Jay Cutler takes shots at current Bear in social media post, shows No Remorse!

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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I love Bear meat. I hate deer meat. I have my own beef and pork and chicken right in my yard. Is killing a cow murder? When I butcher chickens is it mass murder?? I don't hunt it so it's fine I guess. What I despise is plant killers. Plants never hurt anyone.
You remind me of Lenny from of mice and men

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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The last time I went out, we saw a massive roost of ducks out on a channel, and set up decoys about a half mile down from them, hid in the cattails, then started calling them in, with great success. Around 10 shoots in about half an hour. About 30 ducks all in, between the 5 of us. Then a group came in, and jumped the roost 😩. I’ve only hunted geese once. We were using liedown blinds.

I’m one of the few that will use an O/U for waterfowl, even as infrequently as I hunt them. I just like the balance, the speed of swing, shorter length, and having 2 different chokes. I’ve never been an auto loader guy. I’m fine with giving up that 3rd shell.
I wish some in my group used over/unders. When you line up in a big blind with 4 to five guys shooting semi's you constantly got shells flying everywhere lol


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Apr 29, 2016
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This photo needs to be taken down before people start photoshopping Love's head over cutlers and trolling here.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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How much hunting have you actually done to make the claim there is no skill?

Is it more skill to pay someone else to kill your meat when you buy steaks from the grocery store?

Let me address the 2nd paragraph first. No one is claiming there is skill in grocery store shopping. I don't post on social media pictures of me with a package of venison celebrating my purchase.

My grandfather owned a farm. Hunted wild boar/hogs as a kid as otherwise they would come onto the farm and wreck shit. He has long since passed and the farm was converted into homes (it's generational land) but I still do if I go back to the island he is from as it is pretty underdeveloped.

I also shoot pigeons occasionally which I would say has more skill in terms of the act of actual shooting as they are generally smaller faster moving targets.

Now if you really talking skill. Grew up spear fishing (sling spear not bitch ass spear guns) as that is where the joke of my punching a dolphin comes from. Not only do you have to hold your breath, aim and shoot underwater but get too much blood in the water and you run the risk of sharks.

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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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False equivalence from a pimpled CAC ass.

Hunting is pretty mid bro even the lowest IQ fuckly bois can master the craft of killing an animal with an even lower IQ with some sort of weapon.

You do realize that ret@rd cave people hunted so that they could survive and not starve to death, don't you?

To be fair those retards were using far less advanced weaponry. I would say killing a bear with a spear or a knife made of stone is a far greater accomplishment that Cutler killing one with a rifle from 50 yards away.
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D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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If you are going to eat it, fine. If you are spot-and-stalking, fine, that is a fair hunt. Trophy hunting is just shooting something alive for the sake of it and to that, I get judgmental. And if you pay to go to a place where they bait the animal, that is right out.

But I do wonder if Bear tastes any good - they probably taste far different when they are out for salmon instead of berries. And you can't get those sexy bear skin rugs without SOME bear hunting.
Question: If you knew that most trophy hunts in like say Africa, consisted of the tribe that lives natively in the area, getting all the meat, and was an animal that they would’ve just hunted for themselves, plus thousands of dollars, would you feel differently?

Keep in mind that the animal in question is getting quickly killed by rifle shot, and if the animal was not killed by rifle shot, feeding the tribe, then the animal would be hunted by the tribe in the ways they traditionally have, specifically like this:

I know a guy who paid 8k to hunt a giraffe. He was not allowed to take ANY of the meat. The money went to the tribe, as did the meat.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Let me address the 2nd paragraph first. No one is claiming there is skill in grocery store shopping. I don't post on social media pictures of me with a package of venison celebrating my purchase.

My grandfather owned a farm. Hunted wild boar/hogs as a kid as otherwise they would come onto the farm and wreck shit. He has long since passed and the farm was converted into homes (it's generational land) but I still do if I go back to the island he is from as it is pretty underdeveloped.

I also shoot pigeons occasionally which I would say has more skill in terms of the act of actual shooting as they are generally smaller faster moving targets.

