5 td to int ratio in arizona, Cutler has a 1.3 in chicago. Cutler has a slight edge in completion percentage, Kold has a slight edge in YPA, and Kolb has a slight edge in passer rating.
For all intents and purposes, they are almost dead even.
Yet Kolb is shipped off due to poor play and injuries. Arizona made a wise choice in doing so.

As for Flynn- the guy had one good game and came from a QB farm in GB. nobody knows how good or bad he will be yet. What is very clear is that Seattle had the balls to sit a 19 million dollar passer on the bench in favor of Wilson, because they are decisive and put performance ahead of contract situation and history. If Flynn were in Chicago, everyone would be saying he is the Best QB EVER because he had a good game a couple years ago and his potential is through the roof.

So we have 2 guys in Cassel and Kolb that performed at or above the level of Cutler and are looking for work. We have a guy in Flynn that never got a chance to see the field due to being outperformed.
Chicago drags its feet far to long before pulling the trigger on failed experiments, plain and simple.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
CCS Hall of Fame '19
May 4, 2010
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2 solid posts. Cutler is getting the Grossman treatment... Being held on to long after it should be clear he isn't going to live up to what was expected of him. (to cutlers credit, he is functional most of the time unlike Grossman.)
Cutler is actually getting fantastic treatment by the media and fans given the situation.
The poster saying he didn't want to judge cousins due to Cassel and Kolb is friggin hilarious- Cassel and Kolb performed at or above* what Cutler has done in his 4 years in chicago- and they got their asses raked over the coals by the media and fans and ultimately shipped out.
Cutler has struggled just as much as Cassel and Kolb with his new team after crying his way out of Denver (ironicly because they had interest in Cassel who has since been to a probowl), Yet Cutler is still getting a pretty fair shake by the media.

*Cassel had a very good year with NE in a bad situation. He earned a chance with KC, and had a damn fine year in year 2- FAR above anything Cutler has ever done in his career, but didn't keep it up. they gave him a couple years and injuries and poor play cost him his job. They moved on like a professional org.

Kolb actually had very Cutler-like numbers in AZ... 17 tds, 11 ints, 7.3 YPA, and an 83 passer rating.... In all actuality, Kolb has performed better in Arizona than Cutler has in Chicago- Kolb has a +1.5 td to int ratio in arizona, Cutler has a 1.3 in chicago. Cutler has a slight edge in completion percentage, Kold has a slight edge in YPA, and Kolb has a slight edge in passer rating.
For all intents and purposes, they are almost dead even.
Yet Kolb is shipped off due to poor play and injuries. Arizona made a wise choice in doing so.

As for Flynn- the guy had one good game and came from a QB farm in GB. nobody knows how good or bad he will be yet. What is very clear is that Seattle had the balls to sit a 19 million dollar passer on the bench in favor of Wilson, because they are decisive and put performance ahead of contract situation and history. If Flynn were in Chicago, everyone would be saying he is the Best QB EVER because he had a good game a couple years ago and his potential is through the roof.

So we have 2 guys in Cassel and Kolb that performed at or above the level of Cutler and are looking for work. We have a guy in Flynn that never got a chance to see the field due to being outperformed.
Chicago drags its feet far to long before pulling the trigger on failed experiments, plain and simple.


payton 34ever

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Apr 21, 2010
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West Des Moines, IA
.... a team that can be successful with a game manager type QB.

Ugh...I just threw up in my mouth a little. Please, God let's not ever go there again. Especially as the D will be in transition in the next 2-3 years, and may not be able to hold down the fort the way they have in the past.


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Ugh...I just threw up in my mouth a little. Please, God let's not ever go there again. Especially as the D will be in transition in the next 2-3 years, and may not be able to hold down the fort the way they have in the past.

Of my whole post that's what you take from it?


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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People seem to remember the 2005 Kyle Orton more than they do the 2008 Kyle Orton

It makes me laugh when posters say they can't handle a game manager QB again...when the other side of the coin can easily say they can't handle having a QB throw as many picks as he does TD's. My whole point has been if Cutler can't improve his efficiency than get a QB who can at least take care of the ball...whether it be through the draft or FA


White Guy
Aug 21, 2010
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It makes me laugh when posters say they can't handle a game manager QB again...when the other side of the coin can easily say they can't handle having a QB throw as many picks as he does TD's. My whole point has been if Cutler can't improve his efficiency than get a QB who can at least take care of the ball...whether it be through the draft or FA

2008 Kyle Orton started off with a bang and sucked after he hurt his ankle. 2005 Kyle Orton was fucking terrible. Not sure what's so laughable about posters not wanting a boring game manager QB or a QB that throws too many ints. I guess I would be more surprised if anyone did want either of those type QBs. It doesn't have to be either/or as well.

