Former Broncos GM says Bears finally are doing right by Jay Cutler


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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JA buys his grill but buys nasty bullshit products next year. Once he realizes his product sucks, he tries drenching them in hot sauce ( new coaches) but his hot sauce sucks too. So the expensive grill has to work with bad products all around because the cook sucks

Your analogy just ruined hot sauce and grilling for me :doorrofl:


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I think it should be noted that the Bears under Lovie usually won with defense and the running game, so there was some logic to that train of thought. To the Bears, adding Cutler was like adding the cherry to the top of the sundae. Cutler's inability to improve upon Grossman/Orton's performance and his penchant for making mistakes kind of wreaked havoc with that line of thinking.

Maybe if they had added Cutler in 2005 this would have been true. But by 2009 that sunday had melted down the drain. I don't think there is any doubt the OL and WR group was far superior on 05/06.

But either way, to me this article speaks to something that goes beyond Cutler and encompasses the entire O and how under JA and Lovie, the offense was the neglected bastard compared to the D.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Where I will disagree with the former Broncos Gm is that the Bears didn't try and put guys around Cutler. They did. From day 1. They signed Orlando Pace right away, then you can look at the wasted draft picks on TE's, OL, WR's etc but that's not for lack of actual effort. I just think the Bears had two bad talent evaluators for the offensive side of the ball(Lovie/Angelo). Basically the ole A for effort F for execution type deal.

More like c for effort. They did try, but it was half assed there was no commitment from JA and Lovie was apparently incapable of holding up his end of bringing in OCs and developing who they did get.

All you have to do is compare 2 terminal deficiencies on the team: safeties and WRs. Bears selected a safety every draft for how many years? 7, 8?


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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More like c for effort. They did try, but it was half assed there was no commitment from JA and Lovie was apparently incapable of holding up his end of bringing in OCs and developing who they did get.

All you have to do is compare 2 terminal deficiencies on the team: safeties and WRs. Bears selected a safety every draft for how many years? 7, 8?

One was picked every year from 05-12 :nope:

Run the ball

CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I live in Denver and watched those too often judged last three games of 2008. The Broncs
Defense gave up 112 points. They averaged nearly 20 points a game and while that's not the greatest, it certainly isn't chopped liver.

Jay threw for over 800 yards. He had a few picks, but no "bad rex" games. Hell, he even ran for two tds.

If I recall correctly, it was the Bufallo game when they had three shots within the ten yard line. I remember watching that game at work. Two of Jays three passes were dropped tds. They win that game and they're in the playoffs, but they don't, and the Jay Cutler narrative begins.

Well then, you should specify that 54 of those points came in 1 game. Jay played poorly in that 3 game stretch, there is no other way to describe it.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Where I will disagree with the former Broncos Gm is that the Bears didn't try and put guys around Cutler. They did. From day 1. They signed Orlando Pace right away, then you can look at the wasted draft picks on TE's, OL, WR's etc but that's not for lack of actual effort. I just think the Bears had two bad talent evaluators for the offensive side of the ball(Lovie/Angelo). Basically the ole A for effort F for execution type deal.

It's true but there wasn't an urgency either. Until this year, the only Olineman we drafted since Cutler arrived were Carimi at the end of 1 and Webb and LL in 7. We signed a couple backup Gs and Scott as well. Pace was a poor signing but as usual we were desperate. He was cut by a team to clear the same amount we paid for him. Yes it was to improve things but everyone knew Pace was a stop gap. We also didn't draft a WR before 3 until last year either. When Emery sees a problem he addresses it like he did the Oline this year and WRs last. JA and Lovie lacked urgency and decisiveness. How about TE. JA trades away Jay's favorite target and doesn't even draft another. Brought in 2 blocking TEs that didn't block that well for Martz.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Maybe if they had added Cutler in 2005 this would have been true. But by 2009 that sunday had melted down the drain. I don't think there is any doubt the OL and WR group was far superior on 05/06.

But either way, to me this article speaks to something that goes beyond Cutler and encompasses the entire O and how under JA and Lovie, the offense was the neglected bastard compared to the D.

Maybe we would have won that SB in 2006. LOL Speculation is fun.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Well then, you should specify that 54 of those points came in 1 game. Jay played poorly in that 3 game stretch, there is no other way to describe it.

And it wouldn't have mattered if the D held up their end of the bargain earlier in the year. Everybody knew Jay had to throw the ball early and often. RBs off the street and no D had them trying to build leads to cushion themselves. Pushing the envelope was going to catch up to them.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Trading Olsen away still kills me. So stupid. And its a perfect example of how O took a backseat to the D.

Bears generally bent over backwards to keep players that were good but not great on D. And then on O, they let literally the team's only decent red zone target and biggest receiving threat (after the freakin HB) go.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Trading Olsen away still kills me. So stupid. And its a perfect example of how O took a backseat to the D.

