OT Kapernick gets 6 year/$60M extension


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I guess. Oh well. At least he can look back on his conference title game at Soldier Field with a little more pride than some people.

True then he can look ahead to his amazing super bowl passer rating and performance and pray his phone rings


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This has to be a joke right...there is no way someone can be this dense. I would chalk this up to you just trolling but your posting history suggest you actually believe the bs you post...Cam has starter over twice as many games than Kap. We aren't talking about guys who have been in the league for 10-15 years. They both came into the league in two very different situations...one was brought in to start from day one and the other was brought in to be a starter down the road. It's like comparing Cam's career numbers to a 6-7 year starter:

Matt Ryan

23472 yards, 153 TD's, 63.7% comp


11299 yards, 64 TD's, 59.8% comp

By your logic Matt Ryan kills him in production and makes Cam look like a shitty QB.

The fact that you don't get the reasoning why a normal football fan would compare Cam and Kap on a per game basis, just shows that you can't grasp simple concept of comparing apples to apples. The only one looking pathetic at this point is you, I really don't have to respond to you anymore, you do a good enough job making yourself look pretty stupid. It's just too much fun pulling the rug from underneath you. You remind me like the black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, every time someone provides evidence to prove you wrong, you go in complete denial that you were an idiot.


Now you are posting Cam Newton comparisons to Matt Ryan?! :obama: Geez you love making yourself look like an idiot that pulls shit out of his ass when you can't admit you are wrong about production. Really sad but past posts have shown that you do that often. Are you such an idiot that you are comparing someone who.has been in the league from 2008 to Cam AND KAP in 2011? "Apples to apples"? You just can't even comprehend a simple fact that both qbs were drafted in 2011 and Kap could have beaten out the great Alex Smith but he wasn't ready yet because he wasn't a game ready qb. Who's fault is that? An early 2nd rounder Kap could have started like a later drafted Russell Wilson 3rd rounder in case you didn't know or Dalton drafted after Kap. Gosh you are such an idiot making lame excuses for your horrible logic.

So how did a raw Wilson 3rd rounder take a starting job from a paid starter Flynn again? Whoops..he beat him in camp. You can compare 2 qbs drafted in the same draft in early rounds from 2011 in Newton & Kap. Any logical person would and analysts have. Newton has played more games because he was/is better and his 11k yards with over 2k rushing yards with 64 passing TDs and 28 rushing TDs outperforms Kap and his 5k passing yards with 31 TDs and only 900 rushing yards and only 9 rushing TDs. You are really a dolt to compare Matt Ryan and just babble nonsense.

Newton's 2 pro bowls and NFL record for rushing TDs as a qb in his rookie year along with rookie of the year honors speaks for itself as does his production. Just because Kap couldn't beat out Alex Smith is a sorry excuse for Kap's lesser production. Cam's rookie year records and 14 rushing TDs still totally outperform Kap's career rushingat 9 TDs LOL along with his career. Sorry...those are the #s that you can't comprehend. Maybe compare him to Brady next time while you are at it to make yourself look even more like a dolt. Just pick 2 qbs drafted early in the same year like Kap and Newton....whoops:obama:


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Nice backtrack but we aren't talking about Rex Grossman. You said that Kap's limitations as a passer kept him from being as good as the other young QBs. I showed the facts that proved you wrong, and that in actual fact his numbers as a passer are better than Newton. Then you started talking about his production being half of Newton's, to which you were shown the starts which showed that he's had less than half the amount of games. Now you're talking about Rex freaking Grossman. You're an idiot, Guapo. Go drool on something.

Damn no wonder everyone tees off on you for being the dumbest troll who is always wrong all the time...it is just too easy. So you saying Kap and his 9 rushing TDs and 31 passing TDs are more than Newton's 28 rushing TDs (more than triple the production if you can do the math) and 64 passing TDs?