Now if you really talking skill. Grew up spear fishing (sling spear not bitch ass spear guns) as that is where the joke of my punching a dolphin comes from. Not only do you have to hold your breath, aim and shoot underwater but get too much blood in the water and you run the risk of sharks.

View attachment 38584
So you never posted in the game day food thread? Besides that question about the grocery store was more directed as a general question rather then directed at you specifically. It's just highlighting the hypocrisy of the moral outrage about hunting when everyone pays someone else to kill their meat for them.

It would be like someone killed their wife and another person hired a hit man to kill his wife and he thinks he is somehow less of a criminal.

As to your hunting experience or lack of it with anything remotely close to large game, you are making your judgement on a place of complete ignorance like I suspected. You have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect I'm assuming? Guess where you would be on that scale?


Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
Sep 27, 2010
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Question: If you knew that most trophy hunts in like say Africa, consisted of the tribe that lives natively in the area, getting all the meat, and was an animal that they would’ve just hunted for themselves, plus thousands of dollars, would you feel differently?

Keep in mind that the animal in question is getting quickly killed by rifle shot, and if the animal was not killed by rifle shot, feeding the tribe, then the animal would be hunted by the tribe in the ways they traditionally have, specifically like this:

I know a guy who paid 8k to hunt a giraffe. He was not allowed to take ANY of the meat. The money went to the tribe, as did the meat.
I've grappled with this one before - I am really judgmental about trophy hunting, but I don't have a better option in mind. Money from trophy hunting in the bush goes into communities that are key to protecting endangered species from poachers - we must remember that without that money from trophy hunters, they have no incentive to participate in a wildlife management program. It, to me, is like a lot of hot-button issues in our society - I am disturbed by it, but I don't have a clue on how to offer a better way.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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People get so mad at hunting deer or bears for the fur or decorations but have no problem eating them for dinner. It's fucking weird.
Deer often need Culling. Cows are bred in much greater #s then they would exist in the current wild etc. Your daughter could shoot a bear with a week of practice and a guide. BFD. Why is killing things fun when there's little challenge to the killing part? Would be harder to hunt squirrels without a shotgun. If it's not a nuisance or a need of food, why is killing things fun, especially if not very sporting?

'I like it and I can' is OK I guess but you need to ask yourself why you enjoy killing things. Hardly the same as disposing of vermin. Where do you draw the line for sport hunting? Dolphins, Cocker Spaniels? Pups that don't hunt?



Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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So you never posted in the game day food thread? Besides that question about the grocery store was more directed as a general question rather then directed at you specifically. It's just highlighting the hypocrisy of the moral outrage about hunting when everyone pays someone else to kill their meat for them.

It would be like someone killed their wife and another person hired a hit man to kill his wife and he thinks he is somehow less of a criminal.

As to your hunting experience or lack of it with anything remotely close to large game, you are making your judgement on a place of complete ignorance like I suspected. You have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect I'm assuming? Guess where you would be on that scale?
It's not about meat as you guys always like to default to. I like car racing but don't do it myself on the street. It's a similar false equivalency.

I don't enjoy killing mice but I do it. I eat meat. I'm not even saying hunting should be outlawed (except for stressed species). We just don't understand the joy in killing things for fun or how these lines are arbitrarily drawn. What forms that line? Intelligence? Soft and cuddly?

If you're living in rural Alaska, it's one thing. If you're a multi millionaire with a guide, it's another. If that Bear was killing Cutler's sheep, I get it but if this was big game hunter syndrome, it's a waste by a bored rich guy. Just because you can do something...


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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So you never posted in the game day food thread? Besides that question about the grocery store was more directed as a general question rather then directed at you specifically. It's just highlighting the hypocrisy of the moral outrage about hunting when everyone pays someone else to kill their meat for them.

It would be like someone killed their wife and another person hired a hit man to kill his wife and he thinks he is somehow less of a criminal.

As to your hunting experience or lack of it with anything remotely close to large game, you are making your judgement on a place of complete ignorance like I suspected. You have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect I'm assuming? Guess where you would be on that scale?
Wild boar/feral pigs? You've got to be joking or ignorant.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Wild boar/feral pigs? You've got to be joking or ignorant.
What? I didn't say anything about wild boar/feral pigs wth are you talking about? Did you quote the wrong person?


