Is Trubisky being developed with this playcalling?


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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MT has played on the road vs a coach that had never lost to a rookie QB at home and against CAR, whose defense is currently ranked 3rd in yards/GM, 3 yards/gm behind league leading Den, the last 2 weeks. And in his debut, Minn, game currently ranked 4th in yrd/gm, so not exactly the teams you air it out against, esp with a lead.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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People don't seem to get it. You can't develop a rookie QB when he has the worst cast of wide receivers in the NFL. They can't get open, and probably wouldn't catch the ball in the unlikely event they did get open.

That's why MT isn't able to develop. The front office failed to provide him with anything resembling even a decent bunch of receivers. Get it?

Yet supposedly the worst of them who got cut from this awful group was immediately open enough to get over a hundred yards receiving yesterday.


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The most important stat is he is starting off of as a winner. Loggains needs to do a better job of mixing up the plays. Trubisky has proven he can make the throws when given a chance but it is definitely hard for him to get into a rhythm with very few pass attempts. Once he starts mixing it up, the running game will open up even more. Trubisky is definitely developing by being out there. He also has seen some pretty good defenses to start off his career with. This is definitely going to help him as the year goes on. Bears need to add another weapon for him. Hopefully White comes back as well to see if he can develop anything with Trubisky this year. He is eleigible to practice starting today I believe. Do not think he is ready though and have no idea if he had surgery or not.


Bald, fat, toothless
Mar 29, 2012
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Also, since no one has mentioned it yet, what happens when the Bears run Howard into the ground with their offensive game plan week after week? Take away Howard, and it would be horrendous. The offense needs to be more well rounded, no one is saying Trubisky needs to pass the ball 40 times a game just because, but the ball has to be spread around on offense, keep the opposing defense honest and limit those 9 man boxes, and also keep our defense more rested.

You saying the same thing about Bell for the Steelers who has had 3 30 plus rushing attempt games in a row, the first time in decades that has happened.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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What is the best way to develop Trubisky and win games at the same time?

How about not running an obvious:

run on first down, repeat if it was successful on second, repeat if it was successful on third and punt?


run on first down, force Trubisky to pass on second and 12+, force Trubisky to pass it on third and punt?

People are correctly talking about Trubisky having a poor pocket presence when he is passing ... with multiple blitzers coming at him and confusing him.

Did you notice that Trubisky had a clean pocket when he passed it to Cohen for 70 yards? Notice what down it was?

If you didn't, it was 1st down. Suddenly Trubisky looks like an NFL QB when he is in the pocket because he didn't have Carolina sending multiple blitzers on an obvious throwing situation.

Guess which one helps Trubisky's development and the team to win?

Right now, an offense that is not so obvious, even with dink and dunk passes, is going to help Trubisky's development more and is going to help the Bears control the clock because it will have less 3 and outs.

What is the best way to win games. That is the only thing an NFL head coach still in the playoff hunt should care about. Period. There is no other consideration.

Trubisky barring injury will play 12 games when it is all said and done. That's plenty of games to gain experience. There is no need to try and artificially add plays to develop him. You play to win the game and the development will come from the game experience he accumulates. So the only reason I throw on 1st down is if it gives me the best chance to win. Period. There is no other consideration.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Therein lies your problem.

The Bears are force feeding Howard the 3s. Everyone knows it. The other team is sending everyone to cover Howard. Howard chucks up a clunker, the other team gets the rebound.

Lucky for the Bears, they got 10 steals at the start of the game and built a 20 point lead.

Now the Bears coaches are trying to win the game by playing great defense and having Howard run down the 24 second shot clock and then chucking up clunker after clunker.

Wouldn't it be easier to win this way:

Lucky for the Bears, they got 10 steals at the start of the game and built a 20 point lead.

they pass the ball around so that the defense can't simply just cover Howard?

perhaps, with their passing, Trubisky is open for a 3 ... or even a layup ... or how about a rebound?

How about, because of the passing, Howard ends up open for a 3, instead of all of the contested 3s he is taking?

More things can go run during a pass play than a run play particularly with our WRs and our inconsistent pass blocking and Trubisky's penchant to hold the ball a bit too long. So the best chance to win right now is to limit how many passes he has to throw particularly against teams that have good defenses.