Yup...you are right again in your fantasy world. Please never change. Newton and his rookie records and player of the year and NFL record for qb rushing TDs are better than Kap...let's not forget 2 pro bowls as well. Deal with it


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Now you are posting Cam Newton comparisons to Matt Ryan?! :obama: Geez you love making yourself look like an idiot that pulls shit out of his ass when you can't admit you are wrong about production. Really sad but past posts have shown that you do that often. Are you such an idiot that you are comparing someone who.has been in the league from 2008 to Cam AND KAP in 2011? "Apples to apples"? You just can't even comprehend a simple fact that both qbs were drafted in 2011 and Kap could have beaten out the great Alex Smith but he wasn't ready yet because he wasn't a game ready qb. Who's fault is that? An early 2nd rounder Kap could have started like a later drafted Russell Wilson 3rd rounder in case you didn't know or Dalton drafted after Kap. Gosh you are such an idiot making lame excuses for your horrible logic.

I'm now starting to think you are trolling now...if you are too dumb to see the comparison I used is to show how your comparison of Cam to Kap is ridiculous then there isn't much I can do. The point that was being made was Ryan who has double the starts coincidentally has double the production...just like Cam who has double the starts to Kap has double the production. Yes Kap and Cam were in the same draft class but they took over as starters at 2 different points in their careers. I know you don't have a leg to stand on but no one can be this fucking dumb...so do yourself and all of us a favor and stop grasping at straws because it is turning pretty sad at this point. So let me break it down to you in simpler terms...saying a player has outperformed someone based on numbers accumulated by double the starts of the of subject = apples to oranges (hence the ryan to cam comparison to show how your logic was stupid)...taking those same players and breaking the stats down to a per game basis = apples to apples (what any person with a brain can comprehend).

So how did a raw Wilson 3rd rounder take a starting job from a paid starter Flynn again? Whoops..he beat him in camp. You can compare 2 qbs drafted in the same draft in early rounds from 2011 in Newton & Kap. Any logical person would and analysts have. Newton has played more games because he was/is better and his 11k yards with over 2k rushing yards with 64 passing TDs and 28 rushing TDs outperforms Kap and his 5k passing yards with 31 TDs and only 900 rushing yards and only 9 rushing TDs. You are really a dolt to compare Matt Ryan and just babble nonsense.

Wilson beat out a QB who has been bouncing around the league trying to collect a pay check...Kap sat behind a QB who ended up having his best year as a QB up until that point...excellent example Guano, what even funnier is after Kap did beat him out as a starting QB from actual play in games that matter...Smith went to a Kansas City team that went 2-14 in 2012 and jumped to an 11-5 record after Smith joined the team. So don't comparing smith to Matt Flynn is just ridiculous and stupid. But again keep grasping at those straws, your continued ridiculous comparisons are just proof that you are truly an idiot of epic proportions.

Newton's 2 pro bowls and NFL record for rushing TDs as a qb in his rookie year along with rookie of the year honors speaks for itself as does his production. Just because Kap couldn't beat out Alex Smith is a sorry excuse for Kap's lesser production. Cam's rookie year records and 14 rushing TDs still totally outperform Kap's career rushingat 9 TDs LOL along with his career. Sorry...those are the #s that you can't comprehend. Maybe compare him to Brady next time while you are at it to make yourself look even more like a dolt. Just pick 2 qbs drafted early in the same year like Kap and Newton....whoops:obama:

Yes Newton's accomplishments do speak volumes of the caliber player that he is, he is part of that group of great young QB's that are in the league now...and the fact that Kap is as efficient of a QB and is producing at a similar rate (on a per game basis) shows that Kap has tremendous upside and that all though his contract is very high...if he continues to perform like he has, his contract could be quite a deal for SF along with the fact the Niners have protected themselves from Kap getting injured/underperforming...it is just hard to knock Kap getting that contract.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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I think all the young guys, Kaepernick, Wilson, Newton, are great. Don't understand the NFL market sometimes. You mean to tell me you can get a young healthy stallion like Kaepernick who has all kinds of post season experience for the same price as an older diseased, injury prone, no playoff happening, poor leader who still hasn't realized his potential after 8 years? I'll take that deal every time.


