Article: Whatever happens, the Bears must keep Cutler


Jordan Sigler’s editor
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Cutler threads are useless now


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Aug 21, 2012
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Anyway, before the loser brigade tries to bait me into defending a straw man argument, this is my position on Cutler.

Wait to see what he does this season and then sign him to a short extension, no longer than 3 years, pay consumate with how he performed. Monitor the QB's coming out of the draft. If as a GM, Emery sees a QB he and Trest can agree would be an upgrade to Cutler, then pull the trigger. But don't feel like you HAVE to get a QB this draft - if the guy you really like is going to be coming out 2 drafts from now, you make due with Cutler till then.

People get so caught up in this whole pissing contest over keeping or launching Cutler. I personally still see the potential in Cutler and how the previous GM and coaching staff provided little to no support for him, but have no overwhelming attachment to him as the QB of the Bears long term. All I care about is if you DO decide that Cutler isn't "the guy", then handle it SMART.

People here are bitching about the cap hit from franchising him and saying that isn't smart - but in the NFL where you are judged by wins and losses, its even less smart to just launch a guy you've had winning seasons with at the helm to put in a freshly drafted rookiee and then expect miracles. Too many meatheads fall in love with a single season of performance from several rookiees and start thinking "hey, we could be next!"

NFL historically just hasn't worked that way. Kaepernick, RGIII, Russell Wilson - I bet at least one if not two of those guys come back to earth this season (I do think Andrew Luck is the real deal). Remember when Cam Newton was ALL the RAGE during his first season with the Panthers? Second season was a cold shower on that first season.

THAT is the part I find maddening - the people who bitch about QBs act like its a guarantee anyone you draft would be better than Cutler, so get rid of Cutler and go draft someone. That's just incredibly moronic right now. Better to have Cutler around short term to give you some cover at the position, and target 2 or 3 specific QBs in the hopes that if you go all out one draft you can land one of them, and don't limit it to just this next draft, but the next 2 or 3.

Alluding back to Rex Grossman - you look at that draft for quarterbacks, and there was Carson Palmer as your #1 draft pick...and EVERY other QB in that draft class was SHIT. ALL of them. Just because you have a need going into a particular draft, doesn't mean the guy who's the right fit for you is in that next immediate draft, and I expect the Bears GM to be smarter to just get whoever the popular QB of the next draft is just to say they got a guy. Take their time, wait it out for the right draft if need be, and then pull the trigger. Have Cutler there to bridge the gap (he's not getting any younger anyway). And then have the young guy sit a season and learn.

Because right now, this team with this aging defense is in a win now mode. We can't waste years developing a QB. Yet thats the problem - NFL is always win now, and when do you do it and how? Thats what I mean by I want them to be smart about it, and provide as much cover for the position as they can.

TLDR: I do like Cutler as our QB, but don't object to replacing him, as long as it isn't done in the half-assed stupid manner the usual anti-cutler trolls are always suggesting.

For the most part, I agree. Cutler is still a good QB to have. No matter what happens this year, he is going to get paid, and he will be a starter next year. The question now just becomes where, and how much? If he excels here, then he will get Romo-ish money from the Bears, barring a Flacco like explosion. If he struggles and puts up mediocre stats, and Emery and Trestman decide to move on, he will be one of the best FA available next year and will be overpaid by some other team.

FWIW I believe Cutler is the Bears long term QB. I believe that he will excel in Trestmans offense and sign a long term deal.


Jordan Sigler’s editor
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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I actually can't wait to see the Cutler threads post week 1. Thats gonna be some good reading.

Not really. Win or lose its going to be the same posters and same shit

Teddy KGB

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Apr 25, 2011
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For the most part, I agree. Cutler is still a good QB to have. No matter what happens this year, he is going to get paid, and he will be a starter next year. The question now just becomes where, and how much? If he excels here, then he will get Romo-ish money from the Bears, barring a Flacco like explosion. If he struggles and puts up mediocre stats, and Emery and Trestman decide to move on, he will be one of the best FA available next year and will be overpaid by some other team.

FWIW I believe Cutler is the Bears long term QB. I believe that he will excel in Trestmans offense and sign a long term deal.

To me, that's going to be the interesting storyline this season - if Cutler buys in.

