Jay Cutler takes shots at current Bear in social media post, shows No Remorse!


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Aug 24, 2012
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The game day food thread asked people to post what they cooking on GameDay. That is not the same as posting something in social media unsolicited so your comparisons is stupid as fuck.
99% of social media is unsolicited posts and pictures, besides how many of Cutlers followers have asked him about his hunting? I guess there goes the "unsolicited" part of this anyway

I didn't express any moral outrage over hunting as I have no issue with hunting. I simply said the act of shooting an unsuspecting stationary bear did not involve much skill. That is not a moral judgement. At no point did I claim someone was morally wrong for hunting.
And you are going to go after me for reading comprehension? lol lets try posting it in bold so its easier for you..

So you never posted in the game day food thread? Besides that question about the grocery store was more directed as a general question rather then directed at you specifically. It's just highlighting the hypocrisy of the moral outrage about hunting when everyone pays someone else to kill their meat for them.

Dunning-Kruger does not apply either because I did not overrate my skills. I rated different types of hunting activities. At no point did I make any claims about how proficienct I am in them. I simply said using a sling spear underwater takes more skill than shooting a flying bird vs shooting a large stationary bear. That is an assessment of difficulty of the activity not me overrating my performance.
So thats a no you have no idea what Dunning-Kruger is
You made a statement that it takes no skill with big game hunting with having absolutely no experience with big game hunting..



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As somebody who doesn’t eat meat, I don’t have a problem with people hunting.

It’s far less evil than factory farming. Shooting a bear is something I wouldn’t do, but I guess I wouldn’t have a problem if it was a deer, so who am I to judge.


Dissed membered
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What? I didn't say anything about wild boar/feral pigs wth are you talking about? Did you quote the wrong person?
below is the exchange

Let me address the 2nd paragraph first. No one is claiming there is skill in grocery store shopping. I don't post on social media pictures of me with a package of venison celebrating my purchase.

My grandfather owned a farm. Hunted wild boar/hogs as a kid as otherwise they would come onto the farm and wreck shit. He has long since passed and the farm was converted into homes (it's generational land) but I still do if I go back to the island he is from as it is pretty underdeveloped.

I also shoot pigeons occasionally which I would say has more skill in terms of the act of actual shooting as they are generally smaller faster moving targets.

Now if you really talking skill. Grew up spear fishing (sling spear not bitch ass spear guns) as that is where the joke of my punching a dolphin comes from. Not only do you have to hold your breath, aim and shoot underwater but get too much blood in the water and you run the risk of sharks.

View attachment 38584

dbldrew said:
As to your hunting experience or lack of it with anything remotely close to large game, you are making your judgement on a place of complete ignorance like I suspected. You have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect I'm assuming? Guess where you would be on that scale?

You calling other people impaired is truly special.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Why can't people just let other people do what they enjoy if it's not illegal? How many people post random bullshit on social media that anyone could do? Who cares?


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Why can't people just let other people do what they enjoy if it's not illegal? How many people post random bullshit on social media that anyone could do? Who cares?

So you’re bitching about what other people post online? Isn’t that what you just did? Learn how the internet works lmfao

Leon Sandcastle

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Feb 5, 2013
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Deer often need Culling. Cows are bred in much greater #s then they would exist in the current wild etc. Your daughter could shoot a bear with a week of practice and a guide. BFD. Why is killing things fun when there's little challenge to the killing part? Would be harder to hunt squirrels without a shotgun. If it's not a nuisance or a need of food, why is killing things fun, especially if not very sporting?

'I like it and I can' is OK I guess but you need to ask yourself why you enjoy killing things. Hardly the same as disposing of vermin. Where do you draw the line for sport hunting? Dolphins, Cocker Spaniels? Pups that don't hunt?

Has someone told you that they do it for the act of the kill? Those are crazy people.
In my lifetime i have hunted with hundreds of people. None of them get excited about the killing part. We spend thousands on ammo so we can practice every distance, angle, and wind so when the time comes we can make the most ethical shot. Nobody wants to see an animal suffer. We want the kill to be clean and fast. It's all that work, training, time, money, and effort coming to fruition that is the accomplishment.
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Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Why can't people just let other people do what they enjoy if it's not illegal? How many people post random bullshit on social media that anyone could do? Who cares?
Because hunting for sport is shitty. Being legal doesn’t make it ok. But sure compare shooting a majestic animal from a football field away to someone in tik tok dancing or cooking 😂

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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Because hunting for sport is shitty. Being legal doesn’t make it ok. But sure compare shooting a majestic animal from a football field away to someone in tik tok dancing or cooking 😂
Why? If the fish and game come up with a number that needs to be killed then that is how many will be killed. With bears you aren't even required to take the meat. Just the hide with evidence of sex and the skull.
And how do you know when it's for sport? For most hunters it's just a way of life.


