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Literally MATH
SilenceS doesn't do math.
Literally MATH
SilenceS doesn't do math.
I didnt grow up with common core. Im fucked
When I did my first 24 hour+ fast after starting keto, it was easier than I expected. Taking in more fat let me be more satiated for longer. Now I'm accustomed to it and it's not quite as easy. Still don't get ravenous but the cravings are more present.I am starting my fast tonight. It's been one hour and I want to eat a snack
No matter, the math HHM speaks of doesn’t add up anyway. It has, in fact, been proven 100% wrong.
A study of Biggest Loser contestants showed that by restricting calories for that long time period, every single contestant tested and then followed wrecked their metabolism for years. They each would have had to eat significantly less calories than others their same weight, just to maintain the weight loss. It’s why they failed and why so many other fat fucks fail.
When done in Keto and/or IF fashion, the metabolism does not slow down and get wrecked. It normalizes.
Success does not come by simply limiting calories. Success comes when you throw the outdated standards away and realize it’s a hormonal thing that you can take complete control of any time you desire.
You couldn't be more wrong. It's a hormone thing that keto counteracts and a high carb diet only makes worse. There is a HUGE difference in the different type of macros you take in. And there is a HUGE difference in the amount of times you eat per day. When speaking of the SAD (Standard American Diet) which is very high carbs and low fat compared to the keto diet which is very high fat and very low carbs, you change your source of energy from glucose to fat. Your insulin level is obviously raised much higher by sugar than it is fat so it will stay elevated for a longer period of time as well. The fact is your body will never be able to access your stored fat as long as insulin is raised. Keto is going to leave your insulin level closer to baseline so it will return to baseline much faster. A high fat diet is also going to make you more satiated than a high carb diet so you're going to be hungry less often.Actually, what happens is people have the wrong mindset when they say “diet”. To go on a diet means you eventually have to go off of it. When you restrict calories too much too fast, you screw up your metabolism into thinking you are in starvation mode which slows your BMR to a halt. On top of that, people don’t have the willpower to keep up that strict of a diet so they eventually binge which adds excess calories to a low BMR. Of course, in a hypothetical situation, if they had the willpower to stay on the low calorie lifestyle, they would stay thin. That’s why you don’t see starving kids in Africa magically get fat.
The right thing to do is eliminate the term “diet”. Find what you can do and enjoy today, tomorrow, 15 years from now, etc. That’s the way to go. Whether it’s IF, low carb and high fat, or high carb low fat. It doesn’t matter as long as you are in the equation of your goal of losing weight, maintaining, or gaining and it’s something you can keep up.
You couldn't be more wrong. It's a hormone thing that keto counteracts and a high carb diet only makes worse. There is a HUGE difference in the different type of macros you take in. And there is a HUGE difference in the amount of times you eat per day. When speaking of the SAD (Standard American Diet) which is very high carbs and low fat compared to the keto diet which is very high fat and very low carbs, you change your source of energy from glucose to fat. Your insulin level is obviously raised much higher by sugar than it is fat so it will stay elevated for a longer period of time as well. The fact is your body will never be able to access your stored fat as long as insulin is raised. Keto is going to leave your insulin level closer to baseline so it will return to baseline much faster. A high fat diet is also going to make you more satiated than a high carb diet so you're going to be hungry less often.
When I ate the standard diet I would diet to get down to about 200 pounds for summer. My weight would go up to about 220-225 by the end of fall after summer ended and I returned to normal eating habits. Right now, I'd usually be right about 220+. By doing keto, I take in more calories but my weight has stayed the same. Now down to 175 since starting keto. I eat about 3000 calories per day which I think is a lot for that weight range. When eating high carbs, that would have pushed my weight up but now my weight not only holds steady but it's also holding steady at a much lower weight than I've carried in the past.
Sugar is bad for ya and I think that's common knowledge by now. And people generally just eat and snack throughout the day so they always have a raised insulin level which forbids access to stored body fat which means they hold on to that body fat and if they eat more calories than they burn they'll add to that stored fat. The other difference in burning sugar rather than fat is, once your insulin level starts to go down it signals your hunger hormones that it requires more sugar so this is why people, who eat high carbs, are hungry throughout the day. When on keto, insulin is not a problem. You never raise it too high and it need not signal your hunger hormones that it needs more sugar cause your body isn't burning sugar. It's burning fat and once it runs out of fat, from the food you eat, it can just continue to burn fat from your stored fat.
Again, I point to the Biggest loser study, in which those people eat the SAD diet but greatly restrict their calories and do heavy exercise. They showed a 95% fail rate in keeping that weight off and 100% had their metabolisms greatly slowed down for several years. This happens cause you're expending more energy while taking in much less calories so your body has to attempt to correct that problem by slowing down your metabolism so those fewer calories last as long as when you were eating more calories. It was also shown that not only doesn't your metabolism self correct when you do start eating more but it continued to slow down as time went on and the effect lasts for years and that's why the yoyo effect is such a common thing.