If Kyle Orton was a good QB his ass wouldn't be riding pine in Dallas.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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People seem to remember the 2005 Kyle Orton more than they do the 2008 Kyle Orton

Uh the 2008 Kyle Orton with the exception of 2 games sucked. Or are we now giving him credit for Matt Forte, the D, and special teams carrying the team to what little success the team had in 2008? I mean you guys just love to point that shit out when it's Cutler we're talking about.. but since we're being all nostaligic about the amazing Orton years it's nothing but sunshine and rainbows!! Oh man that Orton what a gamer!!

Seriously go back and look at some of the game logs from that season. Yeah who can ever forget how amazing Orton was in that 3-37 asskicking vs GB. 13 of 26 for 133 yards, 0 TD's... but that fumble was so clutch!! Or maybe it was getting carried to those 2 OT win's in week 15 & 16 while posting ratings in the 40's. Yeah, good times. Sure wish we could go back to those days...:facepalm:


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Uh the 2008 Kyle Orton with the exception of 2 games sucked. Or are we now giving him credit to Orton for Matt Forte, the D, and special teams carrying the team to what little success the team had in 2008? I mean you guys just love to point that shit out when it's Cutler we're talking about.. but since we're being all nostaligic about the amazing Orton years it's nothing but sunshine and rainbows!! Oh man that Orton what a gamer!!

Seriously go back and look at some of the game logs from that season. Yeah who can ever forget how amazing Orton was in that 3-37 asskicking vs GB. 13 of 26 for 133 yards, 0 TD's... but that fumble was so clutch!! Or maybe it was getting carried to those 2 OT win's in week 15 & 16 while posting ratings in the 40's. Yeah, good times. Sure wish we could go back to those days...:facepalm:

Are you talking about after the ankle injury?

The D was pretty bad that year BTW


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Richmond, VA
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2008 Kyle Orton started off with a bang and sucked after he hurt his ankle. 2005 Kyle Orton was fucking terrible. Not sure what's so laughable about posters not wanting a boring game manager QB or a QB that throws too many ints. I guess I would be more surprised if anyone did want either of those type QBs. It doesn't have to be either/or as well.

If Kyle Orton was a good QB his ass wouldn't be riding pine in Dallas.

I am in no way saying Kyle Orton is who I want, nor am I saying I prefer one style to another. I'm just saying with the pieces we have in place we can have success and possibly even make the playoffs with a QB who is more of a game manager/efficient with the ball. Basically saying that signing Cutler is not a "no matter what" situation.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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Are you talking about after the ankle injury?

Oh wait, so injuries are a valid excuse now? But I thought we all agreed it was Cutler's fault they lost the NFCCG for not wanting to play on a blown out knee?


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Oh wait, so injuries are a valid excuse now? But I thought we all agreed it was Cutler's fault they lost the NFCCG for not wanting to play on a blown out knee?


Cutler played like shit prior to getting's your point?


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It makes me laugh when posters say they can't handle a game manager QB again...when the other side of the coin can easily say they can't handle having a QB throw as many picks as he does TD's. My whole point has been if Cutler can't improve his efficiency than get a QB who can at least take care of the ball...whether it be through the draft or FA

Totally agree...Cutler's consistent efficiency (or lack thereof), has been his biggest problem here in Chicago.


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Give me Jyle Ortler!


Dissed membered
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LOL. Cutler>Orton so why care about the minutia? One important difference between Kyle and Jay is Jay being able to pull a great plays out of his ass by putting the ball where others can't. That he sucked in the 1st 1/2 of the champ game, partially because the knee was alredy unstable, doesn't mean a healthy Jay was going to continue to do so. Not claiming hhe would have helped win that game. Just that we don't have a clue about it. The guy can make big plays that can also backfire but at least he gives you a shot if the D plays poorly on a given day etc. Big games like big plays when your behind the 8 ball.

Another thing about Kyle is his immobility. It's why he would seemingly always have a dinged ankle, even with Denver's "best Oline in the game" I mean really. That line is always brought up as why Cutler had success yet evry Qb they tried until Manning was a fail there even after the D went worst to VG.

Kyle had that unbelievably lucky streak that obviously wasn't real. His a good QB now and I wish he was our back up but there's no comparison overall.
