

New member
Aug 20, 2012
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This started off as a great thread and then morons derailed it. Let's post more Cutlerisms folks. That stuff is hilarious. Keep the cutler bashing to other threads.

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Packer Fan

CCS Donator
Aug 21, 2012
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J'Marcus Webb's Face. His Fac
And that's the thing. Instead of winning people over with great performances, Cutler just alienates more and more people each year with the garbage he gives us. He's going into his 6th year with the Bears; anyone who still thinks this guy is a legit franchise QB is emotionally invested in him. Anyone with an objective mindset realizes what he is and what he isn't at this point.

I think he's a franchise quarterback and I'm not emotionally invested in him. I do like him though, I think he's funny.

I think your problem is that you want him or the next Bears QB to be as good as Aaron Rodgers. It's not realistic.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Got to love this...someone makes a thread criticizing the play of the QB and the poster will get labelled a troll and a Cutler hater. Then we have threads like this that serve zero purpose and can barely be expanded upon and will obviously bring out the "haters", but the "haters" are the ones that are considered the trolls.

Maybe you mistake the purpose of this site.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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I think he's a franchise quarterback and I'm not emotionally invested in him. I do like him though, I think he's funny.

I think your problem is that you want him or the next Bears QB to be as good as Aaron Rodgers. It's not realistic.

Correct, it's not realistic, and you're utterly wrong about me wanting that. I want good, consistent, reliable, efficient. Doesn't have to be record breaking elite.


High Ranking Member
May 18, 2014
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I think he's a franchise quarterback and I'm not emotionally invested in him. I do like him though, I think he's funny.

I think your problem is that you want him or the next Bears QB to be as good as Aaron Rodgers. It's not realistic.

No he's just trying to get a rise out of people. He's been doing it since the CBMB days. I recall him admitting that he was trolling a couple years back (unless that was trolling in and of itself).


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 20, 2012
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Correct, it's not realistic, and you're utterly wrong about me wanting that. I want good, consistent, reliable, efficient. Doesn't have to be record breaking elite.

Like Rex right?


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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Protip, every give or some posts u say something ignorant. You are right, they are mostly not 'stupid.' But ignorant yes. It's like you are a hipster of messageboards. Snubbing down at the general population because you are so awesome irl. Guess what, a lot of posters are successful and happen to fuck around on the internet and don't need to talk about their abs, bros, or nashville travels to get validation, on a messageboard. People who are over 30, actually live real lives and can still have threesomes, even if they don't brah about it on da internet. People that don't like Bruce springsteen, but listen to tom waits, are not hipsters... Live laugh love
Oh whatever. If you don't like what I write, no one makes you read it. My ignorance as you see it stems from stories I share or read and compare? Why the hell do you care anyways, ya creep. All you do is read my posts and talk about it, why do you care? It's weird. I was talking straight with you bout Waits and being sincere, yet you continue your antics. Is that a cry for attention or what?

As for hipsters. Who cares if I have a disdain for them?You don't have to read what I post. They ride cool cafe bikes I was raised on as a kid, but yet don't dress like an idiot so I get weird looks when out riding. Not part of the club , per say. You don't have to judge or approve or disapprove of what I say. I'm clean cut, wear preppy clothes and have "abs"(wtf?)? If they wanna be judgmental and act as if I shouldn't know what a Vincent Black Lightning is


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I think he's a franchise quarterback and I'm not emotionally invested in him. I do like him though, I think he's funny.

I think your problem is that you want him or the next Bears QB to be as good as Aaron Rodgers. It's not realistic.

This. Granted, Cutler has had some bad seasons. But overall, the problem some people have with Cutler is their own expectations. That and some bizarre idea that elite, top 3 QBs are somehow easy to come by.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Oh whatever. If you don't like what I write, no one makes you read it. My ignorance as you see it stems from stories I share or read and compare? Why the hell do you care anyways, ya creep. All you do is read my posts and talk about it, why do you care? It's weird. I was talking straight with you bout Waits and being sincere, yet you continue your antics. Is that a cry for attention or what?