Bears generally bent over backwards to keep players that were good but not great on D. And then on O, they let literally the team's only decent red zone target and biggest receiving threat (after the freakin HB) go.

I stopped talking about Greg Olsen on any forum because it seemed as if everyone thought he was the worst god damned TE in the league because he was not great at yards after the catch. Apparently they forgot tight ends still have to catch the god damned rock before they try to get added yardage because that is what we were treated to ever since he left.

At least the pick was used to get Marshall. /rant


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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I stopped talking about Greg Olsen on any forum because it seemed as if everyone thought he was the worst god damned TE in the league because he was not great at yards after the catch. Apparently they forgot tight ends still have to catch the god damned rock before they try to get added yardage because that is what we were treated to ever since he left.

At least the pick was used to get Marshall. /rant
But not by JA. :mad:

run and shoot

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Former Broncos GM says Bears finally are doing right by Jay Cutler


It was time for the Denver Broncos to find the next John Elway, their next franchise quarterback. Several seasons of varied success with Brian Griese, Jake Plummer and others left them yearning for more.

The year was 2006.

Vince Young, Matt Leinart and Jay Cutler were the top three college quarterbacks. And although the Broncos were coming off an AFC Championship Game appearance with Plummer, their brass thought it was time to secure the next face of the franchise.

A three-way trade had moved the Broncos from 29th in the draft to 15th, and they decided they wanted to move up even more to snare a quarterback. It was a foregone conclusion the Tennessee Titans would take Young with the third pick, but the Broncos were content with Leinart or Cutler. They just had to get one of them.

After Leinart went 10th to the Arizona Cardinals, the Broncos swung a trade with the St. Louis Rams to move up to 11th. They took Cutler.

‘‘I personally was a Jay Cutler guy,’’ former Broncos general manager Ted Sundquist said. ‘‘I liked his mobility. I liked his strength. I liked his ability to make plays off-schedule. I liked his presence in the pocket. I liked the fact that he was at Vanderbilt, which is an academic school. He was a smart guy.

‘‘I saw a guy with the tools that in our system, surrounded by guys like [then-head coach] Mike Shanahan and [then-assistant head coach] Mike Heimerdinger, would develop and grow and be the type that we were looking for.’’

It didn’t pan out.

Cutler’s career has taken plenty of turns since he was drafted. He has become a lightning rod for critics and even has been labeled a ‘‘coach killer’’ by some. And now he’s entering the most important season of his career. He has to win over new Bears coach Marc Trestman in a contract year.

How did it come to this?

Sundquist said the Broncos first ‘‘went astray’’ after deviating from their initial plan of sitting Cutler for his rookie season and putting him in for Plummer. Sundquist said Heimerdinger, who had rejoined Shanahan’s staff that season, ‘‘had a different opinion of what he wanted at the position.’’

In March 2008, Sundquist was fired as the Broncos’ GM. Despite a Pro Bowl season by Cutler, Shanahan and Heimerdinger were fired after the 2008 season. Josh McDaniels was named the Broncos’ new coach, an irreparable rift was created with Cutler after some trade talks and the franchise quarterback-to-be was traded to the Bears on April 2, 2009.

Three offensive coordinators and a head coach later in Chicago, there is still discussion about whether Cutler, 30, finally can be that franchise quarterback.

‘‘I know what’s happened in Chicago,’’ said Sundquist, who now runs the website ‘‘I know it’s frustrating because you’ve got a tremendous talent there that should be producing at the level of the upper-echelon guys. And for various reasons, he hasn’t been able to do that. Some of [the reasons are] his, and some of them, he hasn’t had the weapons at times, he hasn’t had the protection at times.’’

Sundquist said he still believes in Cutler. He said those who incessantly criticize him for his demeanor simply don’t know him. He sees a player with untapped potential who hasn’t been helped.

‘‘If you look around at the great teams, all those factors come together to create an Aaron Rodgers, a Tom Brady or a Drew Brees,’’ Sundquist said. ‘‘You’ve got to have somebody over on the left side. You’ve got to have targets for him to throw to. If you leave out an ingredient, it can ripple and affect your quarterback.’’

Sound familiar?

All Bears GM Phil Emery has done since taking over is equip Cutler. He added receiver Brandon Marshall, fired coach Lovie Smith, hired Trestman and offensive coordinator Aaron Kromer and signed left tackle Jermon Bushrod and tight end Martellus Bennett.

‘‘It just didn’t seem like under Lovie that the emphasis was there to get [Cutler] the things that he needed to succeed,’’ Sundquist said. ‘‘And that’s just me and that may not be fair. Maybe they were trying to do everything they could. But at least this year, from the outside looking in, [Cutler] is the focal point.

‘‘From that perspective, I applaud the Bears because I think that’s what you have to do.’’

Sundquist said Cutler is the type of player ‘‘who needs a steady influence and a steady hand — a firm hand but also an understanding hand.’’ The hope is Trestman can be that.

Former MVP quarterback Rich Gannon described Trestman as part-disciplinarian, part-friend. He listens to his quarterbacks but demands a lot in return.

