OT Kapernick gets 6 year/$60M extension


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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LOL @ "peaked already".

While I too would laugh at 1.5 years worth of starts being a quarterback's peak its also not really reassuring that with so much available to him offensively he has not done better.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
So you rank him 7th then, and way younger than 4 of them?

Since he is way younger than 4 of them yet lacks pure qb skills he should be in the same line as HOFers and All-pros?

Les Grossman

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Jun 22, 2011
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This is Spartan and bearmick when they hear someone is starting a new thread about Cutler:



2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Aug 20, 2012
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Richmond, VA
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Wow...the panties are indeed bunched up. No need to get up in arms. You just need to follow Bearmick's claim from way back about being the best (serious too) and how he can be amazing for a few plays which anyone can also point to several games where he was just plain bad...which I pointed out...."dumbass". You need to follow a little better and not be soo biased.

In this thread here is where it was talked about Kap being amazing for a few plays:

I keep hearing the experts on tv saying that he's been to 3 straight NFC Championships so he deserves it. Not saying he doesn't deserve it but isn't that reaching a bit for a reason? He threw 5 passes in 2011.

That's what makes Kaep so special; he can achieve greatness in just a few plays.

If you don't see the sarcasm in that post then maybe you should do a better job at following and not be so biased? And if you are referencing another thread, it would then seem like your panties are a little bunched up.

And as I pointed out again, it was not just the NFCCG, how about the Colts game or Seattle early this year? Colts D was really bad and he couldn't even score...in prevent, Carolina as well...etc. These are just the facts about Kap when he is behind he can't even throw for yards or let alone score TDs along with his accuracy and read issues that soo many posters have pointed out (along with Montana lol). And about top qbs....He is not. Peyton Brady Brees Rodgers are tops...heck even Andrew Luck and Wilson are better.

And as I stated previously I completely acknowledge Kap had a few bad games...but he got paid because he has shown to be athletic and talented, and has been able to play efficient in Harbaugh's system (see his 90+ rating in 1.5 years of starting). Smart GM's pay players for their future value and not for past success and the Niners feel Kap was worth that contract. I also feel that in a few years that long term contract for Kap will show to be a smart move on the Niners part.

And I never said he was Manning, Brady, Brees or Rodgers...but he is definitely one of the top young QB's in the game. Luck, Wilson, and Kap are three of the best young QB's playing the game today and based off of Kap's contract both of them are going to get contracts exceeding that amount.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
In this thread here is where it was talked about Kap being amazing for a few plays:

If you don't see the sarcasm in that post then maybe you should do a better job at following and not be so biased? And if you are referencing another thread, it would then seem like your panties are a little bunched up.

And as I stated previously I completely acknowledge Kap had a few bad games...but he got paid because he has shown to be athletic and talented, and has been able to play efficient in Harbaugh's system (see his 90+ rating in 1.5 years of starting). Smart GM's pay players for their future value and not for past success and the Niners feel Kap was worth that contract. I also feel that in a few years that long term contract for Kap will show to be a smart move on the Niners part.

And I never said he was Manning, Brady, Brees or Rodgers...but he is definitely one of the top young QB's in the game. Luck, Wilson, and Kap are three of the best young QB's playing the game today and based off of Kap's contract both of them are going to get contracts exceeding that amount.

If you don't know by now Bearmick's complete bias in some players such as Grossman/Kap, then I think you need to revisit the sarcasm versus straight seriousness in that claim. We all know this by now. We can spin it however we want with ifs and buts about his future performance but bottom line is that right now he was overpaid from his qb performance thus far.

Don't take my word for it....just ask the great Montana and Young


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Aug 20, 2012
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Richmond, VA
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If you don't know by now Bearmick's complete bias in some players such as Grossman/Kap, then I think you need to revisit the sarcasm versus straight seriousness in that claim. We all know this by now. We can spin it however we want with ifs and buts about his future performance but bottom line is that right now he was overpaid from his qb performance thus far.

Don't take my word for it....just ask the great Montana and Young

Trust me, your word would be the last one I take...and no matter what QB, after 1.5 years of starting every QB would be overpaid based off past performance. The whole purpose of "overpaying" him is based off of what he will give the franchise in the future. Giving Wilson or Luck a contract like that would be considered overpaying, but based off of current contract rates and what they bring to the table in terms of future performance, then Kap's contract probably will turn out to be right in line with his performance. Yes that is pure speculation, but the GM and coach running that team feel he is worth it...so it doesn't matter want the great Montana and Young think.


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Aug 20, 2012
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Richmond, VA
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CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Pretty funny that so many people are still grappling with the idea that contracts increase annually. And that teams prefer a somewhat unproven QB with upside to no QB.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Trust me, your word would be the last one I take...and no matter what QB, after 1.5 years of starting every QB would be overpaid based off past performance. The whole purpose of "overpaying" him is based off of what he will give the franchise in the future. Giving Wilson or Luck a contract like that would be considered overpaying, but based off of current contract rates and what they bring to the table in terms of future performance, then Kap's contract probably will turn out to be right in line with his performance. Yes that is pure speculation, but the GM and coach running that team feel he is worth it...so it doesn't matter want the great Montana and Young think.