As for hipsters. Who cares if I have a disdain for them?You don't have to read what I post. They ride cool cafe bikes I was raised on as a kid, but yet don't dress like an idiot so I get weird looks when out riding. Not part of the club , per say. You don't have to judge or approve or disapprove of what I say. I'm clean cut, wear preppy clothes and have "abs"(wtf?)? If they wanna be judgmental and act as if I shouldn't know what a Vincent Black Lightning is

Dude, read wut u just wrote and tell yourself that you are still the alpha you wanna be. You can do it. It all starts through relationships and engagement. believe me, i used to be like you, defining myself by who i am not. You can do it.


Jordan Sigler’s editor
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Jun 20, 2010
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In the mod forum planning your ban
Correct, it's not realistic, and you're utterly wrong about me wanting that. I want good, consistent, reliable, efficient. Doesn't have to be record breaking elite.

When I saw Eli and Flacco win a super bowl I thought to myself anyone can do it.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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He was on pace to break that record, having a 2:1 int ratio, having around a top ten passer rating for the season and the Bears had a winning record all before his injury with the Redskins so I can see where you would say he didn't step his game up. This is what Im talking about when it comes to objectivity. I can easily say that he needs to cut down on his int's, the offense was sluggish ,he even locked on to Marshall and he still had one of those meltdown games but you will never see certain posters say anything I just said. It gets old when I can see a new Cutler thread being made and automatically know who is going to come in and bitch. This thread had nothing to do with Cutler's performance and yet the same people came in and did what they did to other threads

But that's the problem, or at least my problem with him. He's always "on pace" to being the QB that this team needs, yet he's never there at the end of the season. He definitely has his moments, but whether it's bad decision making, injuries, you name it, people are always relegated to projecting what his numbers would have been in a perfect world. I'd love for him to just come through and have a good season without all the ifs, ands, or buts.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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Dude, read wut u just wrote and tell yourself that you are still the alpha you wanna be. You can do it. It all starts through relationships and engagement. believe me, i used to be like you, defining myself by who i am not. You can do it.
I didn't finsih what I was writing because I was cut off on the phone. You creep me out. Everything I write or post you have something to say about it, i honestly don't see your weird creep obsession with me but very rarely do I give a shit what you have to say. Relationships and engagemetn? LOL please. You don't know me in real life. I have more friends and people that I can "engage" with than I care to remember the number. You know nothing of me, but because I write valid(or invalid in your opinion) of matters in which either effect(appraently) or don't effect you, you judge me on them. Oh boo hoo, you got called out about wearing a misfits shirt at 35+ years old; grow up and stop being a pompous prick garnering for attention because you may not recieve it at home and decide to come at others for god knows what reasons. You don't like what I post? Don't read it. Why waste your precious time in life as a married man with children with some 20 something year old alpha punk if you are of such value?

And if I talk about my Nashville adventures or having a beer with the owner of the #1 rated dive bar in America at 3 AM while his wife cooks me breakfast talking about his times with Waylon Jennings and having a music video of Jimmy Buffett taped in his bar, who the fuck are you to read and give a shit? Again, bro, noone makes you read anything. I don't get your weird fasinication with me. I really don't. If you have cool enlightening stories, I'd love to hear them. Instead all you have is critical bullshit of sounding like a pompous toad.

You know, being ultra-cool DJ Neo you were back in 1992(I'm impressed, actually- truly); I thought you'd be straight cool bro. I'll brag and wahtever other bullshit vericication crap you pull on me as I damn well please. Don't like what I write in the workout posts? Don't read it. Everyting about you screams " I need attention!". I mean, you even made a thread about me and any thread I make you have a creepy weird comment to garner attention. Seriously you are a creep.

You are a prime example of those who take their ball and go home.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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This started off as a great thread and then morons derailed it. Let's post more Cutlerisms folks. That stuff is hilarious. Keep the cutler bashing to other threads.

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You can be sure that like a bat signal if Cutler's name is posted or a topic involving QBs is submitted... Bearmick and his sphincter co-joined boy wonder Spartan will arrive shortly.

And with seriousness born of years of Bears frustration proceed to bash, thrash, and corn-hole every jab at Cutler into every thread however relevant or unrelevant. So long as they can make sure... that no one, anywhere, for any reason, in any way, shape, or form possibly believes that Jay will be fine as our QB for now.


CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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So is cutler good or evil?
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