I really like how Trestman is making Cutler earn it.


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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Aurora, NE
To me, that's going to be the interesting storyline this season - if Cutler buys in.

I really like how Trestman is making Cutler earn it.

He will buy in, he really doesn't have a choice. The question for me is, can he display the knack for "throwing the ball away and living to fight another day" someone else posted in another thread. I don't want him to take no chances, but the chances he does take have to be smarter than the down by three from the 10 yard line, fuck it I'm throwing to Marshall.


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He will buy in, he really doesn't have a choice. The question for me is, can he display the knack for "throwing the ball away and living to fight another day" someone else posted in another thread. I don't want him to take no chances, but the chances he does take have to be smarter than the down by three from the 10 yard line, fuck it I'm throwing to Marshall.

sounds like Grossman back in the day


Dissed membered
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Takes 2 two tango. If he performs well enough for a multi year deal, what makes anyone thing he would sign for 3. These deals are about bonus money and one thing Cutler isn't is a dummy. He may give us a home town break but he's going to be one of these 3. Leaving, tagged or signed for more than 3 years, probably 5.


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Takes 2 two tango. If he performs well enough for a multi year deal, what makes anyone thing he would sign for 3. These deals are about bonus money and one thing Cutler isn't is a dummy. He may give us a home town break but he's going to be one of these 3. Leaving, tagged or signed for more than 3 years, probably 5.

I really don't see Cutler getting tagged when there are a fair amount of expiring contracts after the 2013 season. The most interesting quotient in the whole long term signing of Cutler is the now prolonged history of concussions.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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No, but I am curious. As the guy who was leading the ole Rex Grossman Cult back in its heydey in 2005-2007, how is it you made every excuse in the world for him, yet we now have Cutler, who is at least FAR better than Grossman and yet you can't wait to get rid of him?

Just seems odd, unless it's piss and vinegar left over from a while ago because it was Cutler's arrival that caused both Rex and Orton to go "byebye".

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that this misrepresentation is due to memory rather than disingenuousness.

My stance on Grossman was simple - I preferred him to Orton, and was one of the vocal posters in the Rex vs Orton debates. Trolling on the NWE board aside, I've never thought Grossman was a top level QB.

My opinion of Cutler is what it is. It has nothing to do with Orton and Grossman. Not really sure why you keep bringing it up.


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I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that this misrepresentation is due to memory rather than disingenuousness.

My stance on Grossman was simple - I preferred him to Orton, and was one of the vocal posters in the Rex vs Orton debates. Trolling on the NWE board aside, I've never thought Grossman was a top level QB.

My opinion of Cutler is what it is. It has nothing to do with Orton and Grossman. Not really sure why you keep bringing it up.
I remember you were a vocal supporter in the "let Barry Minter start when he comes back from injury" cult too.



Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Oh, and I forgot to add in my previous post the fact that I was as excited as anyone when we first traded for Cutler. It wasn't until he actually played some that my excitement cooled off, and it wasn't until the NFCC that I turned on him. Long after Grossman and Orton were gone.

So yeah, total fail on Vash's part. Go figure.

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What is it with the reference to top 5 draft picks and that being the standard replacement for Cutler?

Can't our scouting department find an Andy Dalton in the draft?


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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Aurora, NE
I think it has more to do with accepting what we have now, than gambling for someone who *may* be better than Cutler.


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I think it has more to do with accepting what we have now, than gambling for someone who *may* be better than Cutler.

I think that's a debatable point. Cutler might be just as big of a gamble at this point. He could be one hit away from extended missed playing time


CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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Aurora, NE
I think that's a debatable point. Cutler might be just as big of a gamble at this point. He could be one hit away from extended missed playing time

Yes, but really any player could be one hit away from that. Never really know. What we do know is that Cutler is a good QB, that makes bad decisions. Some people would rather keep that than go to unproven.


HS Referee HoF
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I think that's a debatable point. Cutler might be just as big of a gamble at this point. He could be one hit away from extended missed playing time

Didn't stop Greenbay from extending Rodgers and he has absorbed a lot of hits himself.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Didn't stop Greenbay from extending Rodgers and he has absorbed a lot of hits himself.

Rodgers is also the best QB in football.

But still, yeah he could suffer a serious injury at any time with that line.
