Jay Cutler takes shots at current Bear in social media post, shows No Remorse!


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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From your link..

"The Dunning–Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability.[2][3][4] This is often seen as a cognitive bias, i.e. as a systematic tendency to engage in erroneous forms of thinking and judging."

Another fail from Remy.

So yeah your Thinking and Judging that it takes no skill puts you at the top of the confidence in your "judging"

Now are you and expert Bear Hunter? No? Well your not to the right of the scale now are you? In fact your complete lake of any Bear hunting experience puts you all the way to the left..

You cant comprend. Per the first sentence Dunning Kruger requires me to have low ability in something and offer an overly positive assessment of my ability in it. So lets say I have low ability in hunting. I never offered an overly positive assessment of my hunting abilities so Dunning Kruger does not apply.

So even if you want to say my thinking is flawed or erroneous it isnt because of Dunning Kruger as I dont meet both requirements. Once again at no point did I make any claim of how good I was at hunting.

To make this simple quote where I gave myself an overly positive assessment of my hunting abilities?

How much hunting have you actually done to make the claim there is no skill?

Is it more skill to pay someone else to kill your meat when you buy steaks from the grocery store?
Finally your 2whole argument has changed. You have moved goal posts as follows.

1. First it was about my hunting experience.

2. Then when I gave it you switched to no large game experience.

3. Then when your dumbass realized wild boar are large game you switched to well I was just a kid.

4. Then when I pointed out I said I still hunted them as an adult you switched to well it is not large game because wild boar arent native America.

5. When you realized how stupid that sounds now it is well boar are not bears.

You should coach Santos.
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Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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You cant comprend. Per the first sentence Dunning Kruger requires me to have low ability in something and offer an overly positive assessment of my ability in it. So lets say I have low ability in hunting. I never offered an overly positive assessment of my hunting abilities so Dunning Kruger does not apply.

So even if you want to say my thinking is flawed or erroneous it isnt because of Dunning Kruger as I dont meet both requirements. Once again at no point did I make any claim of how good I was at hunting.

To make this simple quote where I gave myself an overly positive assessment of my hunting abilities?

Finally you whole argument has changed. You have moved goal posts as follows.

1. First it was about my hunting experience.

2. Then when I gave it you switched to no large game experience.

3. Then when you dumbass realized wild boar are large game you switched to well I was just a kid.

4. Then when I pointed out I said I still hunted them as an adult you switched to well it is not large game because wild boar arent native America.

5. When you realized how stupid that sounds now it is well boar are not bears.

You should coach Santos
There's some crazy mofo's that hunt Boar. A buddy of mine went out with a group hunting them with spears. Them fuckers are mean. He didn't get one but the stories he came out of it with were horrifying. I think it was in Texas.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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No it isn't you fucking moron, unless you follow a link to other countries big game, but for North America it has to be a native species.

And again that has fuck all to do you with the debate about BEARS
The Super Slam is a specific competition that requires big game to be native to North America. It does not mean species not native to North America are not big game hence why I linked to a link from the same site that shows wild boar is big game.

The wild boar has a long history of association with humans, having been the ancestor of most domestic pig breeds and a big-game animal for millennia

Your dumbass is trying to argue a species that has been considered big game for thousands of years is not big game because of a single competition. And here are all sorts of American hunting sites noting wild boar are big game

It is clear you are ignorant of how hunting works. And again you asked me about hunting not bear hunting so you are the stupid one that made it about hunting in general. If you wanted it to just be about Bears you should have asked me about Bear hunting. You are losing the argument and now want to change the terms.

P.S. I didnt grow up in America jackass so quoting big game rules from an American competition is stupid. I said in the UNC debate I came to the US for college.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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There's some crazy mofo's that hunt Boar. A buddy of mine went out with a group hunting them with spears. Them fuckers are mean. He didn't get one but the stories he came out of it with were horrifying. I think it was in Texas.

Yeah had a cousin who is partially cripled because one of those fuckers snuck up on him and gored his leg. Wasnt even on a hunt. Boar just rolled up on him in his back yard.

We use shotguns, rifles and have even knocked a few down with a truck. Island is sparsely populated that they arent particularly afraid of humans.

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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Yeah had a cousin who is partially cripled because one of those fuckers snuck up on him and gored his leg. Wasnt even on a hunt. Boar just rolled up on him in his back yard.

We use shotguns, rifles and have even knocked a few down with a truck. Island is sparsely populated that they arent particularly afraid of humans.
That's one of the reasons there are so many bear tags allowed here. They don't want them moving down into the populated areas. It's not good for them or the people.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
Classic Sigler headline... Honestly that’s a small bear, should’ve let it go.