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Why? If the fish and game come up with a number that needs to be killed then that is how many will be killed. With bears you aren't even required to take the meat. Just the hide with evidence of sex and the skull.
And how do you know when it's for sport? For most hunters it's just a way of life.
Your way of life is fucked up if it involves killing animals for fun.

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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Why? If the fish and game come up with a number that needs to be killed then that is how many will be killed. With bears you aren't even required to take the meat. Just the hide with evidence of sex and the skull.
And how do you know when it's for sport? For most hunters it's just a way of life.
Imo if you are killing something with the intention of wasting the meat, you are a piece of shit. You take a wild animals life on its own turf just to let it go to waste and that's an issue for me. Obviously people can do what they want but I also have the right to judge those people and hope for the worst for them.

Leon Sandcastle

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Feb 5, 2013
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Imo if you are killing something with the intention of wasting the meat, you are a piece of shit. You take a wild animals life on its own turf just to let it go to waste and that's an issue for me. Obviously people can do what they want but I also have the right to judge those people and hope for the worst for them.
For sure. But it's also a way to keep diseases from spreading and keeping the population at a healthy number so they can thrive. The fish and game put out the numbers after spending millions on studies. In the long run it's helping the species. I personally like bear meat so I take it.


D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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Deer often need Culling. Cows are bred in much greater #s then they would exist in the current wild etc. Your daughter could shoot a bear with a week of practice and a guide. BFD. Why is killing things fun when there's little challenge to the killing part? Would be harder to hunt squirrels without a shotgun. If it's not a nuisance or a need of food, why is killing things fun, especially if not very sporting?

'I like it and I can' is OK I guess but you need to ask yourself why you enjoy killing things. Hardly the same as disposing of vermin. Where do you draw the line for sport hunting? Dolphins, Cocker Spaniels? Pups that don't hunt?

I don’t know. If you look at the biomass of around 100 million bison in the wild (a wild bison is SO much larger than a domesticated, corn-fed steer), as it would stand NATURALLY in the US & Canada, if man was never even here, it would probably be around the same as what we’re breeding and slaughtering in a cycle currently.

I do think that cattle should be grass fed, and not grain fed.

And while I can’t say with 100% certainty, I’ve never read of anything found in cave paintings from the natives, concern about Bison farts.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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99% of social media is unsolicited posts and pictures, besides how many of Cutlers followers have asked him about his hunting? I guess there goes the "unsolicited" part of this anyway

And you are going to go after me for reading comprehension? lol lets try posting it in bold so its easier for you..

So thats a no you have no idea what Dunning-Kruger is
You made a statement that it takes no skill with big game hunting with having absolutely no experience with big game hunting..

View attachment 38586

Except I didnt do a self assessment jackass. Dunning Kruger is when you overrate your own skills because you dont recognize your own incompetence or lack of skill. No where in my post did I rate my skills. I never claimed I was a good hunter so there was no self assessment. You asked my experience and I gave it to you with no claim as to how good I was.

The other stupidity is Wild Boar are big game so claiming I have no experience with big game hunting is stupid. Not that I care as I dont care if wild boar are big game but your entire argument is categorically stupid as you got everything wrong.

So again it is amazing you claim someone is ignorant yet you are ignorant of what Dunning-Kruger actually means or that wild boar are big game. Get educated.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Why can't people just let other people do what they enjoy if it's not illegal? How many people post random bullshit on social media that anyone could do? Who cares?

Is someone preventing them?


You wake him up, you keep him up
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CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 10, 2013
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My wife goes on girls trips and they call it cock hunting. I just think it’s odd to hunt gamecocks. They are relatively harmless and not exactly difficult to hunt, just leave them alone is what I say. But she really enjoys cockhunting, I guess it’s exhausting because she has a hard time walking when she comes back. To each their own I suppose.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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below is the exchange

dbldrew said:
As to your hunting experience or lack of it with anything remotely close to large game, you are making your judgement on a place of complete ignorance like I suspected. You have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect I'm assuming? Guess where you would be on that scale?

You calling other people impaired is truly special.

I even posted proof from hunting sites that wild boar are big game. Dude really is projecting . Completely ignorant of what qualifies as big game hunting and yet posting like he is an authority on it telling others they are ignorant.

If he hunts he is probably the exact type hunter that I am making fun of. Let's some guide do the tracking and scouting and all he does is shoot an easy target they have set up perfectly for him and then posts all over social media about how great a hunter he is.
