Just ask yourself this question

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear to be a fool, then open your mouth and remove all doubt. I should know.
Why should I take advice from a self-professed fool? ;)

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Sep 22, 2012
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Yeah, but aren't you glad that Pace identifies a guy and is willing to spend to get him?
I mean do you want a GM who'll NEVER do that and only wait for his turn hoping to be lucky?
I like that he's got balls. He might miss, but it's better striking out swinging.

Okay. I would love to know how you came to the conclusion about Shaheen and Cohen being future studs. I hope your right, but until they prove it, i wouldn't be making such declarations. You may also want to check your facts about what we gave up to move up one spot. We Gave up our 3rd pick and 4th pick in last years draft as well as the third pick in this years draft. So you are ok with that? Sounds like a high price to move and grab somebody you most likely could have gotten by standing pat. If they miss out on Mitch, they could have had a different QB with some upside, namely Watson.
Look what happened when we decided not to move up in the past. How did staying at our pick and missing out on Aaron Donald work for us? As far as picks, we traded back and recouped most our picks minus this year's third round. Watson would have been nice, but he had an injury history and got hurt. You would probably be complaining that our dumb GM drafted some guy with injury problems after suffering through the White debacle. Bottom line, Pace has missed on some free agents, picked up a couple decent ones. Pace has done great in the draft so far, minus white of course. He has a vision for this team and you have to see it shaping up. He inherited a shit roster. It takes time to build. How many starters are left from the Emery era? I believe we are finally headed in the right direction. I'm excited about the future. I'm excited about our new coach. I'm excited about our quarterback. I'm excited about our backfield, our safeties, Floyd, Trevathon, Kiawatoski, Hicks, Goldman, Shaheen, etc. These are all guys Pace brought in. Again, not being aggressive cost us Aaron Donald so I'm more than happy about our GM having the balls to move up to get his guy.


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Jan 8, 2018
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Would you also like us to not hold it against you that you criticize the hires of the last two HCs and then go on to say that you liked those hires? I mean, as long as you are walking back from your points, you might as well just get it all out of the way.

Additionally, who gives a damn at this point that he spent too much on Glennon, when he'll be gone next year? How does that in any way set the franchise back? And did we really give up so much to guarantee that Pace was getting his guy that he ran the team into the ground?

Basically, yeah, even if you remembered that Pace wasn't even here yet when Trestman was hired, you cite the a coaching hire that you supported, and one year of quarterback decisions. All that for "running the franchise into the ground." You are definitely an idiot.

I really don't care what you want to hold against me. I liked those hires because the were saying the right things, Now Nagy is also saying the right things. My point being that I have learned that anybody could talk a great game, but fall way short of expectations. Nagy sounds really well spoken and could very well be an excellent hire, but he also could not be ready to be a good HC, like trestman wasn't. I like his hires which bodes well for him, then again maybe it doesn't. I hope he is the answer to our prayers and gives us back a winning franchise. If he does that I will kiss pace's feet(figuratively, anyway.)

To your second point about who care what he spent on Glennon, I will admit that pace did structure that contract very well, but I think he could used a good portion of that on another free agent. Why spend that much on someone you were probably gonna throw away anyway. I ll admit that I have no idea who it should have been spent on, except maybe some WR depth might have been nice since Alshon left. Even if he spent it on some back up lineman he would most likely have gotten a better return for the money he spent. Maybe that is just me being unrealistic
Apr 3, 2016
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Pace is definitely not the problem. Guy is 1 of the youngest, most active GMs out there. He's trying to build the team for long term success.

Watch him trade back in the 1st round, land the player he wants an get his picks back.

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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I have never made any errors when it comes to my postings in regards to football knowledge mistakes like you have here and sometimes make the occasional grammatical mistake or something goes wrong with my punctuation but I usually get this same sort of treatment on here and this seems very too much harsh in terms of criticism and regarding rebukes, but that all being said, you just literally have to "roll with the punches" and know that each and everyone deserves to tell their story and have it heard, and let the angry and frustrated unhappy people do this to you, and just let it roll off your back like water off of duck feathers.

***The schtick together crew***


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Jan 8, 2018
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If he had missed on Trubisky and got Watson the board would still be in meltdown for him drafting injury prone players AND in meltdown because Watson wouldn't have looked near as good on the Bears.

Yes , but would it be great to to be able to speculate at what Watson could achieve if he stayed healthy. I imagine that is what the Texan fans are doing. Besides you cant possibly know how he would have looked in a Bears uniform. Yeah he would not had the same type of receiving corp, or offensive line, but who's fault is that.


CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
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Fort Myers, FL
I finally learned how to dislike. I'm glad I made it passed the first sentence to see the Trestman blame, that convinced me to figure it out.


Let this be a lesson to all CCS: Click the little grey & white star on bottom left between the "THANKS" and the caution (report post).

Click the star & decide if you want to Approve or Disapprove, to add or subtract from the poster's rep.

You'll need to add a comment to validate your reason which the poster can see, but that's kind've the point...Takes it away from the already shitty post & thread without messing it up further.

But this one is so wrong it can't really get any worse. So wrong that even Ommy blatantly disagrees.



New member
Jan 8, 2018
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Pace is definitely not the problem. Guy is 1 of the youngest, most active GMs out there. He's trying to build the team for long term success.

Watch him trade back in the 1st round, land the player he wants an get his picks back.

I hope you are right, That would be great, unless he whiffs again on the player he wants.

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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As I have already explained in previous posts, I am not an alt. I'm the moron who forgot who hired trestman. If you refuse to believe that, then that is your problem not mine.

Your arguments are getting better. :thinking:


Active member
Nov 16, 2017
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Reading through this thread and saw this ad. Just kinda weird.