View attachment 38574
Or killed it with a Rambo knife. I have an x-girlfriend (the one that got away)with a cousin who jumped from a tree and slit a bears throat that age, at about 16 yo the young man. That's how the Davey Crockett legend happened too, although he lucked into a badass female grizzly bear as a pet who attracted most of his kills and protected him on more than one occasion.

Yeah, well, the girlfriends dad was a pro moto racer, who put her on his handle bars as a young competitor, and she free climbed like a mountain goat, but that's some cowardly shit shooting a beast with a gun.

Be a man or suck off our dicks you faggit piece of shit. That animal is worth 1000 Jay Cullers to the cosmos.

****** bitch couldn't even throw for 4000 yards after his diet caught up to him.
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Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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Or killed it with a Rambo knife. I have an x-girlfriend (the one that got away)with a cousin who jumped from a tree and slit a bears throat that age, at about 16 yo the young man.

Yeah her dad was a pro moto racer, and she free climbed like a mountain goat, but that's some cowardly shit shooting a beast with a gun.

Be a man or suck off our dicks you faggit piece of shit. That animal is worth 1000 Jay Cullers to the cosmos.

****** bitch couldn't even throw for 4000 yards after his diet caught up to him.
That's some Tarzan shit. Another friend of mine shot a cougar off his own back in a cave while looking for arrow heads. Lucky he had his pistol.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
That's some Tarzan shit. Another friend of mine shot a cougar off his own back in a cave while looking for arrow heads. Lucky he had his pistol.
My college buddy mounted the back of a wounded elk he shot and grabbed its rack, broke it's neck with bear hands and when he was showing that video around campus, I'm like bro...stop....that's not a legal kill.

Leon Sandcastle

CCS Donator
Feb 5, 2013
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My college buddy mounted the back of a wounded elk he shot and grabbed its rack, broke it's neck with bear hands and when he was showing that video around campus, I'm like bro...stop....that's not a legal kill.
An elk? Jesus, that neck is bigger around than a certain posters gut...that's insane. That's like breaking a horses neck.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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That's one of the reasons there are so many bear tags allowed here. They don't want them moving down into the populated areas. It's not good for them or the people.

Yeah dont require any tags or permits for boar and there is no hunting season. Fishing is the bigger industry so that has seasons and regulations.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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I even posted proof from hunting sites that wild boar are big game. Dude really is projecting . Completely ignorant of what qualifies as big game hunting and yet posting like he is an authority on it telling others they are ignorant.

If he hunts he is probably the exact type hunter that I am making fun of. Let's some guide do the tracking and scouting and all he does is shoot an easy target they have set up perfectly for him and then posts all over social media about how great a hunter he is.
He didn't believe me when I said I shot a buck at 12 and had to take a bite after we field dressed it.

It isn't something I will do with my kids, but @dbldrew seems like he might be a tourist when it comes to hunting. BTW I really think spear fishing as you've described it is much more my style these days.

I do Not want to go pig hunting again. When I was younger saw a dog get put down from it and slightly older, I got tree'd by a hog lol. Scary af.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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You cant comprend. Per the first sentence Dunning Kruger requires me to have low ability in something and offer an overly positive assessment of my ability in it. So lets say I have low ability in hunting. I never offered an overly positive assessment of my hunting abilities so Dunning Kruger does not apply.

So even if you want to say my thinking is flawed or erroneous it isnt because of Dunning Kruger as I dont meet both requirements. Once again at no point did I make any claim of how good I was at hunting.

To make this simple quote where I gave myself an overly positive assessment of my hunting abilities?

Finally your 2whole argument has changed. You have moved goal posts as follows.

1. First it was about my hunting experience.

2. Then when I gave it you switched to no large game experience.

3. Then when your dumbass realized wild boar are large game you switched to well I was just a kid.

4. Then when I pointed out I said I still hunted them as an adult you switched to well it is not large game because wild boar arent native America.

5. When you realized how stupid that sounds now it is well boar are not bears.

You should coach Santos.
Yes my fist impressions of your "it takes no skills" was you are 100% falling into the Dunning Kruger scale.. BUT I asked you first what your hunting experience was. That's not changing my argument, thats me asking you a question, you have none with hunting Bears so my first assignment of you was proven correct by your own admission. then i followed up with pointing out where you fall in the Dunning Kruger scale

Second the "low ability" is your low ability to judge the skill level of hunting Bears. You think you have a high ability to judge that, but your complete lack of having any Bear hunting experience combined with your confidence of your judgment on the matter is the detention of Dunning Kruger

you are just being an idiot at this point


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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He didn't believe me when I said I shot a buck at 12 and had to take a bite after we field dressed it.

It isn't something I will do with my kids, but @dbldrew seems like he might be a tourist when it comes to hunting. BTW I really think spear fishing as you've described it is much more my style these days.