‘‘I always thought he saw the game through the eyes of the quarterback,’’ said Gannon, who worked with Trestman with the Raiders and Vikings. ‘‘He knows what buttons to push.’’

And they have to be pushed now.

‘‘Make-or-break year? Yeah, probably,’’ Sundquist said. ‘‘When [Emery] sits back at the end of the season and says, ‘Do I extend him? Is this the direction that we’re going to go for another couple of years?’ it will have a lot to do with how this particular formula of players and coaches ends up producing this year.’’

This is ALL I need to see.......have good day

In March 2008, Sundquist, (who now runs the website was fired as the Broncos’ GM. Despite a Pro Bowl season by Cutler, Shanahan and Heimerdinger were fired after the 2008 season.

run and shoot

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"‘‘Make-or-break year? Yeah, probably,’’ Sundquist said. ‘‘When [Emery] sits back at the end of the season and says, ‘Do I extend him? Is this the direction that we’re going to go for another couple of years?’ it will have a lot to do with how this particular formula of players and coaches ends up producing this year.’’ about, HOW jay produces


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More like c for effort. They did try, but it was half assed there was no commitment from JA and Lovie was apparently incapable of holding up his end of bringing in OCs and developing who they did get.

All you have to do is compare 2 terminal deficiencies on the team: safeties and WRs. Bears selected a safety every draft for how many years? 7, 8?

Bears get Cutler in 2009. In 2010 instead of Offense they sign DE J Peppers. In 2011 the biggest trade was for LB Gaines Adams. 2012 Trade away Jay favorite target Greg Olsen. SO for trying to improve the offense I would say a c for effort is generous.

run and shoot

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I continue to hold out hope that Cutler can turn into a top tier QB. As has been stated many times, he has all the athletic tools. However, he has not always had the tools on the field for success. I am not looking for him to become Aaron Rogers this season but with a proven NFL LT (not a world beater but a good one) and a vastly improved O-line (since it did not take much to improve the god awful line that the Bears put on the field last year), a few options at WR (and no Devin Hester as a WR bullshit), two solid RB, a tight end that can catch the ball when it hits him in the face, and an offensive minded head coach, I do expect to see him improve. If he does not improve this season I am sure I will begin to doubt his ability to be a franchise QB and I would expect the Bears to start looking for one in next years draft.

If he does not improve this season I am sure I will begin to doubt his ability to be a franchise QB and I would expect the Bears to start looking for one in next years draft.

really? ya' think?


Equinsu ocha
Aug 20, 2012
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Denver, Co
Those boneheaded plays though left a marginal defense out to dry too. That's always kind of been my issue with Cutler a lot of the time. He seems to have very low game awareness, even/especially with the Bears. It seems that even still at age 30 he hasn't grasped the entire idea of "throw it away and live to fight another day" thing. That's kind of another subject though. I'm not saying the blame was more Cutler's in 2008 or anything just that he played a decently large part in it as well.

Well, some of those spectacular plays/throws also won a couple of games for the team too. My underlying point isn't about Jay being a bonehead or not. It's that he has no control over what the defense can/cannot do. If people are gonna start this argument about that season then we can make cases for the better players on the defense getting beaten like a drum and giving up TD's.

It's also the same argument about Jay(or any QB), too much credit & too much blame.

run and shoot

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I think it should be noted that the Bears under Lovie usually won with defense and the running game, so there was some logic to that train of thought. To the Bears, adding Cutler was like adding the cherry to the top of the sundae. Cutler's inability to improve upon Grossman/Orton's performance and his penchant for making mistakes kind of wreaked havoc with that line of thinking.


run and shoot

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When cutler came aboard, JA assumed cutler would make everyone around him better like a brady, peyton, brees etc...what he did not notice was that all those teams had good protection and/or talent at the wr position. It was JA's philosophy that 5 bottom feeders could make a good oline as long as they gelled together and so that was the oline for the most part until JA heard whispers about his job security and then drafted carimi which would answer all the bears problems apparently.

Cutler is not the type that can elevate those around him to another level, he is a good qb that can be even better if given the tools to succeed and emery is finally giving him more options and actual protection. It may be too late for cutler to break all his bad habits he's built up over the years, lets hope trestman can really break through to cutler.

Cutler is not the type that can elevate those around him to another level

....then he wasn't worth 2, 1st round picks

run and shoot

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Those boneheaded plays though left a marginal defense out to dry too. That's always kind of been my issue with Cutler a lot of the time. He seems to have very low game awareness, even/especially with the Bears. It seems that even still at age 30 he hasn't grasped the entire idea of "throw it away and live to fight another day" thing. That's kind of another subject though. I'm not saying the blame was more Cutler's in 2008 or anything just that he played a decently large part in it as well.

I'll bet anything all his coaches had advised him to "throw it away and live to fight another day" .......but, just like his bad mechanics, jay can't take coaching.
