Jay Cutler takes shots at current Bear in social media post, shows No Remorse!


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Your Judgement on the issue is the low ability, you have extreme confidence in your judgement due to the fact that when challenged you never back tracked your position, you could of any time said you where wrong, or you where exaggerating, but you didn't.

Your Judgement is low ability, you think it's high ability and you have no experience on the topic.. perfect definition of Dunning Kruger

Now would you like to say you where wrong on your judgement? Or sticking with you thinking your judgement olis good?

Nope I never made any claim it is high ability. You are making shit up.

I also have no reason to back track as you have provided no reason for me to do so. You have provided no evidence of your expertise in this area and literally were ignorant of the fact wild boar are large game and have been considered so for thousands of years.

Finally when an actual poster who appeared to have actual knowledge of bear hunting raised reasonable points I had an intelligent convo with him.

I think I remember hearing that he was a pretty big hunter. Can't remember where, and I could be wrong, but that's what I was referring to.
If he does all the scouting and tracking then that would be an accomplishment. However again my comment was about the act of shooting the Bear.
So the problem here is you are not capable of reading or comprehending at a level that allows for an intelligent convo. You should read the exchange I had with Leon and learn how to not be an idiot in these conversations going forward.

I have already conceded there are elements of bear hunting that require skill. I simply stated the act of shooting a large stationary object which is not unique to bear hunting doesnt require much skill.
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CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
An elk? Jesus, that neck is bigger around than a certain posters gut...that's insane. That's like breaking a horses neck.
Yeah dude, it was wounded and a mercy kill, but that thing was way too damn alive for me.

Kid was a 4 star baseball athlete and 215+ at 18 from Montana, no fat mountain bloke. Thick. Strong.

Absolute ruthless move, and would have gone viral, but I told him "bro, that's fucking awesome but you can't put that on the net."

Apparently he forgot his mercy knife, which is an illegal thing to forget.

You aren't supposed to break their neck with bare hands.


D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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It's not about meat as you guys always like to default to. I like car racing but don't do it myself on the street. It's a similar false equivalency.

I don't enjoy killing mice but I do it. I eat meat. I'm not even saying hunting should be outlawed (except for stressed species). We just don't understand the joy in killing things for fun or how these lines are arbitrarily drawn. What forms that line? Intelligence? Soft and cuddly?

If you're living in rural Alaska, it's one thing. If you're a multi millionaire with a guide, it's another. If that Bear was killing Cutler's sheep, I get it but if this was big game hunter syndrome, it's a waste by a bored rich guy. Just because you can do something...
Have you ever hunted? Like stalked or tracked game, out in nature? Personally for me, there is something almost magical about it. You just feel alive. Like REALLY alive.

I’ve mentioned before, that my favorite hunting, is upland birds. It’s physically demanding, and there is something that I can only describe as spiritual, when you’re out, moving through rough country, and relying on your senses, to hunt. And with a dog, it’s even better, as when it’s just the two of you, there is a synergy, and you get to the point, where you feel like each of you understands what the other is thinking.

It’s like reaching back across time, and sharing an experience with your long dead ancestors. The hunt is the best part. And since I don’t actually need the meat to survive, it allows me to enjoy hunting, and not even be disappointed if I come up empty, which I haven’t had happen since my dog got trained up. But prior to having a dog, I used to hit the field all on my lonesome, and would come up empty on about 35-40% of my hunts, and I loved all of them, regardless of quarry.
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CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
No one gives a shit what you consider big game as you are not an expert. The fact is wild boar have been considered big game for millennia. Imagine random dude on internet trying to change the definition of big game as if he is an expert on the subject.

Imagine crying I cant comment on shooting a bear because I am no expert yet trying to change the millennia old classification of boar was large game with zero evidence of yout expertise on the matter just because of your ignorance. Talk about low ability.

Also I never claimed bear hunting involves no skill. I said the act of shooting a stationary unsuspecting bear involves little skill. Bear huting is more than shooting.

I just want to endorse what I have heard from hunters, in areas where Boar have become invasive like Sonoma Lake CA or Texas, they get used to human trash at campsites and become aggressive, that hunting something that can harm you if shot and angry is "big game."

If you are shooting something that risks injury if you miss the heart, it's "big game ."

If you want a special designation for Bear and Cats, as "predators"....ok...