Against the Saints, if the need arises then he will likely throw more and it will be against a weaker defensive team. This is not complicated logic. Trubisky was never suppose to play against these tough defensive teams. Most likely they were targeting until after the bye as the earliest he will play. He got thrown in the fire against extremely tough defenses and you clowns are shocked they chose to run heavy when they had a lead?

Like Jesus, we won two out of three. Stop crying over split milk. The games are over, the results and any and no amount of crying or worrying changes the fact that for those 3 games, Fox was right. His team finished the game 2-1 against teams that a year ago we would have expected them to finish 0-3. At some point, one needs to stop crying about the aesthetics of a win and focus on the the win.

The only concern right now is what is the best gameplan for the Saints. The end. You already lost the argument once Fox's boring conservative ugly strategy allowed his team to finish 2-1.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Yet supposedly the worst of them who got cut from this awful group was immediately open enough to get over a hundred yards receiving yesterday.

Thompson had over 100 yards last year in one game as well. Shit happens. The fact he went over 100 in a 30-27 game proves nothing. It's one game. That doesn't mean he's a good WR nor does it mean our offense should throw more when we are up 2 scores against the 3rd ranked defense.

Last I checked the Panthers give up 180 yards passing. The Bucs whose defense sucks gives up 294 yards. So there is your 100 yards. It's a completely pointless comparison given the huge difference in the respective defense. The NFL is about matchups.

All yesterday proved is Thompson could get open against a shitty Bucs D within the Bills offense in one game. Good WRs do that consistently so he's not a good WR yet. Until we actually see what Trubisky can do against comparable defenses, it's meaningless.


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He's getting live looks at different defenses but it's hard to say if he's actually developing.

Well next week is gonna be a very interesting game to watch and i'm excited for it. Trubs will no doubt have to throw next week against the Saints. I'm sure we'll do what we can in the first half to run the ball as much as possible and eat clock but it shouldn't take too long for Brees and the Saints to put up some points on us to where they'll have to turn Trubs loose and let him throw and run the ball. It might look more like his first start when they had him rolling out a lot which i'm fine with as long as he actually throws the ball and tries to make plays instead of throwing it out of bounds or taking sacks. He said in his post game presser that they called a good amount of pass plays yesterday but he was trying to be safe with the ball to not turn it over and took sacks. This Saints defense is playing well the last few games so it will be a interesting game on both sides of the ball.

Big Tyme D

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Sep 12, 2010
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The guy is playing handicapped with no receiving threats. The TE's aren't even threats because... we have no receivers.

Also.... he has only started 13 games on the college level since H.S. The idea was to let him sit this year.... and Glennon didn't make that possible. Now the plan is to ease him in. IF he had real receiving threats... he would likley have more passing plays called. But as it is now... more passing plays would probably just be setting him up for failure.

Its like people want him to repair the broken car.... he can have all the talent in the world.... but if his only tool is a butter knife......


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JOhn Fox coached the worst game of football imaginable today. He risked a helluva lot of defensive injuries with the terrible mismanagement of play calls. Two games in a row and he refused to allow the offense to be an offense. He is a total joke as a coach.

I'm not sure why this keeps getting said over and over but J.Fox doesn't call the plays during games.


I don't care nearly as much anymore
Sep 9, 2012
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I have a hard time believing that it is as simple as talent. Cohen is a playmaker. Howard is a star. The offensive line normally does fine. That should be enough to open up some things for the passing game. What is clear is that Loggains is unable to get this group performing at an NFL level. To me that means that his job should be heavily acrutinized and the Bears should seriously consider whether they want him being the one running the offense.


Sort of a big deal...
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL
I am with Remy here.

The way I see it, at this very very early juncture, Mitch is learning:

1. to manage the game
2. to protect the football.
3. to lead men
4. to win

Seems... pretty good to me. Honestly I think the play calling will work itself out naturally as the season progresses.


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John Fox is the definition of mediocre. Your constant defense of him is a little concerning.

Yes, John Fox's job is to win games.

I absolutely believe he tells Loggains to not pass the ball and not take any risks. Just about every single beat guy who covers the team has echo the same thing.

So that leaves us in a bit of a situation. John Fox's goals are not neccasserily in the best interest of the team long term, Long term developing Trubisky is more important.

I don't begrudge John Fox for trying to win games and save his job. I begrudge Pace for having a coach here who is not aligned with the development of the franchise QB.

