IHN and my time (Please read, everyone)

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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For the record, I have no hostility towards Ton and his feelings. I understand where he is coming from commitment wise. My only thing is that I wish this was brought up earlier so we could of attempted to distribute help. My comments have never been directed at Ton and if that's how they were taken, they have been out of context.

In this situation, I just don't trust an outside source when it comes to this type of move. While the whole things sounds great in theory, it doesn't mean down the line things won't change for what CCS thinks is for the betterment of their site. Those changes will be out of our control. I want Rush to admit that it's a business move and that growth through us whether it be now or a year from is a factor. The fact that it's not a real reason, just adds more fuel to what I feel is my only concern is.


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Trev" data-cid="211142" data-time="1381882677">

For the record, I have no hostility towards Ton and his feelings. I understand where he is coming from commitment wise. My only thing is that I wish this was brought up earlier so we could of attempted to distribute help. My comments have never been directed at Ton and if that's how they were taken, they have been out of context.

In this situation, I just don't trust an outside source when it comes to this type of move. While the whole things sounds great in theory, it doesn't mean down the line things won't change for what CCS thinks is for the betterment of their site. Those changes will be out of our control. I want Rush to admit that it's a business move and that growth through us whether it be now or a year from is a factor. The fact that it's not a real reason, just adds more fuel to what I feel is my only concern is.</p>



Again you are not saying anything that hasn't already been rehashed.  I am of the mind set Tony's mind is already made up.  Which is why this started as such a ass backwards discussion.</p>


I think we "see" if it's a vote and just proceed from there like we've talked about.  This conversation is over where I'm concerned.</p>


I'm not mad at Tony, just disappointed.  This could have been all averted and remedies to alleviate his frustration found.  There are more than enough of us that care about "this" site to work it out to maintain it's autonomy.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211141" data-time="1381882439">

At what? That we are going to vote on this?</p>



I'm in the group that feel your mind was made up long before you started this in the "MOD" forum before you were asked to make it public.  Again there were FOUR of us that stared this thing, so far YOU are the only one out of the FOUR that think it's a good idea.</p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211141" data-time="1381882439">

At what? That we are going to vote on this?</p>


I am in favor of a vote. I have also contributed thru the years because of the value and trust I have in Ton.</p>


Honestly, I would rather you do what you feel is necessary then to try to appease everyone. I trust your judgement, you have not mislead ever before that I recall.</p>


This is your site.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="IceHogsFan" data-cid="211145" data-time="1381883777">

I am in favor of a vote. I have also contributed thru the years because of the value and trust I have in Ton.</p>


Honestly, I would rather you do what you feel is necessary then to try to appease everyone. I trust your judgement, you have not mislead ever before that I recall.</p>


This is your site.</p>



This is our site.  Were you here when we created it in my basement?  No.</p>


I know Trev, Adam who was screwed to begin with, were.  And Paul who had something to do that night.  No doubt Tony has worked hard but that was HIS choice.</p>


Misguided if you think this is "His" site.  But then again with you, misguided is nothing new.</p>

Shantz My Pants

New member
Dec 10, 2014
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To be honest, the site is Ton's. The idea for the site was amongst the group of us.

I feel since Ton put in all the work and financially supported the site for so long, it really is his with the community in mind.

I've thought about it a lot the last few hours, and at this point, what's there really to lose? Id hate to see Ton not have full control but if this is what he wants so be it. I don't post as much as the forums have been dead relatively for the most part. We could use some fresh faces.

If it doesn't work out with CCS, than we say fuck it like we did with the Os and just move back into our own community.

I understand and I am completely okay with just boards and a chat, but maybe others want a different feel and if we still will have a forum and chat how does that hinder us?


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Jul 24, 2010
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There's nothing to lose other than people getting upset over what amounts to almost nothing changing and not staying. Nothing anyone has said so far in opposition to this idea makes much sense. There would be no loss of control.</p>


Feel free.  I have zero intention of heading over there.  None, zip, Zitch, zero...</p>

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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This is my last effort to keep IHN ours in a constructive manner. If this doesn't work than do whatever is necessary.