Hunting alpha predators with a spear or knife is really the ultimate hunter thing. Meat eating whale, shark, bear, cat....

There aren't many species of big predators.

Moby Dick(albino humpback), an Orca, a Polar Bear....

I have had bear spray packed with me and been stalked to 2 yards by a 1 year old 90 lb Black bear recently abandoned before I noticed him. And at 15 I got hunted to 1 yard by a mountain lion or bobcat that screamed before I noticed and shot up a tree. I didn't stay to identify but I was 10 yards from the 1 gallon per minute spring he hunted near where I lived. I mean I knew not to hike there alone as a small person at that age. At 15 I was smallest kid in high school and about 110 lbs, bald pubes prepubescent, and quite honestly lucky as hell that Lion didn't take me.
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CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
Have you ever hunted? Like stalked or tracked game, out in nature? Personally for me, there is something almost magical about it. You just feel alive. Like REALLY alive.

I’ve mentioned before, that my favorite hunting, is upland birds. It’s physically demanding, and there is something that I can only describe as spiritual, when you’re out, moving through rough country, and relying on your senses, to hunt. And with a dog, it’s even better, as when it’s just the two of you, there is a synergy, and you get to the point, where you feel like each of you understands what the other is thinking.

It’s like reaching back across time, and sharing an experience with your long dead ancestors. The hunt is the best part. And since I don’t actually need the meat to survive, it allows me to enjoy hunting, and not even be disappointed if I come up empty, which I haven’t had happen since my dog got trained up, but prior to having a dog, I used to hit the field all on my lonesome, and would come up empty on about 35-40% of my hunts, and I loved all of them, regardless of quarry.

When I was stuck in Vegas during covid I would take my husky out in early morning before it got hot, like 5:30 am and chase Pigeons.

We learned together how to hunt them. They are considered invasive and you can kill them, but when we figured out together over time how to actually catch them, by chasing them to flight about 3 times...they cant take to air again.

They tire out after a couple escapes, which involves at least a pack of two circling them and keeping them in the area.

Charlie was a good boy though and would break off the hunt on the few occasions we got to the point of success.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Humans were pack hunters back then, and those who still exist today, that use primitive means like a spear, are pack hunters.

The spear is the most intuitive weapon to use, in human history. It’s why the spear and it’s variants was the primary hunting weapon of all cultures around the world, and why the spear and it’s variants, were the primary weapon that militaries used all over the world, until gunpowder took over.

Any able bodied, physically matured person can pick up a spear, and immediately be proficient with it, and in the space of an afternoon, can learn to throw them effectively.

It is a naturally instinctive weapon to use.
Agreed but the distinction is the use of a spear is still dependent on the physical attributes of the wielder. Being bigger, stronger or more agile confers an advantage and there is still a range limit that makes it more dangerous.

When guns where first introduced in warfare the warriors castes of various countries lamented how it required less skill to operate and was considered cowardly. Japan is a perfect example of this as guns allowed peasants to defeat samurai who were far more skilled and trained in warfare. They were seen as eroding the warrior ethos because they were relatively easy to use compared to a sword. It also negated any physical advantages because you didnt need to be particulatly strong, agile, or durable to shoot a gun as compared to fighting at close range with a sword.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
Agreed but the distinction is the use of a spear is still dependent on the physical attributes of the wielder. Being bigger, stronger or more agile confers an advantage and there is still a range limit that makes it more dangerous.

When guns where first introduced in warfare the warriors castes of various countries lamented how it required less skill to operate and was considered cowardly. Japan is a perfect example of this as guns allowed peasants to defeat samurai who were far more skilled and trained in warfare. They were seen as eroding the warrior ethos because they were relatively easy to use compared to a sword. It also negated any physical advantages because you didnt need to be particulatly strong, agile, or durable to shoot a gun as compared to fighting at close range with a sword.
They are still a cowardly weapon.

A small child can pull a trigger or push a button.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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I just want to endorse what I have heard from hunters, in area where Boar have become invasive like Sonoma Lake CA or Texas, used to human trash and aggressive, that hunting something that can harm you of shot and angry is "big game."

If you are shooting something that risks injury if you miss the heart, it's "big game ."

If you want a special designation for Bear and Cats, as "predators"....ok...

Hunting alpha predators with a spear or knife is really the ultimate hunter thing. Meat eating whale, shark, bear, cat....

There aren't many species of big predators.