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Aug 21, 2012
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I'm now starting to think you are trolling now...if you are too dumb to see the comparison I used is to show how your comparison of Cam to Kap is ridiculous then there isn't much I can do. The point that was being made was Ryan who has double the starts coincidentally has double the production...just like Cam who has double the starts to Kap has double the production. Yes Kap and Cam were in the same draft class but they took over as starters at 2 different points in their careers. I know you don't have a leg to stand on but no one can be this fucking dumb...so do yourself and all of us a favor and stop grasping at straws because it is turning pretty sad at this point. So let me break it down to you in simpler terms...saying a player has outperformed someone based on numbers accumulated by double the starts of the of subject = apples to oranges (hence the ryan to cam comparison to show how your logic was stupid)...taking those same players and breaking the stats down to a per game basis = apples to apples (what any person with a brain can comprehend).

Wilson beat out a QB who has been bouncing around the league trying to collect a pay check...Kap sat behind a QB who ended up having his best year as a QB up until that point...excellent example Guano, what even funnier is after Kap did beat him out as a starting QB from actual play in games that matter...Smith went to a Kansas City team that went 2-14 in 2012 and jumped to an 11-5 record after Smith joined the team. So don't comparing smith to Matt Flynn is just ridiculous and stupid. But again keep grasping at those straws, your continued ridiculous comparisons are just proof that you are truly an idiot of epic proportions.

Yes Newton's accomplishments do speak volumes of the caliber player that he is, he is part of that group of great young QB's that are in the league now...and the fact that Kap is as efficient of a QB and is producing at a similar rate (on a per game basis) shows that Kap has tremendous upside and that all though his contract is very high...if he continues to perform like he has, his contract could be quite a deal for SF along with the fact the Niners have protected themselves from Kap getting injured/underperforming...it is just hard to knock Kap getting that contract.

I wasn't going to respond to your completely idiotic rant but once your faulty and horrible logic said that Flynn is bouncing around the league trying to collect a paycheck, while Flynn at the time got a big multiyear deal to START for Seattle while Wilson sat. I can't stop laughing at how much of an idiot you are. Geez you just can't admit you are wrong in your denial that Kap couldn't beat out the great Alex Smith while Wilson a 3RD ROUND QB beat out Fylnn. And Kap was drafted in the EARLY 2ND!:clap: Geez...your excuses and stupidity has no bounds. Great logic there.

Answer me this excuse o matic.....How and why did Jake Locker beat out a very good Hasselback at the beginning of his 2nd year to start, while Kap couldn't even beat out a worse qb in Alex Smith? How many games did it take Kap into the 2nd year when he had a full year and change? You truly have dug yourself into a hole where you look like a complete fucking moron here. Great logic there. Honestly...you can't really answer without admitting Kap wasn't up to par while Newton was setting NFL records his rookie year when Kap was on the bench. You are really the most idiotic poster to either not see this or just deny it and it is pretty sad.

Bottom line is Newton's production in yards, passing TDs, and rushing TDs is more than double as expected by playing more but when Newton more than triples the rushing TD production and actually was good enough to set NFL rookie records (and have more rushing TDs in his rookie year than Kap has in his entire career lol, plus TRIPLE the production overall) while Kap was riding the bench speaks volumes. Kap wasn't good enough to beat out the great Alex Smith...his own fault. Babble and make excuses all you want but the fact remains that they will be compared and have been by coming out in he SAME DRAFT and Newton being more productive, which he has.

Answer this production question. What is way better production, 28 TDs or 9TDs? I cap locked the important words so you can see them better and hopefully respond like your usual dribble to them.

Deal with those facts and move on before you look like more of a complete moron by not admitting these obvious facts:obama:
Last edited:


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
I guess that means that the fact that Newton has set NFL records and has triple the production rushing than Kap let alone was good enough to start before 2 years didn't really happen and my dislike for another team has changed those #s and facts huh:obama:

I also hate GB so I guess if I post some facts and stats such as they got beat by the Bengals and Rodgers turned the ball over...it didn't happen.

