OT Kapernick gets 6 year/$60M extension


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High paid starter in Flynn, want to take a wild guess on how many games Flynn started before he came to Seattle? 2, 2 games one was in week 14 and the other was in week 17 because they were resting Rodgers...so don't make it out to be some incredible feat that Wilson beat out a career backup who will always be a career back up. Only reason why it got press was because of how much the Seahawks paid Flynn and that Carroll had the balls to go with the rookie instead. Locker beat out a 37 year old Hassebeck after he sat behind him his rookie year...Locker was drafted to be the starter much sooner after he was drafted 8th overall, pretty sure even Hasselbeck knew Locker was going to start...Now here is a question for you, what teams are these great QB's like Flynn and Hasselbeck starting for this year? Here is a hint, none. You shit on Kap for not beating out a "worse" Alex Smith...but Smith is a starting QB for a team that just went 11-5 and made the playoffs. Not to mention how many 1st year HC have started a 3rd round rookie over a veteran QB...then benched the veteran QB the year after they went 13-3 with the QB and made the NFCCG. So you can keep claiming Alex Smith was horrible, but you are wrong just like you are wrong about pretty much everything

is 48 greater than 23....Is 48 games started over double the amount of 23 games started? Its a simple math problem?

Are you that dumb that you can't see that both QB's came into two very different situations? One came in to be the starter from day one where the other came in to be a developmental QB. The reality of the situation was one (Newton) was needed to be a day 1 starter and the other (Kap) did not need to be a day 1 starter, much less expected to beat out the QB that was part of a 13-3 team coming off of a NFCCG.

You are a piece of work though, even when I know you are trolling you still get me to respond...I'll give you that, you may be the dumbest kid on here but you can still get us to respond to your idiocy.

Sooo now you are saying that since Hasselback doesn't start now that means something years ago when he was beat out by Locker lmfao! Horrible logic and way to skirt the issue. You are such an idiot and I can't believe you actually wrote that.....actually I can....instead of admitting that Hasselback was a very good qb at the time. You can't even admit that fact because it would destroy your pathetic point that you are drowning. And Alex Smith on another team now instead of the 9ers now:doorrofl: You are looking pretty pathetic right now and wrong as usual.

So as I stated before Newton played more than Kap but you still can't even admit the fact or answer this basic math productivity question:

Is 28>9? More than double? More than TRIPLE PRODUCTIVITY? I asked you a simple math question and asked you to say YES OR NO and all you did was babble excuses because you can't admit you are wrong again as usual and look like a complete idiot! So I ask you again...can you finally admit that 28>9??? Just a yes or no instead of your babbling illogical sad excuses and while you are at it, does the world compare SAME draft class qbs? Geez you are looking like an idiot right now...just say YES to both and move on...it's ok brah:dilfer:


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Sooo now you are saying that since Hasselback doesn't start now that means something years ago when he was beat out by Locker lmfao! Horrible logic and way to skirt the issue. You are such an idiot and I can't believe you actually wrote that.....actually I can....instead of admitting that Hasselback was a very good qb at the time. You can't even admit that fact because it would destroy your pathetic point that you are drowning. And Alex Smith on another team now instead of the 9ers now:doorrofl: You are looking pretty pathetic right now and wrong as usual.


And the 9ers thought Smith was disposable when Kaep became the starter


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Sooo now you are saying that since Hasselback doesn't start now that means something years ago when he was beat out by Locker lmfao! Horrible logic and way to skirt the issue. You are such an idiot and I can't believe you actually wrote that.....actually I can....instead of admitting that Hasselback was a very good qb at the time. You can't even admit that fact because it would destroy your pathetic point that you are drowning. And Alex Smith on another team now instead of the 9ers now:doorrofl: You are looking pretty pathetic right now and wrong as usual.

Locker beat out Hasselbeck 2 years ago and has started a whopping 5 games since being demoted and that was in injury relief. So after he was released last off season and teams like Jacksonville, Cleveland, Minnesota, and Arizona who all had shaky starters could have signed this "good" QB, he chooses to backup one of the best young QB's in the league? Saying a QB is good in an attempt to fit your argument doesn't make it true. Hasselbeck has been on a decline since his last couple years in Seattle. Locker didn't beat out the Hasselbeck who was good, he beat out the Hassellbeck who was at the tail end of his career and makes a solid backup...And Alex Smith isn't just on a team. He is the starter for a team that just went 11-5. No matter how you cut it Smith is a good QB.