Moby Dick(albino humpback), an Orca, a Polar Bear....

I have had bear spray packed with me and been stalked to 2 yards by a 1 year old 90 lb Black bear recently abandoned before I noticed him. And at 15 I got hunted to 1 yard by a mountain lion or bobcat that screamed and shot up a tree. I didn't stay to identify but I was 10 yards from the 1 gallon per minute spring he hunted near where I lived. I mean I knew not to hike there alone as a small person at that age.
Yeah I have seen seasoned hunters run in terror from a rampaging boar that surprised them. Claiming a 200-300 pound Boar is not big game is really stupid.

Not to mention excluding humans pigs and boar are like the 4th most intelligent animals after apes, dolphins and ravens acccording to some studies. They are capable of playing simply video games and have the intelligence of a 3 year old child.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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When I was stuck in Vegas during covid I would take my husky out in early morning before it got hot, like 5:30 am and chase Pigeons.

We learned together how to hunt them. They are considered invasive and you can kill them, but when we figured out together over time how to actually catch them, by chasing them to flight about 3 times...they cant take to air again.

They tire out after a couple escapes, which involves at least a pack of two circling them and keeping them in the area.

Charlie was a good boy though and would break off the hunt on the few occasions we got to the point of success.

I have a husky as well. Does surprisingly well in the heat here but loves to escape. He has jumped my fence, dug under it, learned how to open the gate, and climbed the fence as well. I had to increase the length of my fence to around 10 feet and add a concrete base to the bottom of the fence to keep him in.

The craziest is I have a balcony overlooking my driveway and I cant park my SUV underneath it because he jumps from the balcony on top of my SUV and runs thru the gate before it closes. Whenver he hears the gate open he rushes to the balcony and just waits to see if we forget and park underneath it. Luckily he still judges jumping straight to the ground from the balcony as too risky.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Have you ever hunted? Like stalked or tracked game, out in nature? Personally for me, there is something almost magical about it. You just feel alive. Like REALLY alive.

I’ve mentioned before, that my favorite hunting, is upland birds. It’s physically demanding, and there is something that I can only describe as spiritual, when you’re out, moving through rough country, and relying on your senses, to hunt. And with a dog, it’s even better, as when it’s just the two of you, there is a synergy, and you get to the point, where you feel like each of you understands what the other is thinking.

It’s like reaching back across time, and sharing an experience with your long dead ancestors. The hunt is the best part. And since I don’t actually need the meat to survive, it allows me to enjoy hunting, and not even be disappointed if I come up empty, which I haven’t had happen since my dog got trained up. But prior to having a dog, I used to hit the field all on my lonesome, and would come up empty on about 35-40% of my hunts, and I loved all of them, regardless of quarry.
I'm sure it's challenging and rewarding.
I wouldn't mind bagging and eating some upland birds. I'm not in carnivore denial. Not my point.
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CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
I have a husky as well. Does surprisingly well in the heat here but loves to escape. He has jumped my fence, dug under it, learned how to open the gate, and climbed the fence as well. I had to increase the length of my fence to around 10 feet and add a concrete base to the bottom of the fence to keep him in.

The craziest is I have a balcony overlooking my driveway and I cant park my SUV underneath it because he jumps from the balcony on top of my SUV and runs thru the gate before it closes. Whenver he hears the gate open he rushes to the balcony and just waits to see if we forget and park underneath it. Luckily he still judges jumping straight to the ground from the balcony as too risky.

Yeah....I had many nicknames for mine, but "huidini dog" was one. Huskies are known to climb. Floppy and flexible as hell. Strong. It's like a giant rabbit. They scale fences easily with their long backs, or dig.

Their breeds are known for this ability. If there is a weak point they are gone.


D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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I'm sure it's challenging and rewarding.
I wouldn't mind bagging and eating some upland birds. Not my point.
I get it. I’m a hunter, and am a fan of hunting, but that does not mean I’m a fan of all hunters. I hate when I come across trigger trash in the field, I palm all my spent shells, and pocket them, as well as pick up all old shells that I come across when hunting. I don’t go on hunting, until I’ve found my kill, I don’t exceed my daily and possession limits. And I’m not a fan of unethical and illegal hunting.