Interestingly, while that metabolism couldn't be corrected with the SAD diet, when on keto it will normalize rather quickly cause you're switching the source of energy and it's a source that your body has already stored so the need for it to compensate for the amount of sugar you take in is no longer there. You can do the same by fasting and get it done even quicker. With no food coming in for 24+ hours, the body has to go into panic mode and with the insulin level at baseline, it can now access that stored fat effectively putting you into ketosis.
Glad the IF works for you. Keep it up.
I have been around the bodybuilder industry since college and I have seen with my own eyes that multiple strategies work at getting people absolutely ripped for contests. Then in the offseason, they back off but still follow the same foundation and they never and I mean NEVER get fat. There are 2 things they all follow and that is they have a strong weight lifting regime which increases BMR and helps burn fat while adding muscle obviously, and they track calories. High carb low fat diets are more so for ectomorphs and mesomorphs. Judging by how you were well over 200 lbs, you are probably an endomorph and it wouldn't work for people like you or people on the biggest loser. Yes, they most likely need low carb diets. That's why I said "do what works for you".
The only people that lose weight and then gain it all back are ones that give up and I know this for a fact. Going back to a as you said "normal eating habits" was a mistake because that is what got you fat in the first place. Ofcourse you were gonna gain the weight again! You seem a bit threatened that other people can be in great shape with different methods other than yours. The truth is that if your was the only way, everyone would have known to do it many years ago.
The thing is though is you shouldn't care what others do. Only care about what works for you! I am a skinny fat type. Meaning I usually weight 180 or so but with around a 36 inch waist. That's if I am not eating healthy and exercising. What gets me jacked though is lifting heavy while eating lots of carbs around my lifting and then doing HIIT a few times a week while carb depleted. So I do a carb cycling plan and it works so well for me. Best I got on it was around 5% fat. I am honest with myself though. I gained some fat back... more than I should because I started eating my old way for like 6 straight months which included foods like Pizza, Ice Cream, Beer. Duh! Ofcourse I was gonna lose the cut look. So that's when I incorporated my 90-10 rule that I can use all the time. Keeps me around 10% body fat which is 32 inch waist. If I want to get down to 5% again, I know the carb cycling will work again.
When you start talking about bodybuilders, you’re talking about freaks and not the average people. Nobody, including themselves, believes what competitive bodybuilders do to their bodies is in anyway healthy in the long run so no need to even bring them into the equation.
Nobody’s saying it’s not possible to stay in relatively good shape on a standard diet but it will, in most cases, require more work and conventional thinking is what made this a nation of fat fucks in the first place.
You can say you workout real hard and high carbs don’t cause you to gain weight when you do but most people do not work out real hard and burn through less of those carbs than they think during any light workout or activity they do.
Those married to conventional thinking can do all that conventional wisdom tells them to do and still end up obese. If you wanted to point to the specific time period obesity became a problem in the US it was during the anti-fat campaign in the 70s when low fat foods were preached and more and more food being sold to people became heavily processed and with added sugar.
Conventional wisdom of calories in, calories out does not account for many variables such as slow metabolisms, specific types of food you eat, insulin levels throughout the day and the simple fact that with the American high carb diet, even different types of sugar are metabolized differently.
Fructose, for instance, doesn’t get used in the same way as other sugar. It goes straight to your liver where some is turned to glucose and the left over is converted to fat and stored. If conventional thinking was even remotely close to being correct, obesity would never have become as widespread as it is.
What you said might be true among a lot of people, but you also have to realize that a lot of people have terrible food and exercise habits and on top of that they are not honest with themselves, let alone other people that report their information too. People don't move nearly as much in the USA as a lot of other countries and it shows. You go to restaurants and the portion sizes are ginormous. You can get something at Cheesecake Factory called Miso Salmon which comes with rice and veggies. Most people think salmon is healthy. That meal is over 1,500 calories because of all the hidden calories. People are lazy to cook and go out to eat. Then they don't realize how much they eat. People eat veggies like broccoli but they fry them in oil. It can add several hundred calories.
There is actually a lot of good reports about IF. Yet, people keep getting more and more obese in this country. Why? Because they can't stick with their diets and workout regimens. They give up over time. It has to be a lifestyle for it to work.
People in this country keep getting more and more obese because they are lazy, drink pop and eat fast food every other day. The sad thing is, most of these people don't even give a shit that they are fat and you're correct, the ones that start a 'diet' never follow through with it.
Also, alot of people are just misinformed. Some people will go on a diet, but they are eating 'Smart One' meals for lunch everyday. They just automatically think those are healthy and don't bother to look at the nutrition facts. Americans go for convenience when it comes to food and think the frozen diet meals are legit.
Wrapping up my first week of doing 16/8 IF. My diet has been very low carb which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I honestly look and feel great just after a week and my energy in the gym has been very solid. At the beginning of the week I was 175 and weighed 172 today, although this was before I ate anything that day. My target weight would be 165. Weekend will be a tough test for me as I enjoy drinking a little to much and my diet always goes to shit because I'm off schedule. What do you guys recommend for alcohol outside of beer?