I do Not want to go pig hunting again. When I was younger saw a dog get put down from it and slightly older, I got tree'd by a hog lol. Scary af.
why would anyone believe anything you said? you are a troll and a joke of a poster, sometimes that = mildly amusing but yeah you are a joke and you know it.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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The Super Slam is a specific competition that requires big game to be native to North America. It does not mean species not native to North America are not big game hence why I linked to a link from the same site that shows wild boar is big game.

The wild boar has a long history of association with humans, having been the ancestor of most domestic pig breeds and a big-game animal for millennia

Your dumbass is trying to argue a species that has been considered big game for thousands of years is not big game because of a single competition. And here are all sorts of American hunting sites noting wild boar are big game

It is clear you are ignorant of how hunting works. And again you asked me about hunting not bear hunting so you are the stupid one that made it about hunting in general. If you wanted it to just be about Bears you should have asked me about Bear hunting. You are losing the argument and now want to change the terms.

P.S. I didnt grow up in America jackass so quoting big game rules from an American competition is stupid. I said in the UNC debate I came to the US for college.
from your own links..

"But just like small game, the animals that are considered big game vary from state to state, and the classification is sometimes a bit surprising. For example, Arizona classifies turkeys as big game."

Nice work Remy your quest to try and pretend the debate was not about actual Bear hunting has failed by your own hand..

I do not consider Hogs big game hunting. but again its irrelevant because we are talking Bear hunting which you dont know anything about, have never done it, but are apparently are an expert on it to make the statement that it takes no skill.. Dunning Kruger


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Yes my fist impressions of your "it takes no skills" was you are 100% falling into the Dunning Kruger scale.. BUT I asked you first what your hunting experience was. That's not changing my argument, thats me asking you a question, you have none with hunting Bears so my first assignment of you was proven correct by your own admission. then i followed up with pointing out where you fall in the Dunning Kruger scale

Second the "low ability" is your low ability to judge the skill level of hunting Bears. You think you have a high ability to judge that, but your complete lack of having any Bear hunting experience combined with your confidence of your judgment on the matter is the detention of Dunning Kruger

you are just being an idiot at this point
"The Dunning–Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability.

You still dont get it. Dunning Kruger requires low ability and me overrating my own abilities. I will concede for this debate I have the former. Show me where I gave an overly positive assessment of my ability.

You dont grasp how to apply the term.

And no you first made an argument about hunting then large game because your dumbass didnt realize large boar are large game.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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from your own links..

"But just like small game, the animals that are considered big game vary from state to state, and the classification is sometimes a bit surprising. For example, Arizona classifies turkeys as big game."

Nice work Remy your quest to try and pretend the debate was not about actual Bear hunting has failed by your own hand..

I do not consider Hogs big game hunting. but again its irrelevant because we are talking Bear hunting which you dont know anything about, have never done it, but are apparently are an expert on it to make the statement that it takes no skill.. Dunning Kruger
No one gives a shit what you consider big game as you are not an expert. The fact is wild boar have been considered big game for millennia. Imagine random dude on internet trying to change the definition of big game as if he is an expert on the subject.

Imagine crying I cant comment on shooting a bear because I am no expert yet trying to change the millennia old classification of boar was large game with zero evidence of yout expertise on the matter just because of your ignorance. Talk about low ability.

Also I never claimed bear hunting involves no skill. I said the act of shooting a stationary unsuspecting bear involves little skill. Bear huting is more than shooting.
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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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"The Dunning–Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability.

You still dont get it. Dunning Kruger requires low ability and me overrating my own abilities. I will concede for this debate I have the former. Show me where I gave an overly positive assessment of my ability.

You dont grasp how to apply the term.

And no you first made an argument abiut hunting then large game because your dumbass didnt realize large boar are large game.
Your Judgement on the issue is the low ability, you have extreme confidence in your judgement due to the fact that when challenged you never back tracked your position, you could of any time said you where wrong, or you where exaggerating, but you didn't.

Your Judgement is low ability, you think it's high ability and you have no experience on the topic.. perfect definition of Dunning Kruger

Now would you like to say you where wrong on your judgement? Or sticking with you thinking your judgement olis good?


D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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HHM’s Head
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
To be fair those retards were using far less advanced weaponry. I would say killing a bear with a spear or a knife made of stone is a far greater accomplishment that Cutler killing one with a rifle from 50 yards away.
Humans were pack hunters back then, and those who still exist today, that use primitive means like a spear, are pack hunters.

The spear is the most intuitive weapon to use, in human history. It’s why the spear and it’s variants was the primary hunting weapon of all cultures around the world, and why the spear and it’s variants, were the primary weapon that militaries used all over the world, until gunpowder took over.

Any able bodied, physically matured person can pick up a spear, and immediately be proficient with it, and in the space of an afternoon, can learn to throw them effectively.

It is a naturally instinctive weapon to use.
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