Like any hobby or activity, there are plenty of shitbags that partake, and go about it the wrong way.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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I get it. I’m a hunter, and am a fan of hunting, but that does not mean I’m a fan of all hunters. I hate when I come across trigger trash in the field, I palm all my spent shells, and pocket them, as well as pick up all old shells that I come across when hunting. I don’t go on hunting, until I’ve found my kill, I don’t exceed my daily and possession limits. And I’m not a fan of unethical and illegal hunting.

Like any hobby or activity, there are plenty of shitbags that partake, and go about it the wrong way.
If there's a good purpose to a kill, I get it. Just don't like Bear for sport.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Yeah....I had many nicknames for mine, but "huidini dog" was one. Huskies are known to climb. Floppy and flexible as hell. Strong. It's like a giant rabbit. They scale fences easily with their long backs, or dig.

Their breeds are known for this ability. If there is a weak point they are gone.

Yeah my only issue is there are a lot of stray dogs that have attacked other dogs and people in the area so always concerned he will stumble upon them and get attacked.

The only saving grace is for some reason he gets along with most dogs as he basically goes around the neighbirhood and breaks into yards with other dogs and just chills with them. I have had neighbors freaking out when they realize a random dog is in their yard acting like he has always lived there. He also isnt as cute and furry as most huskies as I think he might be mixed with something or could just be the heat so really looks more like a juvenile wolf.

I also caught him one night he escaped just chilling with some of those bad strays and when they started barking and getting aggressive with me he barked at them and they immediately calmed their asses down. It was really weird because all those dogs were bigger and meaner looking that him but I guess he presents himself as an alpha. However it only takes one dog to decide he isnt and doubt he can survive a real fight. I always joke with my wife that he is like a rich kid that hangs out in the hood cause he thinks it is cool.


D.J. Moore is phat
Aug 20, 2012
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I guess he'll be hunting a wild horse next???
All wild horses in the Americas, are descended from domesticated horses, and technically are an invasive species. That said, they are really only hunted by the US Government, and outfits that are in the employ of China (for Eastern Medicine, and to a lesser extent, meat)


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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All wild horses in the Americas, are descended from domesticated horses, and technically are an invasive species. That said, they are really only hunted by the US Government, and outfits that are in the employ of China (for Eastern Medicine, and to a lesser extent, meat)
Neat story 👌


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Have you ever hunted? Like stalked or tracked game, out in nature? Personally for me, there is something almost magical about it. You just feel alive. Like REALLY alive.

I’ve mentioned before, that my favorite hunting, is upland birds. It’s physically demanding, and there is something that I can only describe as spiritual, when you’re out, moving through rough country, and relying on your senses, to hunt. And with a dog, it’s even better, as when it’s just the two of you, there is a synergy, and you get to the point, where you feel like each of you understands what the other is thinking.

It’s like reaching back across time, and sharing an experience with your long dead ancestors. The hunt is the best part. And since I don’t actually need the meat to survive, it allows me to enjoy hunting, and not even be disappointed if I come up empty, which I haven’t had happen since my dog got trained up. But prior to having a dog, I used to hit the field all on my lonesome, and would come up empty on about 35-40% of my hunts, and I loved all of them, regardless of quarry.
Did you know there's some things you can do that can make you feel like really alive that doesn't involve murder killing some random animals?

If you meet a girl or a guy that might find you sorta attractive and you get to know them for a bit there this activity called fucking that is pretty invigorating. And even it you are skinny and have a weird completion and maybe even if you tell them you get hard tryna kill lil birds and shit, they might suck your dick.

Just an idea bro, kill whatever you want just don't kill an elephant those bros are seriously cool af. Also fuck your friend who killed a giraffe lol wtf. Fuck him and fuck you for being cool with a giraffe killer smh

@Chief Walking Stick. This mutherfucka hangs out with dudes who kill giraffes wtf


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Did you know there's some things you can do that can make you feel like really alive that doesn't involve murder killing some random animals?

If you meet a girl or a guy that might find you sorta attractive and you get to know them for a bit there this activity called fucking that is pretty invigorating. And even it you are skinny and have a weird completion and maybe even if you tell them you get hard tryna kill lil birds and shit, they might suck your dick.

Just an idea bro, kill whatever you want just don't kill an elephant those bros are seriously cool af. Also fuck your friend who killed a giraffe lol wtf. Fuck him and fuck you for being cool with a giraffe killer smh

@Chief Walking Stick. This mutherfucka hangs out with dudes who kill giraffes wtf
His friends should set themselves on fire.