Also, healthy food costs more and you usually have to prepare it. And if you don't eat it quickly, it expires.
One of my friends who was struggling with his weight started a diet and I helped him. When he had to read the nutritional facts he was shocked how much more he was eating than he thought. Especially things like cereal where the serving size is much smaller than you would think. Most people pour a bowl of cereal and they have like 2 servings because that is what actually fills most standard size bowls. Don't even get me started with pasta. I think a cup of pasta is around 300 calories. A cup is tiny as shit. A grown man is gonna need like 2-3 cups to be full. And that doesn't even count the sauces, meats and cheeses people put in them.
Then people go to the gym and do the stupidest stuff. Not trying to be mean to people but they don't do fundamental exercises that burn calories and put on muscle. People should always do bench presses, deadlifts, push ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and any other compound movement because they work multiple muscles and you burn so many calories after the workout is over. Yet people go there and do all these static exercises like machine curls and ab workouts which won't actually show your abs if the fat is showing anyway. Then they get on an elliptical for 45 minutes and probably work off 300 calories in that time. Yet, you could do burpees in 15 minutes and burn that much.
No matter what though... you could have the best plan in the world... and if you only stick to it for a month or 2 and then fall back to your old way, you will go back to how you looked. If you have a good but less effective plan and you stick to it forever, the results will stick even if they take longer to get to.
One thing I think is underrated is yoga. Helps with stress and can be pretty tough to hold some of those poses as well.
What you said might be true among a lot of people, but you also have to realize that a lot of people have terrible food and exercise habits and on top of that they are not honest with themselves, let alone other people that report their information too. People don't move nearly as much in the USA as a lot of other countries and it shows. You go to restaurants and the portion sizes are ginormous. You can get something at Cheesecake Factory called Miso Salmon which comes with rice and veggies. Most people think salmon is healthy. That meal is over 1,500 calories because of all the hidden calories. People are lazy to cook and go out to eat. Then they don't realize how much they eat. People eat veggies like broccoli but they fry them in oil. It can add several hundred calories.
There is actually a lot of good reports about IF. Yet, people keep getting more and more obese in this country. Why? Because they can't stick with their diets and workout regimens. They give up over time. It has to be a lifestyle for it to work.
Agree with most of this. I run more than I lift, and running is a good calorie burning exercise, but when I lift it's bench, squat, deadlift, military press, lunges. Only the big ones. The right types of yoga are monsters. I used to do bikram. Amazing workout.
I would gladly have that 1500 calorie meal just leave out that useless rice. My meals are usually in the range of 1000 to 1500 calories anyway but I only eat 2 a day. I skip breakfast, the least important meal of the day. Wouldn’t mind oil on my veggies either, as long as it’s not one of the overly processed cheap faked oils. All fats are not to be treated equal either. Keto users avoid vegetable, canola and the cheaper processed oils just as much as they avoid sugar.
Rather than point out what fat people do wrong and paint it all with a broad brush, I’d say the biggest problem is they’re given bad info. As with the Biggest loser contestants, nobody told them their metabolisms were going to be fucked up for years so they now had to eat about 500 calories less a day than the average person their size just to maintain that weight loss. Nobody explained to them the significance about keeping their insulin levels raised throughout the day with sugary food and drinks. They were just following the standard calories in/calories out nonsense.
I think most info constantly pumped out through the mainstream is bs and people would be better off figuring things out for themselves rather than listen to this or that cause it’s what all are being told to believe.
Also, healthy food costs more and you usually have to prepare it. And if you don't eat it quickly, it expires.
One of my friends who was struggling with his weight started a diet and I helped him. When he had to read the nutritional facts he was shocked how much more he was eating than he thought. Especially things like cereal where the serving size is much smaller than you would think. Most people pour a bowl of cereal and they have like 2 servings because that is what actually fills most standard size bowls. Don't even get me started with pasta. I think a cup of pasta is around 300 calories. A cup is tiny as shit. A grown man is gonna need like 2-3 cups to be full. And that doesn't even count the sauces, meats and cheeses people put in them.
Then people go to the gym and do the stupidest stuff. Not trying to be mean to people but they don't do fundamental exercises that burn calories and put on muscle. People should always do bench presses, deadlifts, push ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and any other compound movement because they work multiple muscles and you burn so many calories after the workout is over. Yet people go there and do all these static exercises like machine curls and ab workouts which won't actually show your abs if the fat is showing anyway. Then they get on an elliptical for 45 minutes and probably work off 300 calories in that time. Yet, you could do burpees in 15 minutes and burn that much.
No matter what though... you could have the best plan in the world... and if you only stick to it for a month or 2 and then fall back to your old way, you will go back to how you looked. If you have a good but less effective plan and you stick to it forever, the results will stick even if they take longer to get to.
One thing I think is underrated is yoga. Helps with stress and can be pretty tough to hold some of those poses as well.