"After 1.5 years of starting experience every qb would be overpaid".....had to chuckle and stop reading right there. Under no circumstance, no team would ever ever underpay or give fair value for past performance, right? Thanks for the laugh and Montana is just talking out his butt huh? He doesn't know squat about the qb performance. Just give that running qb the $$$$$


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
"After 1.5 years of starting experience every qb would be overpaid".....had to chuckle and stop reading right there. Under no circumstance, no team would ever ever underpay or give fair value for past performance, right? Thanks for the laugh and Montana is just talking out his butt huh? He doesn't know squat about the qb performance. Just give that running qb the $$$$$

Paying for past performance is what loser GMs and clueless fans base their opinion upon, e.g., resign Url, Olin, etc. Sentimentality.

Past performance is only useful as a measurement tool for future value (within this context).

A couple additional thoughts:

1. ppghat - Guano is So-Cal, so he has a natural bias and hatred toward all things 49er. He rags on their every move, their personnel, everything. It's ok, there's an instinctive bias that most California sports fans understand. Forget the fact that the 49ers could bitch-slap the Bears every which way on the field.

2. as for my thoughts on Kap's new contract, as others have pointed out, it's all relative. I have never uttered a negative comment about Cutler, I'm not in that camp, but I sure as hell know given a choice between Cutler and Kap I would take Kap in a nano-second, so in my book Kap is clearly worth more in terms of a contractual commitment. He should have a better contract than Cutler, I believe, and most fans outside this kool-aided forum believe, he will add more value and perform better over the next 5 to 6 years than Cutler. And that's not a knock on Cutler in any way.


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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Paying for past performance is what loser GMs and clueless fans base their opinion upon, e.g., resign Url, Olin, etc. Sentimentality.

Past performance is only useful as a measurement tool for future value (within this context).

A couple additional thoughts:

1. ppghat - Guano is So-Cal, so he has a natural bias and hatred toward all things 49er. He rags on their every move, their personnel, everything. It's ok, there's an instinctive bias that most California sports fans understand. Forget the fact that the 49ers could bitch-slap the Bears every which way on the field.

2. as for my thoughts on Kap's new contract, as others have pointed out, it's all relative. I have never uttered a negative comment about Cutler, I'm not in that camp, but I sure as hell know given a choice between Cutler and Kap I would take Kap in a nano-second, so in my book Kap is clearly worth more in terms of a contractual commitment. He should have a better contract than Cutler, I believe, and most fans outside this kool-aided forum believe, he will add more value and perform better over the next 5 to 6 years than Cutler. And that's not a knock on Cutler in any way.

you are way off base thinking he will outperform cutler over the next 3 years cutler is sitting in the drivers seat of what in my honest opinion is hands down the best offense in the nfl right now. and I see no reason why it wont stay that way for at least the next 3 seasons (3 seasons is my base number because that's as long as I see cutler wearing a bears uni at this point)


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
you are way off base thinking he will outperform cutler over the next 3 years cutler is sitting in the drivers seat of what in my honest opinion is hands down the best offense in the nfl right now. and I see no reason why it wont stay that way for at least the next 3 seasons (3 seasons is my base number because that's as long as I see cutler wearing a bears uni at this point)

Well, ok, I will respect your opinion, and we shall disagree. Don't forget to factor in the OLs, where I think SF has a much bigger advantage than most appreciate.

Regardless, the point i was making was relative value: who would you rather have, Kap or Cutler? Most non-Bears-kool-aiders would choose Kap, who i believe is worth more than Cutler.

I alos believe that if Kap was a Bear and we just signed him to an identical contract as he has, we would have 200+ pages of Cliff Stein is a fucking genius, we signed a young dual-threat franchise QB, etc. Funny to see a few handful of homers criticize the deal when I'm pretty sure they would jerk-off on it if he was a Bear (not pointing a finger at you btw).

Unannounced Fart

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This is the type contract most players would pass on. It's reliant on performance and staying injury free and protects the Niners in case he should get injured. The contract seems to protect the team more than the player, again the type contract most players would shy away from. Either Kaep has a very bad agent or he's every bit as confident in himself and his abilities as he appears to be.

Exactly. Regardless of whether anyone thinks Kaep was worth the money, the fact that the 49ers can walk away from this contract so easily makes me think his agents are Special person. They surely could have gotten a deal with more protection for Kaep.


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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Well, ok, I will respect your opinion, and we shall disagree. Don't forget to factor in the OLs, where I think SF has a much bigger advantage than most appreciate.

Regardless, the point i was making was relative value: who would you rather have, Kap or Cutler? Most non-Bears-kool-aiders would choose Kap, who i believe is worth more than Cutler.

I alos believe that if Kap was a Bear and we just signed him to an identical contract as he has, we would have 200+ pages of Cliff Stein is a fucking genius, we signed a young dual-threat franchise QB, etc. Funny to see a few handful of homers criticize the deal when I'm pretty sure they would jerk-off on it if he was a Bear (not pointing a finger at you btw).

lol id rather have luck then newton then Wilson then kap that's where I rate him outta the young qbs with the kid in philly next

but if it was reversed and the bears traded for kap id say it was a solid move because they would be younger and have honestly imho a guy whos ceiling is somewhere in the cutler/ romo area


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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I alos believe that if Kap was a Bear and we just signed him to an identical contract as he has, we would have 200+ pages of Cliff Stein is a fucking genius, we signed a young dual-threat franchise QB, etc. Funny to see a few handful of homers criticize the deal when I'm pretty sure they would jerk-off on it if he was a Bear (not pointing a finger at you btw).



CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Why do people like Newton so much? I think he kinda sucks.