I have the stride of a gazelle
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What makes you think this? Do you know a hunter that is a douche? Or just anyone who doesn't just go buy meat and would rather hunt for it is a douche?
I'm an avid hunter, it's what we "manly" men do I guess.
I highly doubt Jay is eating that bear meat, what do you think??


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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So you never posted in the game day food thread? Besides that question about the grocery store was more directed as a general question rather then directed at you specifically. It's just highlighting the hypocrisy of the moral outrage about hunting when everyone pays someone else to kill their meat for them.

It would be like someone killed their wife and another person hired a hit man to kill his wife and he thinks he is somehow less of a criminal.

As to your hunting experience or lack of it with anything remotely close to large game, you are making your judgement on a place of complete ignorance like I suspected. You have heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect I'm assuming? Guess where you would be on that scale?

The game day food thread asked people to post what they cooking on GameDay. That is not the same as posting something in social media unsolicited so your comparison is stupid as fuck. Responding to a request on a message board is not bragging.

I didn't express any moral outrage over hunting as I have no issue with hunting. I simply said the act of shooting an unsuspecting stationary bear did not involve much skill. That is not a moral judgement. At no point did I claim someone was morally wrong for hunting.

Dunning-Kruger does not apply either because I did not overrate my skills. I rated different types of hunting activities. At no point did I make any claims about how proficienct I am in them. I simply said using a sling spear underwater takes more skill than shooting a flying bird vs shooting a large stationary bear. That is an assessment of difficulty of the activity not me overrating my performance.

Perhaps the issue here is you have overrated your reading comprehension skills as you are arguing about things I never said. It is good you learned a new term today but it is important you actually learn when said term applies.
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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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It's not about meat as you guys always like to default to. I like car racing but don't do it myself on the street. It's a similar false equivalency.

I don't enjoy killing mice but I do it. I eat meat. I'm not even saying hunting should be outlawed (except for stressed species). We just don't understand the joy in killing things for fun or how these lines are arbitrarily drawn. What forms that line? Intelligence? Soft and cuddly?

If you're living in rural Alaska, it's one thing. If you're a multi millionaire with a guide, it's another. If that Bear was killing Cutler's sheep, I get it but if this was big game hunter syndrome, it's a waste by a bored rich guy. Just because you can do something...
Your example of racing on the street is completely different because you can kill innocent people racing on the street, a more accurate version to show the hypocrisy would be you like watching racing but are against people taking their cars to the race track and racing them there. Completely illogical and your stance would be hypocritical..

Just like the views on paying a slaughter house to kill your meat = good, but someone hunting themselves= bad


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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What? I didn't say anything about wild boar/feral pigs wth are you talking about? Did you quote the wrong person?
I think he's responding to your ridiculous assumptions that certain people "can't hunt" or don't have experience hunting.

Do you hunt? Do you tie hunting to your sense of masculinity? Is your assumption that certain posters are not capable (lol) of hunting somehow a judgement of their masculinity?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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What? I didn't say anything about wild boar/feral pigs wth are you talking about? Did you quote the wrong person?

I think he was saying that the claim that I am ignorant of large game hunting makes no sense because wild boar/feral pigs are considered large game and I said I hunted them as a kid.

Personally I don't care about the designation hence why I didnt respond to it but felt compelled to comprehend his statement for you since you struggle in that department.

In any event, a quick Google search reveals wild boar is considered big or large game. Weird you accuse me of ignorance when in fact you are the ignorant one here it seems.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Your example of racing on the street is completely different because you can kill innocent people racing on the street, a more accurate version to show the hypocrisy would be you like watching racing but are against people taking their cars to the race track and racing them there. Completely illogical and your stance would be hypocritical..

Just like the views on paying a slaughter house to kill your meat = good, but someone hunting themselves= bad

His comparison is in regards to enjoying the thrill of the activity ie the thrill of driving fast vs the thrill of the kill.

Hence his point about how he does not enjoy killing mice but he does it. So his issue is not with the killing but whether the killer enjoys it or not. Getting meet from a slaughterhouse doesn't suggest you enjoy killing. Hunting does.

Again you should try and actually comprehend the argument before responding.