I'm not a big J.Fox fan but who are we or any fan to tell any coach about what's the best way to develop not just a QB but any player? I'm pretty sure if i asked anyone on here what their credentials are in the NFL it would be zero for every person on here, so to think any of us know more than any coach in the NFL that's been doing this their entire adult life is absolutely ridiculous. I'm not happy with a lot of things with this team right now either but i'm not gonna act like i know more than NFL coaches on how to develop a player. What if we did open the offense up for Trubs and he was turning the ball over left and right? Would that help with developing him or would that hurt his confidence and growth? We don't know the answer to that. I think a QB either has what it takes to play in the NFL or he doesn't and no matter how we bring that guy along won't matter about how he turns out as a player once we get him the help he needs. I have the same questions as any of us on here on why we aren't using Z.Miller and A.Shaheen more but we don't know if there's a reason for that or not. Maybe Shaheen doesn't know the playbook enough right now. Trubs said there were a good amount of pass plays called yesterday but he was just going down and taking the sack instead of trying to do to much or turn the ball over so is that on the play calling or is that on Trubs? I just don't think any of us know enough to honestly give reason why we're not throwing more or using guys more or whatever else. I know many will hate this post which i don't really care about but people need to stop acting like they know more than ANY coach that does this for a living cause you don't and it's not even close.



I don't care nearly as much anymore
Sep 9, 2012
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I've seen enough idiotic coaching moves to know better than to "just be a fan". You are welcome to blindly trust a staff, but it is very naive.


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Trubisky looked like he wanted to pull the trigger today and hesitated and was sacked a couple of times.

I just don't want to develop a guy who is gun shy about taking risks.

Well we don't have any choice on that one. He's our QB and he's gonna have to learn how to let the ball go and not worry as much about turning it over as he should be worrying about making the play. It seems like he thinks way too much about turning the ball over which isn't a bad thing i guess but he's gonna have to stop thinking so much about that cause turnovers are gonna happen so he's gonna have to learn how to get over it if he does turn it over.

Big Tyme D

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Sep 12, 2010
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I have a hard time believing that it is as simple as talent. Cohen is a playmaker. Howard is a star. The offensive line normally does fine. That should be enough to open up some things for the passing game. What is clear is that Loggains is unable to get this group performing at an NFL level. To me that means that his job should be heavily acrutinized and the Bears should seriously consider whether they want him being the one running the offense.

As Bears fans.... we have been down a similar road. The passing game requires three elements... and when any one of the elements are under performing... the game suffers.
We have a rookie QB with NO receivers..... we have no receivers, but good RBs..... yet people complain because the the play calling is heavily skewed towards the teams current strength.....????
Also we have a good defense... and the best friend of a good defense is a good running game. Even if the run is stopped... the clock still moves and thats time the defense isn't on the field. Incomplete passing plays stops the clock.... defense back on the field quick.
Again.. also... because we have bad WRs... that struggle to get open.... teams are more likely to just man up on them... and come after Trubs with their ears pinned back... LIKE THE PANTHERS DID... exposing him to possible injury. He's still a ROOKIE with only 13 college games under his belt.... and he's supposed to handle NFL bull rushes like a seasoned pro... when seasoned pros would have trouble handling it.

Bearrs fans are something else....


I don't care nearly as much anymore
Sep 9, 2012
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As Bears fans.... we have been down a similar road. The passing game requires three elements... and when any one of the elements are under performing... the game suffers.
We have a rookie QB with NO receivers..... we have no receivers, but good RBs..... yet people complain because the the play calling is heavily skewed towards the teams current strength.....????
Also we have a good defense... and the best friend of a good defense is a good running game. Even if the run is stopped... the clock still moves and thats time the defense isn't on the field. Incomplete passing plays stops the clock.... defense back on the field quick.
Again.. also... because we have bad WRs... that struggle to get open.... teams are more likely to just man up on them... and come after Trubs with their ears pinned back... LIKE THE PANTHERS DID... exposing him to possible injury. He's still a ROOKIE with only 13 college games under his belt.... and he's supposed to handle NFL bull rushes like a seasoned pro... when seasoned pros would have trouble handling it.

Bearrs fans are something else....

I didn't say they needed to pass more, I said they needed to be more effective. You can gobble up all the awful you want. I expect more. Offensive coordinators have gotten more with less. First downs sure would have been nice yesterday as the defense was out there for almost 40 minutes.