I would like to know who would contribute and in what areas whether it be donation or being a mod, working on our Facebook and Twitter feeds, or writing articles or donations or being an admin.

For myself, I will donate $$, can up my article writing to one a week, and can offer some help being a mod.


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Trev" data-cid="211156" data-time="1381886509">

This is my last effort to keep IHN ours in a constructive manner. If this doesn't work than do whatever is necessary.

I would like to know who would contribute and in what areas whether it be donation or being a mod, working on our Facebook and Twitter feeds, or writing articles or donations or being an admin.

For myself, I will donate $$, can up my article writing to one a week, and can offer some help being a mod.</p>



It's all above.  There have been numerous attempts to discuss who, what, where, when.  TSD who's a programmer also offered his service and Money.  Read them.</p>


They don't need Mods. Paul and Mass are more than enough.  If the front page is that big, there are plenty that can help in Admin of such.  The Chat would be covered.</p>


Again all is not lost because one person feels over whelmed and had he come to the "community" before the Sizzler decided he wanted it all (Which I will add he tried this 3 years ago and we "ALL" said no) then it would have already been solved.</p>


But unfortunately that's not the way it went.  It started in the Mod forum where four could read it.   </p>


I'll wait for the vote.</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Trev" data-cid="211150" data-time="1381885012">

To be honest, the site is Ton's. The idea for the site was amongst the group of us.

I feel since Ton put in all the work and financially supported the site for so long, it really is his with the community in mind.

I've thought about it a lot the last few hours, and at this point, what's there really to lose? Id hate to see Ton not have full control but if this is what he wants so be it. I don't post as much as the forums have been dead relatively for the most part. We could use some fresh faces.

If it doesn't work out with CCS, than we say fuck it like we did with the Os and just move back into our own community.

I understand and I am completely okay with just boards and a chat, but maybe others want a different feel and if we still will have a forum and chat how does that hinder us?</p>


It's still coming to a vote, I'm just giving my opinion, just like everyone else.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211167" data-time="1381888313">

It's still coming to a vote, I'm just giving my opinion, just like everyone else.</p>


What about all the other suggestions to remain and the offers of help.  Did I miss a reply to those?</p>


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May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="211171" data-time="1381888668">

What about all the other suggestions to remain and the offers of help.  Did I miss a reply to those?</p>


You're making it hard for me, I don't want to burn a bridge.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211173" data-time="1381889242">

You're making it hard for me, I don't want to burn a bridge.</p>



Making what hard for you.</p>


New member
May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="211174" data-time="1381890483">

Making what hard for you.</p>


I can't answer those questions, because I don't want to destroy you. lol honestly.</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211175" data-time="1381890804">

I can't answer those questions, because I don't want to destroy you. lol honestly.</p>



They werent just brought up by me.  But I have a feeling your choice has been made.  My bridge isn't the only bridge you've altered here Tony.  But what ever.  </p>


I'm content.  </p>


New member
May 14, 2010
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Park Ridge, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="R K" data-cid="211177" data-time="1381890991">

They werent just brought up by me.  But I have a feeling your choice has been made.  My bridge isn't the only bridge you've altered here Tony.  But what ever.  </p>


I'm content.  </p>


My choice is made, but that means nothing until we have a vote. Again, those proposals look great, but realistically we've been down that path before -- to put it lightly.</p>


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Ton DeFrancesco" data-cid="211131" data-time="1381879920">

I'm seriously offended by a lot of comments in here.</p>


Thanks to the guys that actually understand the situation.</p>

Which comments are offensive?</p>

I just wanted a bit of clarification on what CCS will receive other than the boards.  I feel it's a fair question.

As far as a vote is concerned, I'm not sure on why there needs to be a grace period of sorts.  Might as well get it out of the way.</p>


Fire Quenneville
Oct 31, 2014
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Not visiting the forums anymore because they switch hosts is really pretty juvenile. :lol:</p>


I mean, seriously, if you still go to www.indianheadnation.com to get to THESE EXACT FORUMS, what does it matter at all? Until I see something change, I'll continue to click my bookmark, and come to the same forums I always do....</p>