Thanks for the laugh and chiming in


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I wasn't going to respond to your completely idiotic rant but once your faulty and horrible logic said that Flynn is bouncing around the league trying to collect a paycheck, while Flynn at the time got a big multiyear deal to START for Seattle while Wilson sat. I can't stop laughing at how much of an idiot you are. Geez you just can't admit you are wrong in your denial that Kap couldn't beat out the great Alex Smith while Wilson a 3RD ROUND QB beat out Fylnn. And Kap was drafted in the EARLY 2ND!:clap: Geez...your excuses and stupidity has no bounds. Great logic there.

Answer me this excuse o matic.....How and why did Jake Locker beat out a very good Hasselback at the beginning of his 2nd year to start, while Kap couldn't even beat out a worse qb in Alex Smith? How many games did it take Kap into the 2nd year when he had a full year and change? You truly have dug yourself into a hole where you look like a complete fucking moron here. Great logic there. Honestly...you can't really answer without admitting Kap wasn't up to par while Newton was setting NFL records his rookie year when Kap was on the bench. You are really the most idiotic poster to either not see this or just deny it and it is pretty sad.

Bottom line is Newton's production in yards, passing TDs, and rushing TDs is more than double as expected by playing more but when Newton more than triples the rushing TD production and actually was good enough to set NFL rookie records (and have more rushing TDs in his rookie year than Kap has in his entire career lol, plus TRIPLE the production overall) while Kap was riding the bench speaks volumes. Kap wasn't good enough to beat out the great Alex Smith...his own fault. Babble and make excuses all you want but the fact remains that they will be compared and have been by coming out in he SAME DRAFT and Newton being more productive, which he has.

Answer this production question. What is way better production, 28 TDs or 9TDs? I cap locked the important words so you can see them better and hopefully respond like your usual dribble to them.

Deal with those facts and move on before you look like more of a complete moron by not admitting these obvious facts:obama:

going to take mick's advice because you truly are the dumbest poster on here and that is saying a lot considering Jeff George still posts here. So instead of wasting my time I will post a series of pictures that summarizes what you just posted.





Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
Guapo hates anything SF, always has people.

True. He rants about the weaknesses of their D, truth is, all of us would trade our D for theirs every day of the week.

And this notion of "Kap couldn't even beat out Alex Smith" is just so misguided it doesn't even warrant a reply.


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Newport Beach, CA
going to take mick's advice because you truly are the dumbest poster on here and that is saying a lot considering Jeff George still posts here. So instead of wasting my time I will post a series of pictures that summarizes what you just posted.




I wouldn't want to respond and look like the most moronic poster as well if I were you and couldn't answer a few simple questions:

Instead of pics I will put numbers next to a few key points that you haven't addressed because then you would be admitting your idiocy. Here we go:

1. Why did a 3rd round small raw rookie beat out a high paid starter in Flynn as a rookie? Why did Jake Locker and his greatness beat out a way better qb in Hasselback than Alex Smith the beginning of his 2nd year? Why did Kap not beat out the worse Alex Smith the first or at the minimum beginning of his 2nd year as he should have? Give you a hint....because he wasn't good enough to be ready and didn't perform as well as the other qbs. He just wasn't good enough to be ready to start. Who's fault is that again?

2. Is 28>9? Is 28 rushing TDs way better production than 9? A simple yes or no will do to test if you are really not insane and can understand a simple concept...like math.

3. Are qbs from the same draft class compared so often such as the amazing 83 draft, Peyton vs Leaf lol, Eli vs Rivers vs Big Ben, and all the article comparisons between the great Alex Smith vs Rodgers. Are you really that much of an idiot to not address this. Whether you do or not, that IS the way it is and will be over and over again and Newton has been more productive...it is a fact so keep looking like a sad and pathetic excuse o matic and deal with the reality of the situation.

