OT Kapernick gets 6 year/$60M extension


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Mar 11, 2013
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The packer troll chimes in. You are about a week late stalker boy. You should have joined the fecal fivesome stalkers as well in fighting a losing cause. Just simple math here. There is indeed a right answer but when idiots like you and a couple others can't own up to such a simple answer, you try to save face and look plain stupid and it is a little sad.

28>>>>9 and that about sums it up. By the way, pot meet kettle. You are by far the biggest troll and your thread where about 10 pages and a shitload of posters did indeed tee off on your ass and the only person that looked like an idiot is you. Sorry troll.

P.S. It took you 2 post to respond LOL Keep up the solid stalking :troll:

Lol no dude, you project your own failings on other people. Your a dumb ass who constantly gets his ass whupped, and then points at other ppl and acts as if they are as laughable as you are. Everyone you argue with you accuse of being "teed off on" lol.

Keep posting though, we will stop laughing one day.


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Lol no dude, you project your own failings on other people. Your a dumb ass who constantly gets his ass whupped, and then points at other ppl and acts as if they are as laughable as you are. Everyone you argue with you accuse of being "teed off on" lol.

Keep posting though, we will stop laughing one day.

As long as he keeps posting, we won't stop laughing


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
You are trying way to hard to be right....I never once said Locker didn't beat out Hasselbeck, I stated from the get go that Hasselbeck was beat out by locker in his second year...you were the one who made it out as if Locker beat Hasselbeck when he was in his prime and that Hasselbeck was still considered a top 10 QB. I know it is hard for you to keep up with what is being said with all the reaching you are doing to try and save face, but keep trying it's fun watching you chase your tail.

And for the 4th time is 48 greater than 23? I didn't ask you to skirt the question and avoid the actual argument here which is that Cam has started in more than double the games Kap has which is why you look stupid when you compare total production between the two. You got called out on your idiocy and you are trying way to hard to save face. It's like comparing two basketball players, one has scored 1000 points but has played in 50 games at 30 minutes/game and the other has scored 500 points in 25 games at 30 minutes/game. Under YOUR logic, the first player would be a much better player because he has scored double the points than the other player. But conventional wisdom would say both players are comparable because on a per game basis both are scoring 20 points a game. You see it is simple math, you just don't get it. When comparing the two on all their stats (not just rushing TD's), Cam has double the production of Kap but in double the games Kap has started in. but when you break it down from when Kap became the starter, the production is quite similar. but go ahead and keep grasping at those straws and focus on the total numbers versus an actual comparison that makes sense. Everyone who has continued to read this thread understands the concept that you can't compare career production for these two after only 3 years especially when one didn't become a starter until a 1.5 years after he was drafted.

Sooo now for the 5th time is 28 >9? You just cannot admit you are wrong on a simple productivity example as well as not being able to do kindercare math. You are seriously really pathetic to no be able to just give a simple answer....YES OR NO!

Nobody said that Hasselback was a top 10 qb. Now you are trying to make shit up just because I pointed out an example of a fellow drafted qb that beat out a better qb in Hasselback than Kap who couldn't beat out the great Alex Smith who has been BENCHED a couple of times:obama: Damn you are an idiot to not get that concept. I love watching you come up with different excuses to try to save dace from being such an idiot and not being able to back up your faulty claim. It was Kap who didn't beat out the starter until the middle of year 2. Sorry...that is a fact and you are blowing up your own argument by agreeing with that so thanks again.

So now that we covered that again, is 28>9? You are looking pretty pathetic by not answering YES or NO. Oh and by the way, I didn't want to further this simple point and embarASS you any more, but Kap scored 2 TDs when he wasn't a starter vs the Bills and the Jets, so by your logic it is 28 to 7 TDs!:shot:

This is getting better by the minute. Now Newton has QUADRUPLED Kap's production on rushing TDs! And they are compared in the same draft as well so one more time, is 28 a way bigger number (and 4 times the little #7)? Go to a Kindercare and ask a kid if you can't do it yourself.

Damn this is fun watching you avoid the question for the 5th time as if you won't be wrong if you just close your eyes and it will all go away LOL. So a YES or NO answer would be great


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Nov 5, 2012
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So, I have a question about the Niners as a team, more specifically defensively. Bowman won't be back by week two, they just had a DB retire at age 28, and Aldon Smith is likely looking at a suspension so as tough as that game against them is going to be it appears to have gotten at least a little bit more manageable no?


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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It would be a huge statement win if we could get that one.


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Nov 5, 2012
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It would be a huge statement win if we could get that one.

