B-Hawks 2023-2024 Season Thread of Bedard


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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That was such a fun game to watch


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Well, after that debacle, I was hoping for a midnight bag skate after how they lost to Dallas 2nd time around.

We aren't good. We'll lose. But that level of effort? No.


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Yeah effort was crap, but we still leave the slots wide open for shots


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May 14, 2010
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Soder Popinski ended the night with a .946 on 35 SA.

That loss was on the skaters and coaching.
Yep. The score looked worse than it was with 2 late goals but offense flat almost all game.


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Western Burbs
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Not sure what you people were expecting this year...pretty much by design this is the worst team in the NHL. They added one great young star and a handful of other young players trying to find their way but the fact is....last years team was better. They obviously know more than we do as this is Team Tank part two....but hey, why not? A few more losses or even wins won't change who they are at this point in time.


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May 14, 2010
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Not sure what you people were expecting this year...pretty much by design this is the worst team in the NHL. They added one great young star and a handful of other young players trying to find their way but the fact is....last years team was better. They obviously know more than we do as this is Team Tank part two....but hey, why not? A few more losses or even wins won't change who they are at this point in time.
I don't know.... Effort? Trying to stay in the league more than a cup of coffee?


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Western Burbs
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This team skates like a senior league team and passes the puck like Atom Leaguers....what makes you think that there is no effort..maybe what you're seeing is the best they got. They are out skilled at almost every position by every team they play. They're barely competitive with the Ducks and Sharks and got killed by Columbus.


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Oct 14, 2019
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Not sure what you people were expecting this year...pretty much by design this is the worst team in the NHL. They added one great young star and a handful of other young players trying to find their way but the fact is....last years team was better. They obviously know more than we do as this is Team Tank part two....but hey, why not? A few more losses or even wins won't change who they are at this point in time.
Yup. This roster wasn't strong going into the year and the plethora of injuries just made matters worse, but it was to be expected and it's okay to suck this year. I said a while back, the only thing that matters this year is the young guys' development, especially Bedard, who is meeting if not exceeding expectations right now. Korchinski's been a mixed bag to me, but Vlasic has looked great. Phillips is a little up and down. Reichel looks more confident. Kurashev looks decent this year. That said, with the exception of Kurashev, all these guys are still growing into their roles and a lot of them are being asked to fulfill roles that they're not ready for, especially with all the injuries.

You can say what you want about Athanisiou, but on this team, he's a top six forward. Same with Hall, who was probably the biggest loss of all. And oh yeah, let's throw in our number one D-man in Jones to be sidelined too. Now Beauvillier -- who was brought in for offensive help -- is out too; granted, Beauvillier has sucked since he was acquired, but that's just another hole that will expose this team that's already worn thin and that wasn't designed to be a playoff team heading into the year.


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Western Burbs
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Yup. This roster wasn't strong going into the year and the plethora of injuries just made matters worse, but it was to be expected and it's okay to suck this year. I said a while back, the only thing that matters this year is the young guys' development, especially Bedard, who is meeting if not exceeding expectations right now. Korchinski's been a mixed bag to me, but Vlasic has looked great. Phillips is a little up and down. Reichel looks more confident. Kurashev looks decent this year. That said, with the exception of Kurashev, all these guys are still growing into their roles and a lot of them are being asked to fulfill roles that they're not ready for, especially with all the injuries.

You can say what you want about Athanisiou, but on this team, he's a top six forward. Same with Hall, who was probably the biggest loss of all. And oh yeah, let's throw in our number one D-man in Jones to be sidelined too. Now Beauvillier -- who was brought in for offensive help -- is out too; granted, Beauvillier has sucked since he was acquired, but that's just another hole that will expose this team that's already worn thin and that wasn't designed to be a playoff team heading into the year.
Yeah exactly, complaining about results or effort is ridiculous at this point. If KD keeps doing his job the right way, down the road things will fall into place. It's a tough watch for sure, but it's necessary.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Not sure what you people were expecting this year...pretty much by design this is the worst team in the NHL. They added one great young star and a handful of other young players trying to find their way but the fact is....last years team was better. They obviously know more than we do as this is Team Tank part two....but hey, why not? A few more losses or even wins won't change who they are at this point in time.
As others have said...Effort.

Guys are bailing on assignments, they aren't skating too hard, if the play gets behind them they are not hustling back, and at times there is no team cohesiveness.

You compare the way the 'hawkes plays for Dallas in Game 1 and Dallas in game two and it's night and day. Game one they tried, struggled, but managed to secure a point--they lost but they could say that they held their heads high. Game 2 they gave up and mailed it in.

Seattle game (which I was at), the team was disengaged for the whole game and played like beer leaguers on their 5th beer. Avs? They eeked out a win against a team that outclasses them in all respects.

The kids need to learn good habits, and that is on coaching. We want guys like Bedard, Korch, Vlassic, Reichel, etc. to *not* half-ass it when the team hemorrhages goals, and if the play gets behind them, we don't want them giving up on the play, we want them looking like Datsyuk, Toews, Hossa, Bergeron, etc. and busting their ass to get back on D.

The "tank" may be by design, but we've moved form a team of has-beens and never-will-be's to a team that's partially has-beens and never-will-be's, and partially developing kids. Yeah, the roster has been decimated by injuries, but that's still no excuse for the team to lolligag it.

Development is part of it. Ingraining good habits is another. I can accept losing--the team is simply not good. But the effort needs to be there.


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May 14, 2010
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Rangers gonna do the the hawks what the Knicks did to the Bulls last night.

Not going to be pretty. John Scott is even phoning it in for the pregame because it's not worth going in for.