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I'll ignore your mishaps, 34 Goat.

I'm for the most part in agreement that Pace has failed. I judge coaches, QB's drafted by the team, and GM's after 3 years of work. We have 14 wins in 3 seasons with Pace. That isn't good enough.

I think there's hope for the future, and he still has time to redeem himself, but I don't like what I've seen so far.


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Aug 28, 2017
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I asked myself the question, and came to a completely different answer than you...


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Dec 31, 2013
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Who has done the most to run this beloved franchise into the ground? Answer : ryan pace

Let us examine his track record. First hire Mark trestman. CFL offensive guru with no NFL head coaching experience. Came in had a crappy winning percentage and was gone in 2 years. Strike one. Next he brings in the antithesis of trestman john fox. A defensive minded coach who has coached in few super bowls. He has an worse winning percentage than trestman and only last 3 seasons. Some of you will say that he did not have a say in those hirings and were actually sweaty teddy's hires. if that is true, why did he not have the backbone to say to his owners this is the wrong direction we are going in?and if it false then the blame falls squarely on his shoulders. Either way Strike two.

Then He goes out and spends 18 million, on the worst FA signing of the year (per espn.com). What did he get for 18 Million dollars: Four TD's, 5 interceptions, 3 fumbles, and 4 losses. What a stellar return. Strike three.

Now let us look at his Drafts. For as bad as the Bears were you'd think that should result in high Draft picks that can be used to rebuild the franchise. Well the results speak for themselves. With all the top ten picks he has had, have resulted in the Bears winning 5 games last season. With his highest Draft pick he mortgaged the Bears future, and bid against himself for a one year wonder who had all of 13 collegiate starts, and most likely to be available at his original pick. A rookie GM bamboozled him into this stupidity and made him look like a fool. Even I, being just a meatball fan, would have avoided this costly mistake. If nothing else we are left to wonder what could have been, if he used his pick on Deshaun Watson. Strike four.

Now don't get me wrong. Mitch could morph into next Tom Brady and I would be ecstatic, however that doesn't seem very likely. I hope for our sake that I am completely wrong. What I am trying to say is Pace has systematically ruined our beloved Franchise for the last 5 years, Why he still has a job I do not know. Unless he has compromising pictures of Sweaty or Virginia he should have been fired with Fox.

Having said all that. I do like the Nagy hire, and the subsequent coaching hires. But what do I know, I liked the trestman hire and the fox hire.

Maybe, just maybe, he has been giving Sweaty Teddy just enough rope to hang himself, to the point where he can say we have tried his way now let us try mine. I hope against hope that this is the case, and if it is I will gladly munch on a large helping of crow.

Stopped at Pace hired Trestman. Go read a book on the Chicago Bears and get yourself updated on the team.


Sep 27, 2010
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Yes , but would it be great to to be able to speculate at what Watson could achieve if he stayed healthy. I imagine that is what the Texan fans are doing. Besides you cant possibly know how he would have looked in a Bears uniform. Yeah he would not had the same type of receiving corp, or offensive line, but who's fault is that.

The Bears WRs going into the season tells me any QB would've sucked.
I do put that on Pace. He let Marshall go without having Jeffery locked up so he couldn't get Jeffery. Then there's the natural hope for White to work out but the inexcusable lack of attempt for a backup plan. And Wheaton was a wiff.
I do like the Wright pick up and Inman trade but really those are worthy of being backups on many other teams so we should've already had similar in place when White and Merideth went down (besides the obvious White going down).

Pace has definitely screwed up big on the WR corpse, although I can't say it's any worse than Lovie's bargain basement offense.

Alpha Male

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Sep 15, 2013
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I really give up. If you are going to be an idiot troll at least get basic facts right.

Guys who destroyed the Bears

1. Phil Emery

He sucked at his job and hired Marc Trestman.

2. Marc Trestman

He was such a disaster he was fired after 2 years and essentially wasted 2 years.

3. Ted Phillips

Hired Phil Emery

4. Jay Cutler

Never raised the franchise the way that he was suppose to and never became the rally the franchise leader.

5. Jerry Angelo

His drafting fell off the face of the Earth after 2008.

6. ryan pace
Poor drafting, fa signings, trades and worst record of the three. Purged talented players and replaced them with hot garbage. Coaching hire with fox was the worst of the three.


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Jan 8, 2018
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Look what happened when we decided not to move up in the past. How did staying at our pick and missing out on Aaron Donald work for us? As far as picks, we traded back and recouped most our picks minus this year's third round. Watson would have been nice, but he had an injury history and got hurt. You would probably be complaining that our dumb GM drafted some guy with injury problems after suffering through the White debacle. Bottom line, Pace has missed on some free agents, picked up a couple decent ones. Pace has done great in the draft so far, minus white of course. He has a vision for this team and you have to see it shaping up. He inherited a shit roster. It takes time to build. How many starters are left from the Emery era? I believe we are finally headed in the right direction. I'm excited about the future. I'm excited about our new coach. I'm excited about our quarterback. I'm excited about our backfield, our safeties, Floyd, Trevathon, Kiawatoski, Hicks, Goldman, Shaheen, etc. These are all guys Pace brought in. Again, not being aggressive cost us Aaron Donald so I'm more than happy about our GM having the balls to move up to get his guy.

I would not be complaining about drafting an Injury prone QB. I would be looking forward to seeing what Nagy could have done with him if he can stay healthy. so I am with you about being excited for our team's future, Mitch could be one of all time greats. Maybe Pace is smart enough to rebuild the bears. But other GM's have gone worst to first in single season, why cant we be that lucky. Hell I would have been happy with worst to second in a season, at least that would be progress. if it continues to take a long time I am afraid my grandchildren will be right in questioning my support of this franchise.