I understand if you don't want to answer these questions with simple answers and keep the excuses flowing


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P.S. I finally have my Fecal Fivesome assembled and stalking once again :facepalm2::obama::turrible::cubspalm::troll:

Glad the stalking band is back together again and drooling.


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3. Are qbs from the same draft class compared so often such as the amazing 83 draft, Peyton vs Leaf lol, Eli vs Rivers vs Big Ben, and all the article comparisons between the great Alex Smith vs Rodgers. Are you really that much of an idiot to not address this. Whether you do or not, that IS the way it is and will be over and over again and Newton has been more productive...it is a fact so keep looking like a sad and pathetic excuse o matic and deal with the reality of the situation.

Guano's gone full Special person.

I believe the comparison he's looking for is Newton vs Gabbert


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I wouldn't want to respond and look like the most moronic poster as well if I were you and couldn't answer a few simple questions:

Instead of pics I will put numbers next to a few key points that you haven't addressed because then you would be admitting your idiocy. Here we go:

1. Why did a 3rd round small raw rookie beat out a high paid starter in Flynn as a rookie? Why did Jake Locker and his greatness beat out a way better qb in Hasselback than Alex Smith the beginning of his 2nd year? Why did Kap not beat out the worse Alex Smith the first or at the minimum beginning of his 2nd year as he should have? Give you a hint....because he wasn't good enough to be ready and didn't perform as well as the other qbs. He just wasn't good enough to be ready to start. Who's fault is that again?

High paid starter in Flynn, want to take a wild guess on how many games Flynn started before he came to Seattle? 2, 2 games one was in week 14 and the other was in week 17 because they were resting Rodgers...so don't make it out to be some incredible feat that Wilson beat out a career backup who will always be a career back up. Only reason why it got press was because of how much the Seahawks paid Flynn and that Carroll had the balls to go with the rookie instead. Locker beat out a 37 year old Hassebeck after he sat behind him his rookie year...Locker was drafted to be the starter much sooner after he was drafted 8th overall, pretty sure even Hasselbeck knew Locker was going to start...Now here is a question for you, what teams are these great QB's like Flynn and Hasselbeck starting for this year? Here is a hint, none. You shit on Kap for not beating out a "worse" Alex Smith...but Smith is a starting QB for a team that just went 11-5 and made the playoffs. Not to mention how many 1st year HC have started a 3rd round rookie over a veteran QB...then benched the veteran QB the year after they went 13-3 with the QB and made the NFCCG. So you can keep claiming Alex Smith was horrible, but you are wrong just like you are wrong about pretty much everything

2. Is 28>9? Is 28 rushing TDs way better production than 9? A simple yes or no will do to test if you are really not insane and can understand a simple concept...like math.

is 48 greater than 23....Is 48 games started over double the amount of 23 games started? Its a simple math problem?

3. Are qbs from the same draft class compared so often such as the amazing 83 draft, Peyton vs Leaf lol, Eli vs Rivers vs Big Ben, and all the article comparisons between the great Alex Smith vs Rodgers. Are you really that much of an idiot to not address this. Whether you do or not, that IS the way it is and will be over and over again and Newton has been more productive...it is a fact so keep looking like a sad and pathetic excuse o matic and deal with the reality of the situation.

Are you that dumb that you can't see that both QB's came into two very different situations? One came in to be the starter from day one where the other came in to be a developmental QB. The reality of the situation was one (Newton) was needed to be a day 1 starter and the other (Kap) did not need to be a day 1 starter, much less expected to beat out the QB that was part of a 13-3 team coming off of a NFCCG.

I understand if you don't want to answer these questions with simple answers and keep the excuses flowing

You are a piece of work though, even when I know you are trolling you still get me to respond...I'll give you that, you may be the dumbest kid on here but you can still get us to respond to your idiocy.


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So for RB's...is Guano reliant on their passing TDs to determine who is better?