So as I stated before Newton played more than Kap but you still can't even admit the fact or answer this basic math productivity question:

Is 28>9? More than double? More than TRIPLE PRODUCTIVITY? I asked you a simple math question and asked you to say YES OR NO and all you did was babble excuses because you can't admit you are wrong again as usual and look like a complete idiot! So I ask you again...can you finally admit that 28>9??? Just a yes or no instead of your babbling illogical sad excuses and while you are at it, does the world compare SAME draft class qbs? Geez you are looking like an idiot right now...just say YES to both and move on...it's ok brah:dilfer:

And you can't admit that you look like a freaking Special person when comparing two players productivity when one has started over double the amount of games. You can keep trying to make it sound like there is a huge difference between the two players but the fact of the matter is Cam has started more games and in the game Kap has played in he has shown to be able to put up similar production. So just stop, it is getting very sad responding to you. Everyone already knows you are an idiot so there is no need to further confirm it. We get it, when you make a horrible point and get called out on it you will grasp at any straw to try and save face. So do yourself a favor and just stop, because you aren't helping your cause.


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And you can't admit that you look like a freaking Special person when comparing two players productivity when one has started over double the amount of games. You can keep trying to make it sound like there is a huge difference between the two players but the fact of the matter is Cam has started more games and in the game Kap has played in he has shown to be able to put up similar production. So just stop, it is getting very sad responding to you. Everyone already knows you are an idiot so there is no need to further confirm it. We get it, when you make a horrible point and get called out on it you will grasp at any straw to try and save face. So do yourself a favor and just stop, because you aren't helping your cause.

What I think is the most idiotic is that he's comparing a #1 overall pick to a 2nd round pick. Most #1 overall picks are not expected to sit on the bench come week 1.

Kaep wasn't held to this same expectation.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Locker beat out Hasselbeck 2 years ago and has started a whopping 5 games since being demoted and that was in injury relief. So after he was released last off season and teams like Jacksonville, Cleveland, Minnesota, and Arizona who all had shaky starters could have signed this "good" QB, he chooses to backup one of the best young QB's in the league? Saying a QB is good in an attempt to fit your argument doesn't make it true. Hasselbeck has been on a decline since his last couple years in Seattle. Locker didn't beat out the Hasselbeck who was good, he beat out the Hassellbeck who was at the tail end of his career and makes a solid backup...And Alex Smith isn't just on a team. He is the starter for a team that just went 11-5. No matter how you cut it Smith is a good QB.

And you can't admit that you look like a freaking Special person when comparing two players productivity when one has started over double the amount of games. You can keep trying to make it sound like there is a huge difference between the two players but the fact of the matter is Cam has started more games and in the game Kap has played in he has shown to be able to put up similar production. So just stop, it is getting very sad responding to you. Everyone already knows you are an idiot so there is no need to further confirm it. We get it, when you make a horrible point and get called out on it you will grasp at any straw to try and save face. So do yourself a favor and just stop, because you aren't helping your cause.

You are making some progress from full Special person excuse maker to just an idiot. You finally admit that Locker beat out Hasselback! Good job there, granted by your follow excuses that Hasselbeck was pretty much done, which he was not. Lol Excuses excuses but not bad.

Next up...for the FOURTH TIME, is 28 FAR greater than 9? I didn't ask you to list more excuses or fail at simple math here. Just a simple YES or NO will do here. It's ok bro. You have already showed by skirting this simple math/productivity problem that your idiocy knows no bounds. Your continued skirting of this simple question is just looking soo fucking sad and pathetic right now. So just give me a simple yes or no so everybody can see if you can do simple math or just spew when you can't admit such a simple kindercare question.....soo sad


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Mar 11, 2013
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You are making some progress from full Special person excuse maker to just an idiot. You finally admit that Locker beat out Hasselback! Good job there, granted by your follow excuses that Hasselbeck was pretty much done, which he was not. Lol Excuses excuses but not bad.

