Jay Cutler takes shots at current Bear in social media post, shows No Remorse!

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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Is someone preventing them?
Nobody is preventing anything. The narrative is usually stupidity though. People want to say that it's just wanting to kill, or why would you kill a beautiful animal. That's not what it's about.
It's like the wolf reintroduction, it took years to realize how stupid that was. We all knew but the crazies think they are so beautiful....wrong. You will never see one. I've literally walked through fields with 30 dead elk. All with their inards drug out though their ass and left to die. One season not one calf survived. Now we have no limit on them. Sorry a little off topic but situations like this where people are uninformed cause these issues.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Because hunting for sport is shitty. Being legal doesn’t make it ok. But sure compare shooting a majestic animal from a football field away to someone in tik tok dancing or cooking 😂
This is subjective. And you are free to bitch about it I guess. I just think there are way worse things people do that are legal that no one here gives a shit about. To complain about this is incredibly petty. People just don't like Jay Cutler. Whatever, I am done with it.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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This is subjective. And you are free to bitch about it I guess. I just think there are way worse things people do that are legal that no one here gives a shit about. To complain about this is incredibly petty. People just don't like Jay Cutler. Whatever, I am done with it.
DJM could trade places with him and my opinion wouldn’t change. It just so happens that Jay Cutler is a shitty dude to begin with but go ahead and defend someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.


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Tell me one person that you can say that they kill for fun. I don't know a single one.
Didn’t recall caring if they consider it for fun? If you’re killing an animal not to sustain yourself you’re a piece of shit. I could care less if you consider it a “sport” or a “way of life”


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
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DJM could trade places with him and my opinion wouldn’t change. It just so happens that Jay Cutler is a shitty dude to begin with but go ahead and defend someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.
I don't believe you.

It doesn't matter if it is Cutler or Joe Biden. It's petty bullshit. And it's what the US is these days. Complaining over petty bullshit.

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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DJM could trade places with him and my opinion wouldn’t change. It just so happens that Jay Cutler is a shitty dude to begin with but go ahead and defend someone who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire
Me personally I'm not defending Cutler. I don't know him. I don't know what hunt he was on.
Taking that bear is a lot of work. Whether he does it personally or not you have to pack it out, skin it, process it (if you want the meat), take the hide with evidence of sex, and the skull to a fish and game office so they can examine it.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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I don't believe you.

It doesn't matter if it is Cutler or Joe Biden. It's petty bullshit. And it's what the US is these days. Complaining over petty bullshit.
There’s nothing petty about a species that mows down natural habitats, pollutes everything and if nature dares survive those two things we decide to shoot them from hundreds of yards away because micro penis Losers can’t come up with a real hobby
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Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Me personally I'm not defending Cutler. I don't know him. I don't know what hunt he was on.
Taking that bear is a lot of work. Whether he does it personally or not you have to pack it out, skin it, process it (if you want the meat), take the hide with evidence of sex, and the skull to a fish and game office so they can examine it.
It’s a lot of work to kidnap a woman and sell them to the sex slave market. Kudos to them too.

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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This is subjective. And you are free to bitch about it I guess. I just think there are way worse things people do that are legal that no one here gives a shit about. To complain about this is incredibly petty. People just don't like Jay Cutler. Whatever, I am done with it.

Tell me one person that you can say that they kill for fun. I don't know a single one.

It's not just cutler, I hate all these morons

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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Have you never heard of trophy hunters? Take your head out of the sand.
Do you understand what that is? A trophy hunter is actually better for the species. They look for the old animals. The animals that are extremely good at not being found. The animals that are actually regressing. They don't drive down the road and shoot Bambie.


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Aug 24, 2012
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below is the exchange

dbldrew said:
As to your hunting experience or lack of it with anything remotely close to large game, you are making your judgement on a place of complete ignorance like I suspected. You have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect I'm assuming? Guess where you would be on that scale?

You calling other people impaired is truly special.
Did you miss the part that it was when he was a kid? So yeah a childs experience means absolutely nothing, and let's also not forget that Remy likes to lie about his experience to make an argument, did you forget that whole D2 football almost made varsity situation that run n shoot uncovered?

So when it comes to Remy and experience.. best to just assume it's a massive exaggeration or a complete lie..

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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It’s a lot of work to kidnap a woman and sell them to the sex slave market. Kudos to them too.
You're about as dumb as a box of rocks ain't ya?
Wait...let me be the typical idiot message board dumb fuck (like you)
So...you like to kidnap and sell women do ya. Clearly if youre giving those scumbags kudos it's your thing.
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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Except I didnt do a self assessment jackass. Dunning Kruger is when you overrate your own skills because you dont recognize your own incompetence or lack of skill. No where in my post did I rate my skills. I never claimed I was a good hunter so there was no self assessment. You asked my experience and I gave it to you with no claim as to how good I was.

The other stupidity is Wild Boar are big game so claiming I have no experience with big game hunting is stupid. Not that I care as I dont care if wild boar are big game but your entire argument is categorically stupid as you got everything wrong.

So again it is amazing you claim someone is ignorant yet you are ignorant of what Dunning-Kruger actually means or that wild boar are big game. Get educated.
You still are clueless on what Dunning Kruger actually is.

Your confidence in that it takes no skill with only having a childs experience with hunting a completely different animal makes you at the top of the chart.

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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Do you understand what that is? A trophy hunter is actually better for the species. They look for the old animals. The animals that are extremely good at not being found. The animals that are actually regressing. They don't drive down the road and shoot Bambie.
How is trophy hunting beneficial? The aren't looking for old regressing animals, they are looking for the alphas of a species to display on their wall or somewhere in their home. It's kind of sadistic honestly


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Do you understand what that is? A trophy hunter is actually better for the species. They look for the old animals. The animals that are extremely good at not being found. The animals that are actually regressing. They don't drive down the road and shoot Bambie.
Okay since you are clearly in that phase of regression when can we expect you to follow down that supposedly great path?

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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I don't know the story behind this picture. I know people pay a lot of money to tribes to do that (not my thing). The tribe gets the meat, the tusks, the money. And the animal is killed by a huge caliber rifle vs getting speared to death
And lots of these animals are endangered. I'd rather the tribe ate that fat fucking idiot Jimmy john