No doubt. Again, the niners losing those players may not mean a damn thing but it certainly can't hurt. Also, this may sound hokey and stupid but I think that being the niners first game in their new stadium could be a touch in our favor.


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Aug 20, 2012
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1) Half of Cams TDs came in year 1 when people for some reason didnt think he could run.

2) Kaep has the option of handing the ball to frank Gore.

3) Nobody has ever talked about a QBs rushing TD production, there is probably a reason why. Leave it to guano to be hung up on something that isnt that important.


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
1) Half of Cams TDs came in year 1 when people for some reason didnt think he could run.

2) Kaep has the option of handing the ball to frank Gore.

3) Nobody has ever talked about a QBs rushing TD production, there is probably a reason why. Leave it to guano to be hung up on something that isnt that important.

Yeah...TDs are not one of the most important aspects of productivity or a player's game :rolling: qb or not. They shouldn't count. The fecal fivesome stalker crew prob took a road trip to the nearest playground to test if 5 year olds can answer if 28 is a tiny little bit bigger than 7. Then on to handball courts for advanced math to ask if it is 4 times as many:cubspalm::obama::facepalm2::beartroll::dilfer::success:


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Sooo now for the 5th time is 28 >9? You just cannot admit you are wrong on a simple productivity example as well as not being able to do kindercare math. You are seriously really pathetic to no be able to just give a simple answer....YES OR NO!

I haven't answered your ridiculous question because you are leaving out an important piece, but to shut you up...Yes it is, now that we have that out the way answer my question, is 48>23? Would starting in 25 more games than another player allow that player to produce exponentially more than the other? Let's hear your excuses start to roll in.

Nobody said that Hasselback was a top 10 qb. Now you are trying to make shit up just because I pointed out an example of a fellow drafted qb that beat out a better qb in Hasselback than Kap who couldn't beat out the great Alex Smith who has been BENCHED a couple of times:obama: Damn you are an idiot to not get that concept. I love watching you come up with different excuses to try to save dace from being such an idiot and not being able to back up your faulty claim. It was Kap who didn't beat out the starter until the middle of year 2. Sorry...that is a fact and you are blowing up your own argument by agreeing with that so thanks again.

And I didn't say you did either, learn to read...I said you made it out as if he beat out a top 10 QB...Locker didn't beat out a better QB, Locker beat out a Hasselbeck who was at the tail end of his career and is happy playing as a backup. Alex Smith is still a starter for a good team, even after Kap beat him out for the starting job. So unlike Hasselbeck who Locker beat out, Smith is still regarded as a starter caliber QB.

So now that we covered that again, is 28>9? You are looking pretty pathetic by not answering YES or NO. Oh and by the way, I didn't want to further this simple point and embarASS you any more, but Kap scored 2 TDs when he wasn't a starter vs the Bills and the Jets, so by your logic it is 28 to 7 TDs!:shot:

This is getting better by the minute. Now Newton has QUADRUPLED Kap's production on rushing TDs! And they are compared in the same draft as well so one more time, is 28 a way bigger number (and 4 times the little #7)? Go to a Kindercare and ask a kid if you can't do it yourself.

Damn this is fun watching you avoid the question for the 5th time as if you won't be wrong if you just close your eyes and it will all go away LOL. So a YES or NO answer would be great

See above...and answer my question of is 48>23? a simple yes or no will do thank you. Everyone on this forum will get a kick out of your excuse...because despite what you are trying to convince yourself, I haven't made any excuse...I have just used an actual brain to show that your Special person logic of just comparing careers vs actually looking at the games starter is exactly that....Special person.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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1) Half of Cams TDs came in year 1 when people for some reason didnt think he could run.

2) Kaep has the option of handing the ball to frank Gore.

3) Nobody has ever talked about a QBs rushing TD production, there is probably a reason why. Leave it to guano to be hung up on something that isnt that important.

Especially when he originally jumped on the "Kap is a bad passer" bandwagon. Only when he was shown to be wrong did he start obsessing about rushing TDs as if that's the most important measurable for a QB.


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Especially when he originally jumped on the "Kap is a bad passer" bandwagon. Only when he was shown to be wrong did he start obsessing about rushing TDs as if that's the most important measurable for a QB.

Peyton Manning...one of the worst QBs of all-time...as evidenced by his rushing TDs


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Outside of Douglas...I see a pattern here...

*Cue Jimmy the Greek


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You are making some progress from full Special person excuse maker to just an idiot. You finally admit that Locker beat out Hasselback! Good job there, granted by your follow excuses that Hasselbeck was pretty much done, which he was not. Lol Excuses excuses but not bad.

What about Ponder beating out McNabb in his rookie year?

And it's Hasselbeck...not Hasselback