Next up...for the FOURTH TIME, is 28 FAR greater than 9? I didn't ask you to list more excuses or fail at simple math here. Just a simple YES or NO will do here. It's ok bro. You have already showed by skirting this simple math/productivity problem that your idiocy knows no bounds. Your continued skirting of this simple question is just looking soo fucking sad and pathetic right now. So just give me a simple yes or no so everybody can see if you can do simple math or just spew when you can't admit such a simple kindercare question.....soo sad

Lol, dude, what is with you and insisting everything to be "sad" and "pathetic". Projection much? I mean, Jesus.


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Mar 11, 2013
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Damn no wonder everyone tees off on you for being the dumbest troll who is always wrong all the time...

Lol, do you have a clue how juvenile and fucking dumb you look when you say shit like this?

You just love to make an ass of yourself and then insist that whoever your arguing with is a "dumb troll" who gets "teed off" constantly.

lol I can tell you right now bruh, the only dumbass troll that people constantly own in this equation, is you. Stop projecting your inadequacy to provide a decent, well thought out argument on other people.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
Lol, do you have a clue how juvenile and fucking dumb you look when you say shit like this?

You just love to make an ass of yourself and then insist that whoever your arguing with is a "dumb troll" who gets "teed off" constantly.

lol I can tell you right now bruh, the only dumbass troll that people constantly own in this equation, is you. Stop projecting your inadequacy to provide a decent, well thought out argument on other people.

The packer troll chimes in. You are about a week late stalker boy. You should have joined the fecal fivesome stalkers as well in fighting a losing cause. Just simple math here. There is indeed a right answer but when idiots like you and a couple others can't own up to such a simple answer, you try to save face and look plain stupid and it is a little sad.

28>>>>9 and that about sums it up. By the way, pot meet kettle. You are by far the biggest troll and your thread where about 10 pages and a shitload of posters did indeed tee off on your ass and the only person that looked like an idiot is you. Sorry troll.

P.S. It took you 2 post to respond LOL Keep up the solid stalking :troll:


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You are making some progress from full Special person excuse maker to just an idiot. You finally admit that Locker beat out Hasselback! Good job there, granted by your follow excuses that Hasselbeck was pretty much done, which he was not. Lol Excuses excuses but not bad.

You are trying way to hard to be right....I never once said Locker didn't beat out Hasselbeck, I stated from the get go that Hasselbeck was beat out by locker in his second year...you were the one who made it out as if Locker beat Hasselbeck when he was in his prime and that Hasselbeck was still considered a top 10 QB. I know it is hard for you to keep up with what is being said with all the reaching you are doing to try and save face, but keep trying it's fun watching you chase your tail.

Next up...for the FOURTH TIME, is 28 FAR greater than 9? I didn't ask you to list more excuses or fail at simple math here. Just a simple YES or NO will do here. It's ok bro. You have already showed by skirting this simple math/productivity problem that your idiocy knows no bounds. Your continued skirting of this simple question is just looking soo fucking sad and pathetic right now. So just give me a simple yes or no so everybody can see if you can do simple math or just spew when you can't admit such a simple kindercare question.....soo sad

And for the 4th time is 48 greater than 23? I didn't ask you to skirt the question and avoid the actual argument here which is that Cam has started in more than double the games Kap has which is why you look stupid when you compare total production between the two. You got called out on your idiocy and you are trying way to hard to save face. It's like comparing two basketball players, one has scored 1000 points but has played in 50 games at 30 minutes/game and the other has scored 500 points in 25 games at 30 minutes/game. Under YOUR logic, the first player would be a much better player because he has scored double the points than the other player. But conventional wisdom would say both players are comparable because on a per game basis both are scoring 20 points a game. You see it is simple math, you just don't get it. When comparing the two on all their stats (not just rushing TD's), Cam has double the production of Kap but in double the games Kap has started in. but when you break it down from when Kap became the starter, the production is quite similar. but go ahead and keep grasping at those straws and focus on the total numbers versus an actual comparison that makes sense. Everyone who has continued to read this thread understands the concept that you can't compare career production for these two after only 3 years especially when one didn't become a starter until a 1.5 years after he was drafted.


v. 2.0: Fully Modded
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May 4, 2010
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Where are you attempting to go with this?

He's just trying to prove that he's really good at Number Munchers.



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I'm guessing he's really bad at this...



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Here's his day job



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Which one is greater....28 or 9?


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Dammit FT...for the 5th time...which is greater...28 or 9!?

No excuses!
